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I played this on console fine but I just can't get a comfortable mouse setting on PC and going back to controller is annoying so i gave up

>STILL $40 and NEVER goes on sale
What the FUCK?!

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Lighting in this game was a thing of beauty

So what about this?
Assymetrical horror + Alien (or Aliens but no Colonial Marines tier equipment available.)

the collection with all the dlc has been under $9 on steam and I got it for $11 on psn like 6+months ago, idk what you're on about, practically throwing free copies away - the bundle is sometimes even cheaper than the base game + season pass

how'd they make it so good bros

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>the collection with all the dlc has been under $9 on steam
When? I have it on my wishlist and would get an email if it did go on sale. I haven't seen it on sale for like 3+ years now.

then your wishlist is bugged or you are in a region other than usa - both psn and steam have had this game and the dlc for cheap during any major sale and the creative assembly steam sales

The problem with asym horror is no one wants to be the weaklings but if the weaklings are coordinated, they stomp the big bad

God tier asset design.
It could be 1/3 shorter.

I couldn't get past the medbay because it was too spooky.

>It could be 1/3 shorter.
why do people always say this? I love my games to be long.

devs seemed genuinely interested in making a game that stayed true to the original while having access to nearly everything in the Fox library in regards to the series from production notes, set schematics, photos and scrapped content. they were somehow given the keys to the kingdom of the alien universe and sadly we may never get another one.

Marinette's lewd face.

That's the only problem I see but after playing a bit of those I think the monster should always have the advantage somehow, not for the sake of clearing the room in a single ambush but at least to pose a threat if the survivors try to gank it.

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Alien Isolation was just too long for its own sake and kept padding the ending like crazy.

good long games are good. short good games that are dragged out are not good. simple as that.

Evolve tried and failed, Friday the 13th tried and failed, I wonder what next will try and fail.

urm, you're not allowed to post my wife

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>announced a sequel
>mobile shit
this industry is a joke and im not laughing

Yeah that's my only problem with this game, they fucked the pacing near the end. The rest is top notch, the dlc in the nostromo is also top notch.

Wait, alien isolation got a DLC?

The anime would have been better.

There were a few DLCs putting you in the place of other story characters and a challenge mode

Fucking hell, wrong link.

great game and wonderfully optimized

it's well worth the $40.

too generic
her 3D model is cuter

I don't remember there being reflections in the game that looked this good

The anime design is cuter.

This looks actually nice.

its been on sale numerous amounts of times. I picked it up for $12 I believe two years ago.

it got two types, challenge maps with loose story elements about some of the survivors on the stations during the outbreak - some of them you've met int he main game and others you only hear about from audio logs - another set of dlc was a 2 part nostromo set of levels that worked as a "what if" situation based around a removed idea from the first film that was only partially shot and not a full deleted scene where the remaining crew gets the alien into an airlock by driving it out of the vents but a hull depressurization happens and the alien gets back into the ship. ash was likely to be the cause of this and that's what the dlc hints at. the nosebleed ripley has in the film just before ash turns on her was supposed to be from her being in a section of the ship that would partially depressurize but the whole sequence was cut from the film and that was left in. gives a good reasoning for her having it too as it just shows up out of nowhere. desu the a:i dlc is largely forgettable because it's an almost non-stop set of challenges from the base game condensed down into smaller maps. if that is your sorta thing it's worth getting but if you like the slower pace of the base game you probably won't get much out of them. as i said above to another user, the complete collection which has the deluxe nostromo dlc and season pass for the challenge maps has been dirt cheap during sales.

Evolve lacked content, not sure about Ft13th aside from the way community kept complaining, there was this game called Last Year I played which apparently had emergency patches which nerfed the monsters to the ground according to the players, when it came to design I saw too much bias on the survivors and specially on the level design, once you captured a survivor it would be held prisoner way too close to the others, traps were too visible and everything the survivors had was high CC.

played it on low dose LSD after watching the film
once in a lifetime adventure

i literally shit my pants everytime i'm chased in a video game. wtf is wrong with me

Too bad there seems to be no accurate 3D model for lewd purposes.

>Creative Assembly went back to milking Total War for the rest of time
Real shame

Creative assembly are Jews but it's also worth the money

I don't know, try playing Hell Night for the PS1.

Genuinely the scariest game I've ever played.

I've played through all the resident evils, dead spaces, and outlast but nothing compares to alien isolation. I almost felt relief when I beat it because I knew I didn't have to deal with that stress anymore.

Do any other games even compare? I'm open to suggestions

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Outlast 1

Even if it's not at all a horror game I freak out.

proper vr support when

this and soma are fucking PERFECT for vr

i cant play these games because of the adrenaline i get from it and cant focus

amensia was pretty fucking scary

penumbra and amnesia are a similar caliber of fear
though overture is only as scary if you pretend the combat doesn't exist

lol that's the point dummy
embrace it and push through and it's so rewarding. i did it on acid. better than VR in the right mindset

Isolation was a great game. Honestly it's the only real good Alien game we have. I only had a few things I'd change about it. First, too many Working Joes. Dealing with them quickly became a nuisance. Second, once you got the flamethrower the fear factor went away. You could be as loud as you want. All you had to do was spray the Alien for half a second with fire and it ran. And lastly, just due to it's nature the game has little to no replay value.

All things aside I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes the Alien franchise and anyone looking for a horror game. It has some really high tense moments.

What do you virgins think of Monolith's Aliens Vs Predator 2 ?

After a while the chasing part in Hell Night will be the lesser of your worries.

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Classic AvP2? it was good, a bit lacking on the AI for the aliens, I wish it just didn't have the Predator element on it, never managed to understand how to make a mod.

Think you missed the part where the alien adapts and the flamethrower does jack shit.

even with the increased distance mod for unpredictability, i ran out of fuel pretty much immediately and it barely gave a fuck

Great game

>You could be as loud as you want. All you had to do was spray the Alien for half a second with fire and it ran
Not on the higher difficulties. The Alien stops being scared after awhile and just ignores the flames.

Loved it. It and A:I are the gold standard for Aliens/Alien video games.

im a huge pussy when it comes to horror
funny even regular npcs looked like monsters to me on acid
will check it out someday, with a friend

Do it! your friend will only share the fear.

monstrum is about 10 dollars on steam and is basically the same thing as isolation but each time you start a game there are three different monsters and a random gen map. You're on a ship and your objective is to escape. There isn't much of a story other than a couple audio logs and notes.
You'd think of it as some sort of a slender clone at first but it actually takes quite a bit of time to complete. There are three different options of escape and each requires certain materials you need to find before you can leave. You have to find parts, tools, and a few different types of objects you can use for certain situations you may find yourself in, like a glowstick or a fire extinguisher. You can hide under beds/tables and inside lockers.
I don't really want to say anything else because it's best to experience first hand. It mirrors the intensity of alien isolation because of the hiding mechanic, so if that's your thing i'd recommend it.

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>mfw when trying to run from a deathclaw in new vegas and it comes stomping and roaring right behind me
i know that feel

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oh yeah it's definitely not for everyone. i'm just a freak who likes confronting that stuff. i think i actually gave myself a degree of pseudo PTSD for a week or so

This is even more horrifying than the usual alien.