That disgusting rash

>that disgusting rash
>REfags and basedlets with fap to this

Attached: jill.jpg (3292x4004, 1.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Will Yas Forums ever recover from tortanic posting literally every game has been met with "THIS GAME LOOKS LIKE SHIT ITS GOING TO BOMB"

Attached: 1584762687101.png (2988x1766, 3.89M)

yeah that's cool and all, but post more porn

Attached: ResidentEvil.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

>even without lighting she looks gorgeous

The models are the only bad part about the REmakes
Facescan is cancer


What even was the point of facescanning her? I have no artistic talent, yet I can make a fucking Skyrim character look like Julia Voth by hand with a couple mods.

This shit honestly gets tiring. It's like this with EVERY major game then weeks of people reaching really hard to try to find some vague proof that a game flopped.
>Constant metacritic blunderfagging
>Twitch viewer screenshots
It never ends.

For acting, retard brainlet.

well I think she looks cute

fuck, i wanna lick and sniff that sweaty salty armpit

I weant GuilloryJill to insult me and bully me and make fun of me and just be cruel to me until I break down crying so bad

Nigger you don't need to facescan the person doing motion capture. Also, motion capture is gay and soulless anyway.

where's the porn

you guys need to calm down. there's already a classic face mod out. and if your not happy with that someone else will make a better one eventually .

Attached: 5-1584813868-1749182874.jpg (1920x1080, 191.1K)

looks decent but the hair seems a bit misaligned or something

give me more freckles and maybe make the color of her eyes pop a little bit more

that looks like absolute shit to be honest

Am I the only one who likes how she looks
Just make a mod that makes her skin clearer and she's great

we got too cocky, vothbros...


Attached: 1585346789087.jpg (659x538, 274.55K)

nice try, paul anderson

>huge perky tits
>can see side boob from most angles
>no visible jiggle
>meanwhile remake1 jill would flop around from just walking a few steps
i cant believe you've done this

Attached: C70D752C-3691-47D9-8996-856EE0E46F81_1_105_c.jpg (479x562, 47.07K)

>this passes as decent for the average vothfag
It's almost like you guys want to be made fun of

>no visible jiggle
But there is jiggle, user

post proof please

>"mods will fix nu-Jill, guys"
>they end up creating a even worse looking creatura
cannot make this shit up

Attached: ahyesmybeautifulvoth.jpg (681x435, 53.94K)
gif ended up being too big

Pretty sure she will be less interesting than claire

i cant see that because i dont have a twitter



Attached: aaf.jpg (1667x1269, 230.99K)

dear lord ahahahaha

Attached: 1559174569869.webm (500x280, 412.36K)

There's a surprising amount of it, not much but it's there. I thought ripping a model from the demo would take longer. I think Nemesis and Carlos are out there too

ok i made a twitter just to look at that gif and its ok but not as good as remake1 jillgle, i guess we're always looking at her back in this game anyways

Literally looks like a female version of me

Attached: 1584485173620.png (819x827, 16.62K)

you belong to nemesis

Attached: re3s.png (1430x1458, 3.9M)

Nemmy needs to moisturize his hands

>REfags and basedlets with fap to this

Attached: rec.webm (800x456, 1.13M)

was this in the demo?

No, it's from the leaked copy.

Attached: donald has myopia.jpg (320x240, 8.99K)

Did she just get tentacle fucked and just walked it off?

Instragram filters have ruined your perception of reality, user. People don't look like porcelain dolls unless they slather up in makeup.


It's a video game with superhuman mutants, dude.

yes, in the mouth

Again, to that user i debated about General consensus. I won the argument :)

That's the best kind of tentacle fucked yo.

Released in a period of graphical fidelity where visual realism is considered important enough for face scans to be common. I guess you would like everyone to be so perfect that dirt can't adhere to their skin and no scarring or bruising happens. Basically every single thing game developers have done throughout history to engage the players with thoughts of "holy shit it looks so real" is a bad thing. Fuck off you retarded faggot.

why have Mr. X and Nemesis become sex symbols? Please stop lewding them they're just trying to do their jobs. Both are happily married and would never sleep with a woman they just met

i want my neck crushed by that hand

I like when they are hot and have some small imperfections like that, I bet that makes them a bit insecure.


No. The vast majority wasn't even here by TORtanic's time. At this point Yas Forums is a colony of chimps replicating a behaviour without any idea why, just because they saw the predecessors doing it.

Why didn't she die? Did it put an egg in her?

It was rape

I will now buy your game

i wonder if it could do the same to her vagina instead ahah

>that angle at 0:17
Holy shit, 10/10 capcom

Attached: 1568782492633.jpg (1006x1077, 100.05K)

So Yas Forums is the real life manifestation of the 5 monkeys experiment?

reminds me of the scene in re7 where mia gets impregnated with the black mold and freaks out for one second literally and then walks it off like nothing happened

10/10 GOTY, capcom has done it again