Animal Crossing red flags

>Uses the :3 face
>Has album covers or cropped hentai as custom designs he puts in his house and around town
>Uses a "Top Kek" or "MAGA" custom hat
>Plays as a girl
>Double-south river exits

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Other urls found in this thread:

I miss mean villagers. There's a hint of it in new horizons more than new leaf but I haven't gotten any of the "your fat ugly stupid bad fashion" lines

>red flags
Found the real faggot

Album art thread?
Album art thread

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>Double-south river exits
Imagine coping this fucking hard that you missed out on the best island layout

>Plays Animal Crossing

nice fob art

I play as a girl because I like making cute dresses.

Attached: big big.jpg (1280x720, 130.3K)

This game is for Trannies, Furries, Homosexuals, and any other variant of Leftist degenerate. No normal person plays Animal Crossing.

youre getting very homotional about this, opie.

I just have this one

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>Animal Crossing red flags
>Plays Animal Crossing

>This game is for Trannies, Furries, Homosexuals, and any other variant of Leftist degenerate. No normal person plays Animal Crossing.

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$uicide anyone?

Attached: 83598a7.jpg (1280x720, 216.64K)

rate my villager

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slit wrists same color as the vette

seeth harder

>not wearing cute dresses as a boy


How could you know?

Billy told me he thought my sense of fashion was trash. I'd known the fucker for like 5 minutes at that point too.

Well fuck If you’re gonna bait me with ELO.


Here's the editor, go wild.

Attached: mi.png (440x270, 22.92K)

what do double-south river exits look like and why are they bad

i fucking regret getting double south now. there's like no space on the sides...

What are you?

damn the coping

>Talk to villager 4 times in the span of 8 hours
>"Ugh get a life dude leave me alone GOD"

Gotta hide the lack of dialogue somehow I guess.

Shit, my island has pears. Anons, should I neck myself?

>green airport
>double south exits
>shitty island in the middle
how bad did i fuck up guys?

Stop posting this thread/replies in every other AC thread.

very nice, yes

Nothing wrong with apples sugarcube. They're a classic.

Cute tomboy

r8 my villager

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How do I catch spiders and wasps without dying?

For wasps, just run in a slightly wide circle. For tarantulas, git gud.

have your net out before shaking trees
for spiders either sneak up on it or run at it full speed like a madman

wasps freeze in a place for about a second after your villager does the surprised animation; its sufficient time to just swing your net before they even move.

for tarantula, hold a and move slowly towards them. when they stand up stop moving. do this until you're close enough to release A. tarantulas also hop before they attack, which you can use as a tell as well

I was with you until the part about having a female character. That's the only thing you got wrong, everything else is correct.


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what's wrng with double-south river exits?

Yeah same. Considering restarting and time travelling to where I'm currently at again.

the gripe is that it cordons off two sections of your island to be really skinny. with a south-east or a south-west you get one skinny section, a fatter starting section but a tiny corner. there's problems with both setups

Fuck that might be a good idea actually. Set my system clock back like 3 days and just rush through everything.
But I like my villagers so I'm reluctant to reset.

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>clearly not standing near a river mouth

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>time travelling

don't do it anons. you're better than that. use your creativity and overcome it

If the user who posted all those QR codes is here, thanks a ton!

Looks like a poofter

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quick someone post the qr code for the SS uniform

>tfw i have songs about fucking hanging on my real life wall right now

so nook gave me fencing. do i have to use the fencing to 'advance' the 'story', or am i just good to wait till tomorrow and my new 3 villagers move in?

>Harvey walking around my Island at night
>Invites me to his island to take pictures
>enter his house and see this

Am I about to be casting couch'd?

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Is there a way to access storage while on a friends island?

I know, user. It's so tempting but I won't. I've never time travelled in the previous games so I won't start now

It was on an expedition island.

As far as I know you have to be in your own house for storage.

>he has album covers on his wall like the absolute faggot that he is
>its always without fail a selection of the same ~20 album covers
imagine trying to fit in whilst playing animal crossing

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Is bandaid something you can find or done via bitmap editor?

>Sister distracts me while fishing
>87/100 streak broken

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Fingerbang her as punishment.

Time traveling now is the best to enjoy the game because Corona chan will get you all soon.

whats wrong with double south river exits?

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>tfw still haven't got past 41/50

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>He doesn't know

tell me

You can buy them

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