Animal Crossing Island Exchange

Post Dodo codes, visit people, bring fruit n shit. Get fruit n shit.


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Anyone have any good hot items today? I have Wooden Block Stereos, gonna post a code in a bit after I let my buddies in and have them sell shit.

>try to make the Im Eggscellent hat
>cant fit eggscellent onto the front of the hat
wat do

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Hot items don't seem worth burning crafting materials on when you can just wander outside and catch a fish for 10k

I had Log Stakes. Pretty worthless but easy enough to get the free miles occasionally from selling a hot item

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Can someone explain the code thing to me along witht the QR codes? So if I visit someones island I can just scavenge resources or is there an actual trade system?

sorry im autistic

Is the DIY workbench a good hot item?

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>wasting iron

opening my gates, come hang out and leave a note maybe

A little off topic but when do QR codes for designs scanned with your IRL phone show up in your game phone?

In my island adventures over the first couple days I met 3 villagers I liked and invited them to my island and they accepted. I finished up the houses today and Nook said "He'll let me know soon" who the houses are going to.
Is it just gonna roll random for me or some shit?

>Im Egg

You're closed

As soon as I finished the houses and they had SOLD on the signs, you could go up and read the sign, it would say who was moving in there.

You can go click on the signs on the front of the houses to see which one is going to move into which house. Only one moves in per day though, over the next three days, and he'll let you know when that happens.

If you recruited all 3 then yes they will be the ones moving in.

>friend told me he'd be right back and then we could trade fruit
>blow 4k nook miles to gather extra fruit trees to give him
>he's offline now
>my inventory is full of trees I can't put in storage
not an ideal situation


Fucking based. I got Bianca, Caroline, and Cranston. Thanks gents.
Unrelated but does anyone have a pastebin or anything for all the fish in march? I know there's a couple at the tippy top like the Cherry Salmon that I still need and are going away in March. Any others?

get off yo nook phone nigga

I got Skye, Cookie and Filbert. Recruited the first two but Filbert was random, got pretty lucky there.

We getting a party crew together

is bob a regular villager or will you need his amiibo card to get him later

>looks like someone is on their way here!
>looks like someone is on their way here!
>looks like someone is on their way here!

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>leaf island

all yall niggas waving at me right now.

>online is somehow worse than mario maker and smash

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I'm eggxllent.

We fucked up and I have my Animal Crossing file on my family member's Switch profile and vice versa. Is there any way to transfer data/saves so that I can have mine on mine and theirs on theirs?

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>someones left quietly
>minute long load screen
>looks like someones on their way here


I got booted out

>just want a specific villager
>impossible to kick out villagers aside from RNG
this game fucking sucks. 400 villagers and 95% of them look ugly as shit.

>Please close your window

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Does the Nintendo switch item cloning glitch still work? If so, can someone please help me? I need bells!!

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We really need an unspoken rule that if you join an island at LEAST stay for a few minutes.

Any island open?
I could bring LA ISLA hats for everyone.

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Don't do it, you'll ruin the fun of the game.

Fucking amazon delayed my preorder. And on top of that, I didn’t get that $10 refund everyone is reporting.

>Has prizes and locations
>Doesn't have time of year

Open my island now. K1RTS
Need apples and pears if you have them

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Apparently there's a generic "spider" that you can catch at night from shaking trees.

its during the day too

You have to go into the design app in game and download them.

Not sure if this has them all.
according to what I've seen cherry salmon will be around until June.
Stringfish is a big one.

according to the creaturepedia, its only avaliable from 7pm- 8am

On my way to steal yo shit

My gf just got a switch with animal crossing. When she unlocks online tomorrow, should we do local with two switches or is it more limited than online play? Just hearing online works like shit so unsure if we should just do local

>This page is no longer available?

Anyone have info on migratory locusts?

Are they in season during march for northern hemi islands or not?

if you are in the same place there is no reason not to just use local

Welp, it died for some reason.
Pretty sure everything is in here.

They need to fix this shit ASAP. We couldn't do shit for like 15 minutes because every single time this announcement popped up.

Okay thanks. Didn't know if the restrictions were only for local console play or if they restricted local online play as well

Do I need to be online to enjoy this game

any info on if you can influence villagers to move out? got a real fuckin eyesore in my village with a terrible personality to boot


I'm southern hemisphere and for me they're listed as Feb-May between 8am-7pm.

>Saddled Bichir
If anyone has this can you post its critterpedia?

Does the weather change on the hour? Or if my sky is all cloudy am I out of luck for shooting stars for the whole night?

How fucking hard is a lobby system?

Keep smacking them with the bug net every day and don't ever talk to them. They'll get the hint and offer to leave, I hear.

Fucking kek

I fucking love the transparent paint feature, now I can just draw eyebrows and freckles on my hipster who bought an island with his social media company

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>Just got a Coelcanth

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Photopia's looking more like Porntopia now

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any Southern Hemisphere lads here?