Hey, guys, what would happen if Sonic and Co. were faced with the Corona Virus?

>Hey, guys, what would happen if Sonic and Co. were faced with the Corona Virus?

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I don't think them getting turned into commandable robots to control is the same thing as collapsing from lung damage and catching a million viruses.

Oh my fucking god is this retarded forced drama arc not over yet

>still going with the Robo-zombies plot

Christ, just move on already.

So I take it IDW is shit, then.

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I do wonder how the Sonic Comic staff feels with spending this long on a virus arc just for an actual pandemic to happen.

Really awkward timing.

Only 3 more comics to go!!! Hope you enjoyed the 17 issue long zombie virus arc!!!

Id love it if they were forced to end it already because of it

They wouldn't care because it doesn't infect the animals

what a boring comic

But anons, don't you like TRAGEDY?

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Abruptly having to end long drawn out arcs is the Ian Flynn I guess.

Mean to say "Ian Flynn way".

fucking please this shit has gone on long enough

>tfw Super Neo Metal Sonic felt wasted

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Wouldn't have minded this arc if the zombie designs weren't so ugly and boring. I like the last panel of this page; that's about it.

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>17 issue long zombie virus arc

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I thought it started at issue 12 and will be ending at issue 32? (making it 20 issues...)

need sonic in mortal kombat desu

wow they are still in this arc?

Are the Phantom Thieves gonna show up yet?

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Yup. One issue every month + delays because fucking IDW

>No red gloves
It's shit.

He needs brown boots too.

>running around somehow slows down the process
How the fuck does this make any sense, is it a mind taking-over virus or is it just burning calories?

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Are you talking about when they had to reboot Sonic because of Penders and Archie cancelled Boom and Mega Man?

What kind of eldritch misshapen rated-M designs did you want for these people that literally just turned into robot versions of themselves?

Something about Sonic going fast is able to keep it in check. But now the virus is adapting to it and Sonic won't be able to hold it off much longer.

i'm not gay, but there's something about robot zombie sonic's giant silvery dong..

This comic is fucking garbage.

Virus will end at 29. 30-32 is epilogue which i don't mind because based Omega will be the focus

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I wish this arc didn't have Sonic and co. lose every step of the way. It is embarassing and makes it boring.

I wish the comics would get a new writer but he or she would probably be shit too.


How long has Ian been for? Like, 15 years?

Dang Omega

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*Been writing for

Since 2009 I think.

Too long.

New blood is desperately needed.

But what about Whispers friends? Shouldn't she be a little more happy Tangle is back?

Omega is based and all but mang i miss Gamma bros...

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To do what, exactly?

So Sonic has no choice but to use the Sol Emeralds?

The Speedforce was allowing Sonic to outrun his problems, but now the virus can harness the Anti-Speedforce.

Look at how they dropped the ball with their Transformers comics. At least Requiem of the Wreckers was alright if rushed as fuck.

>willing to eat shit just to see your favorite one-note comic relief character solely created for cashing easy bucks of people who loved Gamma

This is exactly how Sonic keeps striving.

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Not him, but after Archie Sonic's cancellation, I just don't care about the Sonic comics anymore. There's no point to read them, and I prefer reading better original comics.

Onions, Tranny and female writers aren't very creative.

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Nigga you think i'm paying for this shit? It's going to happen, may as well read it

This is your IDW Sonic editor. Say something nice about him


Reminder that constant big arcs that endure for one year and more are nothing new. This has been happening ever since the Iron Dominion arc from Archie Sonic, meaning that there will be another big arc to come after the Metal Virus phase. This will stay in a infinitum loop, thanks to the "brilliance" of Ian.

If you read Archie Sonic, you would be aware of this by now.

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Is that fucking Fire Sonic?

I wonder...

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He looks way more based than penders ever did.

And you're impressive by this, because...?

He might have to use the power in the Sol Emeralds

Fuck you

Already confirmed through solicits that the next arc is another apocalypse caused by Eggman


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>that the next arc is another apocalypse caused by Eggman
I knew it, heh.

But even so, source? That's news to me.

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Too lazy to find the real source but here is a source

