Combined with Digital Foundry saying the SSD is Blast Processing/Power Of The Cloud style talk. Has Sony been caught short this time?
Ex-Sony Developer: Difference between Series X and PS5 is "Staggering"
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Who cares.
The next gen console war is already over before it started, better pack up and go home Xbox because Playstation 5 has 4k audio for our earbones
Sony always wins baybay.
>Xbox will have the most powerful console with no games because its all on PC
>Sony will continue to make shitty movie games on shittier hardware
>Nintendo will keep milking its retarded fanbase with mediocre games
Fuck video games.
Better parts doesn't make it more powerful. The PS5 will be more powerful and have better games. That's the one I want to get my paws on
holy cope
The PS5 will be weaker and the thousands of BC games on SeX puts PS5 at a significant disadvantage launch day.
You must be 18 to post on this website.
PS5 will have good exclusives that make use of the faster SSD.
All multiplats will run better on Series X at first, then PC after a year or two.
PS2 (best selling console of all time) was the weakest of its gen
>that make use of the faster SSD.
Like how?
>PS5 will have good exclusives
What are you basing this on? I hope it isn't the PS4, since it literally only had one good exclusive (Bloodborne obviously).
The only way I can think of is in having the player travel through much more varied environments in a short space of time because of how quickly the assets can load. That's really the main thing, not the resolution/settings/framerate.
Nope, the Dreamcast was
>>Sony will continue to make shitty movie games on shittier hardware
You missed the memo bro. the new CEOs decided to port Sony's first party games to PC as well. along with the weaker specs, the PS5 is royally fucked.
Snoys absolutely SEETHING
But open world games are already doing it on PC when installed on SSD and Need For Speed Heat even allows you to instantly switch from Day to night at a push of a button if installed on a SSD. What makes PS5's SSD so revolutionary?
>PS2 (best selling console of all time) was the weakest of its gen
only by a little compared to the Gamecube. also the best PS2 games looked better than the best Gamecube games.
>God of War
>SotC Remastered
Xbox has no exclusives if you also have a PC
Does this mean that third party developers will now have the SeX as their default platform, or will it be like it is now where the One X is considerably more powerful than PS4 Pro, and yet the games run like shit in the MS console for some reason.
>Xbox has no exclusives if you also have a PC
>DVDstation 2
basically this.
PS5 exclusives will do some crazy things that use the SSD in many cases rather than using RAM and VRAM. I'm not sure what it will look like, but it will help some first party stuff be very high quality.
Dreamcast had a stronger GPU with built in anti-aliasing and massive RAM Buffer compared to PS2. Entire games could even be stored and loaded near instantly and 480p was the most common resolution on Dreamcast versus 240p/480i on the PS2
PS2 released years before GC and Xbox
>>God of War
>>SotC Remastered
He said GOOD games though
>PS5 exclusives will do some crazy things that use the SSD in many cases rather than using RAM and VRAM. I'm not sure what it will look like, but it will help some first party stuff be very high quality.
This is "Power Of The Cloud" all over again
>SotC Remastered
>has to list a literal PS2 game to pad his tiny list
wtf what games ran that low on ps2
>it's trash but you can still do something beautiful out of this heap of trash if you tried hard enough
lmaoing@this faggot defending $ony so fucking hard.
I mean, PCs dont have the whole i/o setup for the bandwidth of a top end SSD, and even if some people did, developers cant design with that as a minimum spec.
This is also true for xbox series x, but if they also have to run the same games on windows 10s with lower spec PCs, it isn't a game changer. I don't know if there will be series x games with really high PC specs for the hard drive and i/o. I hope so!
The variable clock rate will be a massive headache to devs. I predict another 7th gen where Xbox is default dev platform for most games due to its simple and straightforward design. It will be extremely awkward to port games intended around variable clock rate and jacked up SSD speeds to other platforms. Sony is playing with fire here. 2020 is going to be rough for the Sony camp.
it totally might be.
Nearly all of them and some ran lower. Shadow Of The Colossus ran at 224p in progressive mode for example. Highest they got was 1080i in a Gran Turismo 4 tech demo.
the power difference between the ps2 and the xbox was staggering too
only dumb people chase numbers. BOTW is an incredible game that runs on an old tablet found under a couch somewhere
whatever. Sony made some interesting design decisions, curious if it pays off at all.
multi-plats will be better on xbox and pc, happy?
It's not a big difference between really fast SSD and super fast SSD. Both are overkill in 99% of all scenarios. SSD will be the new Cell/Cloud. Something fanboys cling to until the benchmarks are out and hopes are crushed.
Consolfags (xbox) will now experience for the first time how it feels to be cucked by weaker consols (playstation)
may they enjoy the downgrades these niggers deserve it after they dragged down pcgaming
Which platform are the Japanese going to support? That's the only thing that matters
Sony doesn't care about power. Never has, never will.
PS1, 2, 3, 4 were all ridiculously underpowered.
Is this your new forced meme Barry?
I mean, I was kind of excited with what Stadia could do if all the clients were in the same server farm and could do some really cool things with online multiplayer games, but obviously that is never happening and I'm a fool for thinking it ever would.
Phil has promised better Japanese support. However Japan will never stop developing games for Playstation. Fanbases overlap way too much. Best case scenario for SeX is more Jap multiplats.
ps2 came earlier dumbass.
Tick tock snoytranny
>9.2 TF confirmed
Jesus Christ, its much worse than I though.
Why did Sony go with such a weak console anyway? Its barely better than the fucking current Xbox One "pro" console.
This is something Nintendo would do, but not Sony.
You retard. Both PS1 and 2 were top of the line when they launched.
>Which platform are the Japanese going to support?
Switch 2. Switch is the new weeb machine. Snoy consoles are only for western "cinematic experiences" now.
>That's the one I want to get my paws on
you people are so retarded for falling for such obvious bait.
came earlier than n64 and CD were better for devs and games
same, and it was a DVD player
got fucked by the xbox 360 until microsoft fucked themselves with kinect
Was more powerful than xbox one, also microsoft disastrous marketing campaign
Does the SeX have the same backwards compatibility support the One has? I've been interested in picking up a One to play some Xbox and 360 games I missed since I never had those platforms, but I figure I'll just wait for the SeX if it plays the same games
Dumb nincel. Japanese devs will never abandon Playstation. Meanwhile bingtendie tablet doesn't have a single game release after Animal Crossdressing.
anyone with more than 3 braincells could see this a mile away. there's no covering up that massive spec difference.
Why does anyone care anymore? All the first party games from both consoles are coming to PC anyways.
At least we have GAMES unlike xboxbros
Ps2 was the weakest of its generation and the Ps3 pushed less gflops than than 360
You're a fucking retard. PS1 was a pile of shit and PS2 was WAY behind Gamecube in terms of running multiplats.
no shit, retard
>good exclusives
maybe if you've got horrid taste in video games
Come give me a kiss goy
Because people prefer consoles over PC dumbass.
>Japanese devs will never abandon Playstation
Considering they moved their HQ to Commifornia and have been censoring the fuck out of Japanese games ever since, oh yeah, they fucking will.
>same, and it was a DVD player
NGC and XBox ran way better.
That's an embarassing amount of cope
9.2TF RDNA2 isn't actually that weak. Coupled with that Ryzen CPU, GDDR6 and SSD, it's a substantial generational leap. However MS went actually way overkill and caught EVERYONE by surprise. Nobody dared speculate a console like SeX in 2019. Even now it's equivalent to a $2000 PC.
I think there's a bit of a difference there, though. The PS2 hit the market almost two years ahead of Xbox and had the massive audience leftover from PS1 with backwards compatibility + being a cheap DVD player. The very next gen showed it's not guaranteed to be a runaway for Sony if things don't shake out right because third parties are going to put their stuff on every single box they think it will sell on.
I think Sony needs to be first to market by a decent stretch and they need to be less expensive.
Then you realized how stupid your point was
ps4 is not more powerful than xbone.
Why? I'm genuinely confused.
>babbies first unreal engine game
Im out of the loop. Does XBox support Ultrawide or 1440p?
Honestly if SeX is just a PC and has access to the full library of PC games I might actually get it.
Are nincels illiterate?
>Jesus Christ, its much worse than I though.
While I'm not trying to defend sony, that graph is mildly retarded. you can check Cerny's analysis that the power to their APU is constant, which means when the GPU runs faster the CPU runs slower, etc. the xbox couldn't really run at those speeds because of how the APU is designed. If they can sell it for cheap it's not a bad design because the downtime for any CU at any given time is minimal.
it makes very little sense why sony gave that presentation without games or a price. now for the next few months all that everyone will be talking about is that the Xbox is clearly stronger and that sony is porting first party games to the PC like HZD.
>people will buy a new console to play old games on it
Are Yas Forumstarded autists this delusional?
it's completely irrelevant to my point. they're considered part of the same generation and the xbox sold nothing whatsoever while ps2 is highest selling console all-time
i'm sorry you're retarded; refrain from posting and go back to gamefaqs maybe
if anything the discrepency in release dates only makes my argument stronger: given the chance to upgrade to a way more powerful unit mid-generation, nob
1440p, not Ultrawide at the minute.
Yes it is. 0.6 TFLOPS or something. Reason why most of the game run on 900p.
Jesus fucking christ, why
Don't worry, Nintendo will start using real physics engines in 10 or 20 years
>PCs dont have the whole i/o setup for the bandwidth of a top end SSD
wtf you talking about
Too bad harada is an unironic retard and this game will probably be a total trainwreck.
>difference between PS4 and Xbox One in 2013 was a 50% GPU difference
>this 16% difference is somehow a much much bigger deal
Am I missing something
The Shitch is such a massive failure that a 6 year old PS4 outlived it.
Reminder Sony is doing this on purpose. There going to make games on there systems hard to port on but not difficult enough for devs to not take the risk. This is how the PS2 got most exclusives
>Y-you only have bloodborne!
>It was a DVD player! that's why everyone bought it!
This is nincel cope and I can smell it from a mile away
No, it was < 1 TFLOPS of difference. So imagine almost 3 TFLOPS of difference now.
Okay but what fucking GAMES do these consoles have? Why on earth would anyone debate on which is worth buying without knowing what you're even going to be playing on the fucking things?
Console wars are so fucking stupid. You dont buy a console for the console, you buy a console to play the games you want to play on it. Both have worthwhile games? Get both. Neither? Then skip them. How is this such a hard concept
>The Shitch is such a massive failure that a 6 year old PS4 outlived it.
cope with it. A single game better than the turd that released on XBOX and PC the last 5 years. kinda embarassing to think that literal indie games are winning PC goty every year. Thats the power of the PC i guess lmao!
Guess which one is the lad platform and which are the ports
>implying they wont be forced to make a switch version when it sells like fucking garbage
>fags actually pushing the SSD as if its some killer feature
I mean, Loading screens will be like a few seconds faster than the Xbox's own SSD, but how is that comparable than SeX being substantially superior at everything else?
Xnogs are weak.
It's cheaper, easier to use.
how is the difference staggering? in total number it's about the same as ps4 pro vs xbox one x and much less percentage wise
also im sure a guy who lost his job because of sony isn't bitter or anything...
Yeah just ignore it. Reminder Switch has no more games past AC. It's completely dead.
Microsoft went for a cheap base model and their pro model all at once. The PS5 lays in between both.
Also on PC. And then Switch later just like fucking always.
We're on Yas Forums though?
and? they came too late. that's not the case here.
no, that's why the point is even more strongly made
given the chance to upgrade years later to a much more powerful system nobody cared and no meaningful games were made for it except halo
You do realize that the majority of these shitposters are falseflaggers trying to bait other people out right? nobody who is a sane human being is a brand loyalist
>Even now it's equivalent to a $2000 PC
This is why it's gonna be much more than $500
of course it's nonsense. this is the multiplat era, games aren't going to take advantage of consoles' special-snowflake gimmick features. even sony's own games won't do that because it would jeopardize future pc ports.
What games? Walk Through A Forest With a 3rd Person Camera™ simulator? Oh boy, sign me up!
Where is the Switch version? Yas Forums told me Japs would make Switch games now.
Thanks for beta testing homo.
there were tech demos that looked like this 10+ years ago. Completely meaningless to real games.
sony fans can damage control all they want but resolution and framerate analysis is a big thing in gaming now so the facts will shut them up soon enough.
Both consoles will come out for holidays 2020. That's why comparing their raw power is more than relevant.
>muh physics engines
yeah physics has always been a super important thing in jrpgs
>PS5 will have good exclusives that make use of the faster SSD.
no it won't. if they actually used the ps5's ssd gimmicks, they wouldn't be able to port the games to pc later.
1.7tflops difference is staggering never have I seen more bullshit come out of someone's mouth its ps4 pro vs abox one x tier there was barely any difference apart from resolutions
Yeah that's why X1X is absolutely killing it right now
Get multiplats on PC or switch, buy the other consoles for their exclusives
So which will have the better exclusives? That's the only thing they have going for them
>However MS went actually way overkill
They didn't go overkill. They made a sensibly strong console that will dab on 95% of Steamlets who like to post about "Le PC Master Race" here, with everything that is possible from today's point of view when it comes to currently available hardware options coupled with a console form factor (something even Valve ate shit with their Steam machines)
Sony simply shat itself publicly on stage.
>there was barely any difference apart from resolutions
Red Dead Redemption 2
Are they really going to make this whole tiered-model shit the standard now?
notice which platform is missing.
PS2 won that gen because it had an overwhelming advantage in support from smaller devs, Japanese ones in particular. But Sony's been burning a lot of bridges with those same types of companies lately, with Nintendo scooping them all up. You can't have a successful console with only one big game release a year. I've been buying Playstations since the first one, but this one looks like an even bigger mistake than the PS3.
Picture this
>PS5 is faster, we know more about it, tons of new demos and specs are decidedly in PS5s favor.
>xbox is weaker in all aspects except it has a faster ssd
how do you think this would change the discussions on Yas Forums?
There's no such thing as an xbox exclusive
I can sense the seethe from here buddy.
Don't worry i could imagine how it would feel to have such shit games that even assfaggots and CS:GO beats your line up
and between those three platforms
they wont reach switch tier sales
yea man, ppl won't notice resolution on their 4k screen!
Corona killed gaming
I do
>But Sony's been burning a lot of bridges with those same types of companies lately, with Nintendo scooping them all up.
And yet just this year PS4 will have P5R, Granblue Versus, FFV7R, Tales of Arise while Shitch gets jack shit. Maybe another 7th gen port again.
yeah, they'll easily surpass switch-tier sales.
I think this whole generation is a good example of what it would be like.
one game that sold better on ps4 so you are telling me that there will basically be no difference on the majority of multiplats and this is what xbox is hyping up and sony is almost ensured to have a lower console price
I'm well aware that you go through life feeling this way.
>trying to talk about sales when the tales of series has been in decline
Tales of Arise is going to be a glorious trainwreck.
Why are Nintentrannies in here? Even a PoS PS5 will be better than bingtendo tablets of 500p.
How can stacking all the pieces of a PC in this way and stuffing it in a box doesn't make temperatures reach 1000 degrees? Could someone explain to me how this works?
Sadly, the truth.
Nintentrannies think anything not on the bingtendo tablet is gonna be a trainwreck. Kindly off yourself.
>Why are Nintentrannies in here?
U mad bro?
>Nintendo and Xbox steal Sony's soul
I have my gaming PC exclusively hooked up in my living room to a 65", 4k LG C8 OLED. My couch is about 8 feet or so away from the TV. From that difference, no, I cant tell much of a different from 1080p and 4k. Things are slightly sharper but its not massive, and I can manage a clean 120fps on 1080p then I'd rather run it at the lower resolution since that makes much more of a difference
This isnt a console war shit post, I dont give a fuck about the two new consoles, but resolution is the biggest fucking meme when it comes to video quality right now
What went wrong with sony?
big fan move big air
have you ever heard of an SFF pc? honestly?
it's called heatpipes young user
lemme hit you with some facts
[PS4] Tales of Berseria (Bandai Namco, 08/18/16) – 173,537 (New)
[PS3] Tales of Berseria (Bandai Namco, 08/18/16) – 76,186 (New)
[PS3] Tales of Zestiria (Bandai Namco, 01/22/15) – 340,891 (New)
Xillia 2
[PS3] Tales of Xillia 2 (Namco Bandai, 11/01/12) – 364,439 (New)
two scoops
two genders
two terms baby
>Better parts doesn't make it more powerful. The PS5 will be more powerful and have better games. That's the one I want to get my paws on
I'm not going to call you retarded, because I genuinely don't think you're stupid enough to not see the contradiction here, however the way you said it was retarded, so I offer another way to say it, and while it's not elegent, I think it gets your point across clearer. What I assume you meant was something along the lines of "Better hardware won't insure better games, but the talent making them does, and I believe this talent lies in Sony, not Xbox to use what limited power there system has to the fullest". Now if that is the case then Sony's "games" are garbage, focusing on story more so than gameplay, so it means fuck all how much power they have if all i'm ever going to get is a third person walking simulater, and XBox sucks to, they have no games that I can't just play on my P.C and fuck Ninty to, where's my non-shit Zelda at. TL;DR fuck all of them.
You do know that game is not a Switch exclusive, right?
Developers don't know shit. These are the same people who said the switch would flop yet it heemed the xbone and is outperforming the PS4
Sony better buy up all the IPs.
PS5 will be a massive failure.
Pathetic. I bet it won't even be quiet or cool either.