So uhhh...which one was better?

So uhhh...which one was better?

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Play Doom 3 for literally the same experience as 2016 and Doom 2 for an improved version of Eternal.

Doom 3 is shit and D1/D2 are much better than 3, 2016 and Eternal.

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Eternal because im a sucker for heavy metal and the OST was better

>Doom 2016 was more fu-
>*blocks your path*

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goldeneye 64

shit taste
you're probably some boomer who listens to pantera

Doom 2 is shit and D1 is much better than 2, 3, 2016, and Eternal.


i played about 30 minutes of 2016 doom and it didnt really grab me so i stopped


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It's still better than the Eternal level that introduces swimming.

this alone blows anything out of the original OST out the water

I prefer 2016's aesthetic and atmosphere. Eternal's hub world ruins the feeling of urgency and dire circumstances a DOOM game should have. I want to move from one danger zone to the ext in increasingly dire circumstances, not jump into the paintings at my leisure.

It doesn't but ok

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For me, it's alice in chains

Also Doom is a boomer series for boomers made by boomers

name me a track better. It's literally an upgraded RIP and Tear/BFG Division

Rip and Tear/BFG Division are both better

what's wrong with pantera?

Both of the songs you named are far better

I would say Eternal on account of level design alone, but it's kind of annoying in some ways. I feel like the flamethrower, dash, and lower ammo supply just clutter up the gameplay, and I'm also not sure that the newfound emphasis on enemy weaknesses was the right way to go. Any game is going to have its optimal strategies, but in some cases Eternal makes anything other than the optimal strategy kind of worthless. Trying to fight the Cacodemons in any way other than the grenade stagger is a huge waste of time and ammo because of how much more spongy they are.

I did the same but returned a few months later to give it another try. I realized that the first 30 minutes of the game were literally the worst in the entire game because you get the shittiest pistol in gaming history and everything is incredibly slow in the beginning. It just improves exponentially from there and became one of the best FPS experiences in recent history.

agree to disagree.


2016. I like Eternal so far but the hub world and cutscenes really kill the pacing.

2016 really had perfect pacing didn't it

2016. Gauss Cannon > Ballista, Impact Grenade > Sticky Grenade

Really the only better thing in Eternal is the dash. And it’s just not enough.

Different user. Between all of the useless fluff that the platforming is just to make the map feel larger and how you need to go back to the ship after every mission is fucking obnoxious, feel like I'm spending less time actually playing the game and more time having to navigate through all of the bullshit they thought was a good and fun idea.

I'd say Doom Eternal because the level design and the variety of environments and enemies is vastly better. But I really don't like all the cooldown shit, it makes the gameplay feel too much like an RPG. Attacks are way harder to avoid now, but you're constantly healing and having all this colorful health and armor flying into you. It's less about shooting and more about multi-tasking all your abilities.

I didn't think so but playing Eternal gave me better perspective so I think it does now

2016 is the best Doom game, period

I really miss that hud.

2016 by miles.

Say sike right now.

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Eternals ssg is better

I would have rather just had faster movement speed than the dash. When I noticed how enemies like the Hell Knights move faster now (presumably because of the dash) I started to resent the game a little for even bothering with it since it's just one more command/key you have to worry about. I actually find the dash more fun in the platforming/exploration bits than the combat.

Pretty damn close to perfect. I replayed it a couple months ago and the only part that felt like a drag was some of the last parts of Hell and that long cutscene with Samuel

They even acknowledge in the tutorial once you jump in that
>you can't attack
>it's only for puzzles
>all water is radioactive so you're constantly taking damage
>you can only interact by dashing
It's genuinely just filler chunks added to levels. It's horrible and unskippable.


> I feel like the flamethrower, dash, and lower ammo supply just clutter up the gameplay, and I'm also not sure that the newfound emphasis on enemy weaknesses was the right way to go
This is my biggest issue. It feels like you just figure out the gameplay loop and you do the exact same things in every battle. I don't like how every "boss" type encounter has a bunch of imps and zombies around that only exist as health and ammo pinatas. People didn't like that you glory kill for health, and they triple-downed on it and now you have to set things on fire and do more for health and armor. I'm still loving the game but I really don't like these aspects.

It made me ragequit twice

2016, easily.
Sometimes less is more, and that's very true for all the gimmicky shit in Eternal.
Also the 2016 story is simple and concise. Its a convoluted mess in Eternal.

the gameplay is as cluttered as the HUD and general areas with all the stupid gamey power-ups

that's a good word to sum up Eternal. Cluttered

I was really excited about the dash mechanic but after playing it I wish they would have just gave you the faster movement and left out the dash.

Eternal easily, Doom 2016 was braindead simple and as soon as you add more to it people's grug brains apparently can't keep up.

2016 as the better Doom game. Eternal is like a shooter Devil May Cry, so still good, but in a different way.

hard disagree. Doom 2016 controlled pacing by forcing you to listen to NPCs talk for 30 seconds at a time or walk down straight corridors to the next arena. at least Eternal's cutscenes are skippable and the pacing is controlled through the platforming/exploration sections so you're still at least doing something

that being said, overall Doom 2016 felt more cohesive despite the fact that Argent Tower is a slog and the game starts to drag its ass after Titan's Realm. i had no urge to replay Doom 2016 after completing it, whereas i've already started my nightmare run on Doom Eternal.

>literally the only level in D2016 that is shitty platforming
>eternal is half of the game

oh no no nonononooon

Doom Eternal is dmc4 Dante
Doom 2016 is dmc3 Dante.

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Why does life just keep getting worse?

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>16 was too slow
>Eternal had a bunch of MOBA shit
Why do they do this?

The rune that gives you a speed boost after a glory kill is the worst tease, because for few moments the game feels as fast as it should.

>whereas i've already started my nightmare run on Doom Eternal.

>tfw first playthrough was nightmare, and have nothing to play after

literally already raging at this purple shit with ledges all around it so you cant dodge out. Fucking hell man.

Haven't finished the game yet, but there are a lot of mini-cutscenes in Eternal where you're forced to insert an item or some shit. I don't remember if 2016 had it this much but Eternal just feels like a fucking slog at this point with how much you're forced to stop playing the game.

Eternal is literally a straight upgrade. This isn't debatable.

Only in the sense that a bag of cat shit is better than a 40lb barrel of cat shit

Fuck the SSG, it sucked in 2016 and it sucks just as bad in Eternal. What a fucking waste of a gun.

>having to jump and dash for 5 seconds between fights
>an entire fucking map

That's exactly how I feel. The dash seemed like a great idea because I felt like 2016 needed a proper dodging ability instead of just moving left and right. But after playing it I realized I'd rather just have faster movement. Melee-centric enemies like the hell knight and baron of hell are constantly in your face and they just keep jumping around, and you get the dash ability as compensation. But it just makes the gameplay feel really spastic. I like it for the platforming.

>because for few moments the game feels as fast as it should.

thank god someone else feels this. I feel like I'm getting slowed down when the buff isn't active. Enemies are barely able to keep up with me when I'm running around, it really feels like the game was balanced around that speed.

A map vs an entire game

came here to post this

clutter is not an upgrade

This. Doom Eternal feels like what the game should have been. Anyone that disagrees can't play it correctly and has a stick up their ass.

would there be any way to mod the game to make that the permanent run speed?

>first person section where you fire a turret
>game doesn't let you control it
>doesn't even let you press fire

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Ssg was the bread and butter for doom16 and is as good in eternal if you aren't retarded, given your incredibly strong opinion on the matter without any context on why they are bad I'm assuming you haven't played either and are just shitposting cause you found out doom was a game when you first started browsing Yas Forums

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What clutter?

I look forward to this "opinion" being parroted for the next few weeks

Clutter aka "I don't know how to manage all these things because my brain is too tiny"

I believe thats actually a cheat called overdrifve (and yeah I think you could litterally just mod that in the available console if you can figure out the command)

>shitting on Pantera

You don’t like metal if you don’t like pantera.

>free fire for armor when belch is on CD

nigga you wat


both are garbage fodder
fuck off n die, faggot