What's the video game equivalent of this guy?

What's the video game equivalent of this guy?

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Is there any series like ASOIAF but less SJW-y?

Yoko Taro

Hunter x Hunter

Peter Molyneux

Elden Ring

Todd Howard

I guess Lorne Lanning, sort of. Although he's the victim of getting screwed rather than procrastination. Still, we've been waiting 23 years for Squeeks Oddysee, 19 years for Hand of Odd, 18 years for Munch's Exoddus, 15 years for Stranger's Wrath 2 and 13 years for Fangus Klott. I'll be honest, I was crushed to hear they were focusing on an Exoddus remake. Why fiddle with an already great game when they (JAW) could be getting around to one of the many projects Lorne's wanted to make since the 90s? Although he's not totally clean. He gives me a George Lucas vibe when he talks about how Exoddus wasn't his original vision.

I thought SJW's thought ASOIAF was mysoginistic

>ASOIAF is SJW media
Have you read the books?


Half Life 3

>feminist hippie


Tbh even in that universe it's arguably easier to be a woman.

noble woman, sure. Not a peasant woman.

I heard Yas Forums was retarded, but this post was me seeing it first hand. Good job.

Not even close. Kojima hasn't written a good game in 18 years.


This fucking guy right here
>Makes his original legacy on Half Life
>Never bothers finishing it or giving it a proper ending
>Still get paid from it, lets new writers and developers take over its spinoffs and side projects.
That being said, Steam is great.

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ASOIAF passed that threshold where it got so popular that SJWs switched to pretending it was progressive.

Even the peasant women typically aren't drafted to the many conflicts. If they happen to die, it's mostly as secondary victims.

R3ddit is that way. Go and stay there.

In the book she’s like 12 or something and she a bit crazy and is always getting manipulated.

Final Fantasy

>R3ddit is that way. Go and stay there.
Can't handle the truth I take it?

>Devil May Cry series
>Early games are classics sans 2
>4th game comes out after a bit of a wait
>introduces new characters that aren't bad but really just want to play as Dante/Vergil
>Huge gap in between games only thing that came out is DmC which no one wanted years later
>DMC 5 comes out after an 11 year wait and is a great continuation to the series

Still waiting on the fat fuck to get to the last one.

The show is very SJWy because it needs mass appeal to low IQ masses, but even then in the last season almost every annoying mary sue power fanasy gets killed off (which caused a lot of cunthurt).

The books are way better. I'd not say they're perfect, but they flip around a lot of sjw tropes.

What was Dr. Breen's tax policy?

Chris Roberts

Like said, the current arc of Hunter x Hunter. Togashi is also the manga equivalent of GRR when it comes to hiatuses.

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Books aren't SJW-y at all.
Characters like Cersei are irredeemable in the books, but the show added OC shit to whitewash them.
Two examples come to my mind:
-Cersei and King Robert having a heart to heart and talking about miscarriage she had, how despite she had been forced into that marriage she genuinely tried to love him and be a good wife.
In the books that never happened, she never had sex with him (she would get him so drunk he would pass out and not remember what happened) and she wanted to become queen.
-Catelyn Stark hating Jon Snow, shunning him and forcing him to be a pariah when otherwise Ned would have treated him like any other son.
In the show they made up a fever that almost killed Jon and she felt guilty and cared for him until he recovered.
Never happened in the books, she was a jealous cunt.

Very few female characters aren't a joke, stupid and/or evil.

wowwwww..... this little kid and his little kid friends have shounen battles... wow.... silly clown looking guy.... dude his hair gets big.... its not for kids because its boring and pretends to have adult themes........ wow......

>series heavily influenced by old boomer media
>popular, but slightly controversial
>creator suddenly decided to stop and focus on shitty adaptations
Ratchet and Clank is the Song of Ice and Fire of video games.

Half Life 3

>He only watched the first two seasons (at best) and thinks he knows what he's talking about

Literally Fat American Nomura with a Hat

>Always working on side projects
>Gets his magnum opus hijacked by hacks who butcher his vision
>Mostly his fault because he wasn't getting the main shit done and was always doing side projects

I thought "NOOOOOOOO, you have to sit through at least 10 episodes before you can judge a show!" was just Yas Forums being retarded but apparently weebs think like that too.

Phil Fish.
Smug, self entitled bastard who just stopped working in the industry because fans had expectations and shit.

>promises good content that delivers at first but overtime becomes incredibly lazy and greedy and never produces anything worthwhile ever again as a rolls in his giant piles of cash.

He's Valve


How does HxH fit the description anyway? Just curious, never read/watched it.

No, 100

I never followed HxH but I know it has the nickname Hiatus x Hiatus for a reason.

Malazan but you niggers will think thats SJW too most likely. You think everything is SJW. Fucking Dune is SJW to Yas Forums.

It's an ever evolving world with tons of characters, factions, and morally grey flawed characters. The difference is it pretends to be a light series in the beginning.

Kind of makes me glad that Arianne didn't make it into the show. In the books she's kind of a mockery of entitlement and false victimhood, and gets Myrcella permanently disfigured due to her stupidity. If she was in the show, she'd almost certainly be another boring mary sue.

What's Dune even about and why would it be/not be SJW?

The books are amazing. The show was amazing until season 4. A shame he'll never finish the books.

TWoW is coming this year

K George

Get a load of this guy.

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>Togashi is also the manga equivalent of GRR when it comes to hiatuses.

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At this point I can't take anyone who calls something on this site "SJW" seriously. It's become a meaningless buzzword that usually doesn't come with any real evidence to back it up.

>source: my ass


there is not s single shred of evidence that he's even written a page of material that wasn't the epilogue of adwd

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>sandworm with a giant human head
>not SJW

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But Molly finished the Fable series, it may have sucked but at least he finished it. Fatass will never finish ASoIaF

That is not really true, he read several chapters of winds at conventions.
I only remember one with Arianne, but there were more.

Problem is we've got too many smoothbrained Yas Forumsfags running around who think that merely acknowledging the existence of gays or niggers is "SJW propaganda". If TF2 came out today there would be nonstop autistic screeching over the fact that the Demoman is black.

Yu Suzuki

came here to say this


The current arc is literally the Meereenese knot.

If you were enough of an ASOIAF nerd you'd know he already admitted he wrote those chapters around ~2005 they are leftover chapters that were cut from ADWD because he wanted to rush it to print for Season 1 of GoT even though that meant the book had no ending or climax. The "Dance with Dragons" it was named after never happened because he cut it out. There's almost no proof he's written anything since 2011.

Please reread your post and ask your self what it really means

>even though that meant the book had no ending or climax
the book also had little point
There was good stuff in it, primarily the Theon and Davos chapters. Everything in Essos was hot garbage.

All modern game developers. They take existing IPs and destroy them to the horror of old fans.

Those were the aforementioned cut chapters, user

>AFFC and ADWD were supposed to be one book but it got split because it was getting too long
>ADWD isn't even complete
>It's still the longest book in the series
Man that fat fuck is bad at planning.

The MC is literally superior to a genetically improved lineage of female psychycs just because he is a man