John Carmack must be fucking pissed to see his beloved franchise be raped into something unrecognizable.
John Carmack must be fucking pissed to see his beloved franchise be raped into something unrecognizable
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good, he deserved some payback for Doom 3
he deserves it for what he did to Romero but Romero didn't deserve Eternal at all
Better than Zoom Eternal
Seething dualismcucks
Nigga, Carmack is a psychopath, he only cares about tech.
>beloved franchise
Pretty sure already got that feeling seeing all the doom mods
Cringe thread
I don't think he's a psychopath. I just think he's so far on the spectrum that he exhibits psychopathic tendencies.
Literal autist soulless code monkey.
Romero is what gave Doom it's SOUL
>stupid faggots are still on this "BUH DOOM FWEE WUZ GUD" train
fuck off you contrarian shithead, doom 3 was an alright at best tech demo and the only good thing from its rotten corpse is the hell knight design
lol no, at least eternal is a video game and not a movie
Nha John Carmack is actually happy because of the way they optimized the game.
Filtered lmao
like he gives a fuck about the game. The only thing about it that would impress him is the new engine
No, it's not not. Domm 3 is a fucking garbage and you know it. Anyone one who prefers 3 to eternal should be put down on the spot for having a shit taste.
I'm sure hes more pissed they ditched megatextures rather than the gameplay changes.
>he only cares about tech.
And then idTech 3 and 4 happened.
They hated him for he told the truth
Go back to your pinata rainbow game full of epic cinematic glorykills and cutscenes interupting fights every 4 seconds
Shit, I meant 4 and 5.
>Rigged poll made by discord trannies
wow sure convinced me to buy your game todd
How many more fucking months of "u mad? enjoy ur shit game lmao" cookie-cutter posts do I have to put up with?
All of them until you stop shilling your garbage game here
Literally the personification of the crying wojak
>derides dualism and asserts dualism by doing so
Still got to internalise it there friend.
So that you can get back to discussinggggg what, exactly?
Say what you say about Doom 3 but at least it's not a glorified cinematic film made for zoomer coombrains like the recent entries
Don’t worry they’ll just migrate to RE 3 threads when that comes out so they can bitch and moan about that
Actual good games that aren't shilled by your fucking discord, fucking fuck off and kill yourself already you disgusting tranny
but the game is actually good
you need to start charging rent on those trannies living inside your head
Doom Eternal...
Eternal = Forever....
Doom: Forever.
a video game being a cinematic film made for boomers isn't any better, user
t.subhuman zoomies.
Carmack's been fucking senile for years. The fact he signed off on nu-doom is a clear indication that the good mind he had is long gone and we only have a retard shill of a man left.
>fails at deductive reasoning
>wonders why his conclusion is retarded
I fucking hate Doom 3 for making me constantly piddle around with PDAs and read, Yas Forums flat-out lies about how disruptive Eternal's gameplay breaks are in comparison to Doom 3's
>but the game is actually good
Someone post the webm of it taking 60 seconds to beat the weakest enemy to death
Doom Nook Kem 4eva
>Limiting ammo in an FPS game
fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck discord zoom tranny
>80% of doom threads are resetera and TORtanic fags seething over eternal selling well
Use the chainsaw and torch you fucks
>last boss is a giant dude
only serious sam 3 ever did this properly
literally the rest of this shitty board's life, they'll just move on to a new game eventually when shitting on this one loses its luster
i have to say i love somethings and i completely hate somethings.
the graphics engine is a masterpiece of optimization, i like the base with all the collectibles and stuff, i like the artistic references to the first two Doom games.
and these are only the first ones that come to mind
>DOOM is a good ga-
>Hyped boss goes down without any fight in less than 15 seconds
haha wow feel free to kill yourself at any time
Please stop using buzzwords when you don't know what they mean.
"Blood Punch? What's that? I won't be caught dead playing that shitty game so I don't know"
>all these buzzwords
>ignores that doom 3 is started shoving movies into the game all the time
>ignores stopping the game fucking dead in its tracks to read PDA logs to get codes for doors
What is this rigged bullshit
The Chad Doom 3 was praised with multiple awards, good reviews, large sales, and did something new while Meme Eternal has only attracts to Fortnite Zoomers and Millenial Boomer Numales having midlife crisises.
seethe harder
>cheese a miniboss and take it down in the most optimal way possible
>wow this game is supposed to be hard? lmao
>projecting AND a namefag
Just because you assert something doesnt mean it is true or within the reach of your ego, ergo the projdction, which is an unconscious procedure. We can say we are non dual all we want while acting and thinking unconsciously in an entirely dualist manner.
Your post is a case-study of how Yas Forums rots a man's brain until he can only communicate in memes
Imagine the amount of cope necessary to make that picture
I wish people would do these correctly.
it feela more doom then nudoom. Crack it and play it for a bit and then you can form an opinion. first hour is kinda shit though, after gettiing the third gun the game starts real. You also never have to set a foot into his mancave, it's just an easteregg
>Boss takes less than 10 seconds
>y-y-you just knew how to b-beat him
the absolute cope
Being able to cheese something is a hallmark of bad design.
>blah blah blah my deductive reasoning is the only way I totally didn't screw up
lol stay mad dualismcuck
I can cheese Super Metroid with sequence-breaks and you'd be skinned alive most anywhere if you called it a badly designed game.
>mainstream praise and awards are bad when they're for "game I'm autistically against"
>mainstream praise and awards good when for "game I'm being a contrarian for"
The worst thing is that dude on the left is completely right. He is the only one still capable of emoting and speaking, because everyone on the right is just a bland NPC, who have already submitted their money and brains to Zenimax.