
Is Yas Forums enjoying Doom this weekend? Doesn't matter which in particular.

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Been playing Eternal, it's pretty fun other than not having a melee attack for fodder zombies.

Because of the fucking quarantine, I don't have to go to work, so I've decided to beat all the DOOM games there are. DOOM 1 is still fuckload of fun.
Might even finish DOOM 3 after all.

Eternal is kicking my ass
De-stressed with some Russian Overkill and Scythe 2.
But good lord, Eternal is good. Doesn’t really feel like a Doom game, but undoubtedly one of the best shooter’s I’ve played in years.

>Doesn’t really feel like a Doom game
Why do people keep saying that?
It's the closest thing to "Doom 2 meets Quake 1" we had for years. Some of the level design just screams Doom 2, when it's not referencing Quake 1.

Because it’s quake 5 with a doom skin

It is genuinely innovative as an fps that manages to update the gameplay loop

It's not a dealbreaker or anything but I'm kinda thrown off by how many wall ladders and platforming puzzles there are.
It's not like Prince of Persia though, it's more like Uncharted, linear, doesn't really require much thought in navigation and it's so cut off from combat. Makes me feel like they just had to justify the existence of the climbable walls and the monkey bar swing move.
Still, I really enjoy the rhythm of combat once I got used to managing all the different systems of health, flame-to-armor, grenade, chainsaw, etc.
The visuals are great, and the revised designs of the demons harking back to the original duology is great with stuff like the more colorful and expressive cacodemon, the imps looking browner, etc.

Fuck the arachnotrons, fuck the carcasses and fuck those levels that barely give you anything chainsawable unless you're hoarding gas cans.

Not sure how I feel about Doomguy talking occasionally, but he at least sounded deranged and insane when it happened rather than generically gruff like a generic shooter hero, or just cribbing BJ Blazkowicz as a stoic manly killing machine with goofy hobbies. I got really hyped when I saw the classic Doom helmet in the flashback though.

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>doom 1 is fun

I'm on bit of a DOOM binge personally. What's the best way to play Doom 3 + RoE? I never really kept up with the mods for it.

Awesome game but archie is a fucking cunt

just finished doom (2016) and not sure if I'm burned out. I'd hate to pay $60 to not pay this game.

I've been getting filtered for a fucking hour on the second slayers gate as soon as the fucking spiders spawn
What the fuck am I supposed to do, as soon as I take out one turret, the other two already have me at critical

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Yep. Just taking a break from Eternal cause I managed to die in lava and laughed too hard at the death animation..

>Zoomer Eternal
Fuck no. Eat shit and die

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I like the gameplay and how they give you so many tools to play with. My major gripe is that it's way too easy to run out of ammo super quick (esp. with chain gun) and they went overkill with all the platforming.

You can always come back later with a better arsenal. It makes Slayer Gates much easier.
As for arachnotrons - upgraded sniper machinegun with slow-mo rune can take out the turret efficiently. And if you can't be arsed with this turrent nonsense, snipe them with rockets with lock-on. It takes out arachnatron really quickly. You may always use freeze grenade to keep them in place.

The Crucible is really fucking weird

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I've yet to run out of ammo. And halfway though the game with certain upgrades you'll be having more than enough.
Seriously, do people refuse to use a chainsaw?

you're in luck
Doom Eternal is the easiest game to pirate in years

I guess they didn't bother with Crucible kill animation for that one.

I liked the platforming. It reminded me of Turok 1 and 2

I feel like people are used to Doom 16 where you were dependent on gas can pickups while in Eternal it runs on a cooldown and the game deliberately spawns a shitload of low-tier enemies like zombies, imps, etc. to constantly recharge your comparatively low ammo stocks.

Seriously it's hilarious going from this game where you can only fire the super shotgun like 10 times at best, and then play the Doom 64 remake where the game literally gives you 100 shotgun shell and 400 bullet capacity, exceeding pretty much every other Doom game.

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it's a shock to the system
going into eternal thinking you're getting 2016-2 is going to make you fall into old habits like saving your chainsaw to kill pesky big enemies instead of using it for ammo
once you get over that hurdle, you're fine but it takes a fair amount of getting your ass kicked for that to click

Guys, what settings do you use for best visuals.
FXAA antialiasing is making shit look blurry, sharpness above 45 looks like shit and turning off AA makes jaggies, also I do not seem to be able to force AA from driver on DOOM for some reason.
Can someone help me?

can someone explain to me what is causing eternal seethe on Yas Forums right now?
buttmad this game is generating is a bit weird


I got the Unmakyr! Most of the Slayer Gates weren't too bad, honestly. Only the second and sixth ones cost me any lives.

Icon of sin is an awful fight

It's the same few autists spamming, most people either don't care or are playing the game.

I wish the game would ask you when you want to use your 1-ups vs just restarting at a checkpoint.

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actually yeah, i've been playing DOOm 2016 today and i keep dying trying to get off that one Doom secret lever on a cliff. i don't know how to come back from it. besides that the game is pretty good. i might 100% it and get doom eternal when it is on sale or pirate it whenever i fell like it.

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seethe harder TORtanic fag, you lost

tortanicfags and filteredfags

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>this big scary guy who kills things actually has a safe side! XDDD
DOOM was proto-l*ddit.

Yes but I regret setting the difficulty to Nightmare for the first playthrough because I found the constant ammo farming truly annoying

Playing Eternal and getting filtered hard on UV since I'm bad at FPS games, but I won't turn the difficulty down. It's still pretty fun.

nightmare players its time to leave

>butthurt that a character isn't one note

I finally beat it
I have not felt this kind of satisfaction since getting filtered by Gascoigne when I played Bloodborne (which was my first fromsoft game) the first time
Thank god I upgraded the super shotty so every time I used meat hook I got free armor
yes I could've come back later but I really didn't wanna do this level a 3rd time

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Daisy was a thing since Ultimate Doom fucking zoomlord

>Doom Soi
>not one note
This is Doomslayer. Even less than one dimensional, leddit.

which balista mod do you prefer and why? They both seem useful

>tfw playing Doom 64 on the Switch for a day then came back to Eternal on PC and forgot how to fucking play

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I'm playing on the highest difficulty without the one-life option.

I think it's good most of the time, but other times it just fucking annoying. It isn't a challenge when every single fucking enemy has 100% exact knowledge of where you are, what you're doing, etc. And they even get homing shots, as well as the game definitely reads your inputs and places shots ahead of you that you are 100% guaranteed to run into.

At times it feels like the perfect difficulty, at other times just a complete fucking mess. I bet the game would be way more fun on Hurt Me Plenty. Especially fighting these Marauder cunts. It's just fucking annoying running away at all times only for lol doggo :^) or lol 1000 enemy bullets coming your way :^)

I go for Arbalest just because if I'm whipping the thing out I'm usually just going for big focused damage.
I feel like there are better options for crowd control(e.g. plasma gun's big overheat vent thingy) that don't make you stand still.

So far my biggest issues are how inconsistent blood punch and chainsaw are. Either they don't come out at all despite me being point blank range or they snap to a target on the side for some ungodly reason

>thought 2016 was kind of easy
>heard Eternal is significantly tougher
>"Heh, how hard can it be?"
>crank difficulty up to Nightmare
>3 hours later
I don't think I can do it, lads.

>tfw fps never went under 100 on max settings
why can't more devs use vulkan

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>unable to start the campaign for some reason, keeps crashing with an error
>people with lower specs than mine can play fine
>been trying to fix it for over 6 hours
i'm just going to wait for a patch, i'm done

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the fitgirl repack i downloaded is booting up with a black screen, any tips?

Doom 3 is a chore. The novelty wears off 1/3 of the way through

>Make sure your CPU supports SSE 4.1 and 4.2 instructions – w/o them the game won’t work
>Install the latest NVIDIA or AMD video driver – IT’S A MUST or you will face crashes during playthrough

enjoying it very much to the point that i wish they had added more chapters. imo worth the 50-60e

Turn off dynamic resolution if you have everything blurry.

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If you use the flashlight mod[s] or play the remastered game it might not be so bad.

yeah its pretty good
fuck the marauder and fuck swimming though

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gpu drivers up to date I assume?

I'm enjoying Doom 64 way more. It's actually really fun when you can clearly see what's happening unlike the original.

Eternal is boring with its predictable arenas and has the upgrade system that feels completely shoehorned in just like in 2016. Also it stutters like hell.


havein the best time iv had in a long time honestly.

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i wish i could play it had it on pre order and paid off in full at gamestop but because i live in cali and with covid 19 lockdowns i had to cancel and use the money for food and supplies sucks even more because my Bday was march 23

>seething at the easiest boss in the game

>Also it stutters like hell.
Seems to work good for me. I came from FF15: Episode Stuttertown into Doom Eternal and was shocked a game could ever run well again given the contrast.

yeah, its a problem not many people have so i guess i'll just have to wait

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let me guess

Been trying to get through Doom 2016 in anticipation of Eternal but it's so boring.

Infinite Macro Missile rifle is my weaponfu. I don't care if I could kill stuff much faster with another weapon, if only it could last more than fifteen seconds at max ammos.

>was so used to quick swapping to the micro missiles in 2016 as a part of the rotation of weapon swapping
>infinite missiles now
I can't get used to it.

cope fag

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enjoying nioh

In 2016 you could have infinite missile too, but only at max HP. It never lasted long, probably because I never stoppsd shooting with it even in close combat.

Just finished Nightmare. Strangely, I don't feel like playing anymore.

I know it has issues but for some reason I've always liked 3. I hope you have fun with it

I thought I set the difficulty to Ultra-Violence in Eternal. It turned out it was Nightmare. Holy shit the first two Slayer Gates, this game has been an absolute non-stop adrenaline rush.

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your dash is a melee attack that does enough to stagger regular zombies in one shot

I use the arbalest for big focused damage and the wide-range blade for multiple heavies like arachnotrons or dread knights/hell knights

spent hours on that gate
you'll see how the following gates will be ezpz for the most part, you just got gud enough and also got enough upgrades

The bfg edition is definitely worth it.

Icon of sin and Khan Maykr were great

gate 5 was harder than 6 for me thanks to the fucking tyrant twins toward the end

Maybe he can save the bunny this time.


how do you enable cheat codes in the console?

My cpu supports those instructions and my drivers are up to date, the game just boots to a black screen and I have to go into task manager to stop it. The installation check was fine