Other urls found in this thread:
>Still giving a fuck about VR.
Tomorrow everything changes forever
>im poor please dont leave and have fun without me!
amma about to puuubleeeeeeeerh
>vrlet schizos are this desperate
Stop kvetching, jew.
>Index sold out.
>Oculus sold out.
>Vive sold out.
>Cosmos sold out.
>The only thing you can get is some absolutely crap HMD from HP.
Ah yes great time for releasing a VR-only game.
Yes, for us with Index.
>Cosmos sold out.
No way
Why do you think those are sold out :) ?
>releasing on a Monday
fucking why? I still have to WFH with overtime
According to the sellers I was talking with it's because there are no new shipments coming through from China.
I can't believe Tim used his Tencent contacts to instigate the corona outbreak in Wuhan just to ultimately ruin HL:A's debut. Is there no limit to that man's pettiness and his ability to machinate?
This is what I'm thinking also.
But on a more serious not it's just ironic that first time Valve is releasing a game on time it's the worst possible time to release it.
>first time Valve is releasing a game on time
haha yeah, definitely gonna be on time. There's no way they'd leave anything up to chance haha
can't wait for the cope
It's kind of surreal to be this close to launch of something you expected 10-12 years ago. I'm ready bros. I was always ready. Even if it sucks.
Nothing about this feels like HL, though. I'm going to play it, because it's the only AAA VR game to date, but it's not HL. It's quip city Campo Santo.
I'm kind of excited to be relieved of this huge burden that was "waiting for EP2 sequel". If it's good, it's good - if it sucks it's even better because I can ignore anything that follows.
See, I lost that when Portal 2 was complete and utter trash.
why havent you pre-loaded it yet?
I was too bitter after L4D1 being a buggy, surprise open beta piece of shit, to really care about Valve until the announcement of HL:A. I pirated P2 and never bothered to replay it. I'm pretty sure I'll be disappointed in HL:A because they cant' even make a HL game with mute protagonist anymore, even in fucking VR, which needs the extra immersion. Tomorrow is the last chance I give them before I completely move on to something else because video games are a joke.
VR needs endless quips because you can't have characters just give you a wall of text to read in VR, and you also need constant tutorial tips to deal with the low FOV and general lack of drive to move around.
Yeah, I get that, but still... the game has Russell, it's already more than majority of HL1 or HL2 or even P2 for that matter.
VR is supposed to be immersive and that's when they decide to shoehorn in dialogue? The one in the trailers
>hurr durr get more reisin
is anything but tutorials, it's just Valve jerking it off to Rick and Morty's type of humour. Fuck.
>Still on 2-4 weeks
you've had fucking forever to prepare yourself senpai
>VR is supposed to be immersive and that's when they decide to shoehorn in dialogue? The one in the trailers
explain to me what's immersive about characters talking AT you because you're a fucking mute
Alyx isn't a mute, is my point.
HL2 had one sided dialogue, P2 has one sided dialouge, an fucking VR is when they want to introduce back and forth between characters and MC? It doesn't make sense if you don't see Valve as hacks.
Nothing stopped you from getting one between 2016-2019.
but the left 4 dead games had talking characters too, bit late to be upset about it now
I hope it will be an astonishing success and I'll be able to get rid of this fucking vr helmet despite Corona. I just don't have fun in VR.
It was multiplayer, dialogue was introduced for replayability, it's different, CS had radio commands since for-fucking-ever too.
can't wait to shitpost in HLA threads while I play actually good vidya.
WMR chads ww@
Rich people. Post your lists
>oh no i had 4 years to buy a headset yet i didn't because VR is meme :,(((
get rekt fucktard.
replayed the hl2 games with mmod late last year, that was a fucking blast. god the updates they made to the weapons were surprisingly good
Because there were worthwhile VR games 4 years ago.
>close to launch of something you expected 10-12 years ago
this ain't that
Just beat HL2 + last half of EP2. MMOD is very good but the difficulty in Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman was ridiculous at times.
such as?
O+ right here bro
Too bad Doom Eternal is out and everyone will ignore this meme garbage.
>such games as
>4 years ago.
i got my headset a year ago for 100 bucks.
and now we are getting worthwile VR games
so cope, faggot.
>Doom Eternal is out and everyone will ignore this meme garbage.
i've seen more Animal Crossing posts than Zoom Memeternal to be honest.
I spent all my money on Doom Eternal, I need to pirate this game.
did you have issues during that bit in the plaza where you have to defend alyx while she hacks a terminal? that section kicked my ass...
Just checked the demo and I don't see the big deal.
>terrible voice acting
>being able to teleport around the enemies and cheese them out easily
>nonsensical gravity hands used as a walkaround for their gameplay limitations
I guess the finger tracking seemed cool, but as a standalone game this doesn't seem that interesting.
HP owner here, it isn't THAT bad if you've never used vr before. It's got it's problems but for the pri- fuck I got it for 150 at a local store that's kind of a steal
Headsets are sold-out because people bought them to play Alyx, stop being retarded
i got Doom Eternal for free and i can play Multiplayer too.
thank Bethesda for their DRM free executable lmao, i feel so bad for everyone that paid full price for it, is not that good.
>le Zoom meme
Doom Eternal has literally perfected the shooter, HLA will be forgotten in a week and lose all the best shooter awards
Yes. I was a fag and god mode'd it
Coronachan fucked up the supply lines just in time for Alyx's release.
>58 replies
>28 posters
Will this game be shit if you don't invest in the Index controllers? Did Valve stack the deck?
>Doom Eternal has literally perfected the shooter
ah yes, having 4 different upgrade paths and little to no ammo + a terrible story is literally "the perfect shooter"
im so glad i played it for free, so i can't be mad i wasted 60 bucks on it, it's a 20 buck game at best.
Dead tech , garbage company . Can't wait for the cope.
>brain too small for strategizing
>can't use the chainsaw
So this is the power of HL cope...
You never played it faggot , stay mad.
They've gone out of their way to advertise all competing HMDs, even mentioning Quest Link when it was still in beta.
There's a lot of cause for bad blood with Oculus and they still reach out. There might be some trivial things only Index controllers can do because the technology simply doesn't exist in other controllers but the core experience is intact.
>on a shitty Serious Sam clone
seethe, i managed to slogh through it and i had more fun with 2016 than with this.
>There's a lot of cause for bad blood with Oculus and they still reach out
Hell, Valve are the ones maintaining Rift S/Quest support for SteamVR, not Oculus.
>liking x means you hate y
god I hate this meme
How does this game control? Do you teleport everywhere or can you just walk by using the pads on your VR controllers? I would prefer to be able to walk around.