Animal Crossing red flags

>Uses the :3 face
>Has album covers or cropped hentai as custom designs he puts in his house and around town
>Uses a "Top Kek" or "MAGA" custom hat
>Plays as a girl
>Double-south river exits

Attached: tumblr_918d9ab41baad56324e5603ad18a0781_e06e6a53_500.png (500x386, 203.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I miss mean villagers. There's a hint of it in new horizons more than new leaf but I haven't gotten any of the "your fat ugly stupid bad fashion" lines

>red flags
Found the real faggot

Album art thread?
Album art thread

Attached: 2BFD8AD3-73B0-4B81-8AB7-2D3BB809EB4D.jpg (1280x720, 255.43K)

>Double-south river exits
Imagine coping this fucking hard that you missed out on the best island layout

>Plays Animal Crossing

nice fob art

I play as a girl because I like making cute dresses.

Attached: big big.jpg (1280x720, 130.3K)

This game is for Trannies, Furries, Homosexuals, and any other variant of Leftist degenerate. No normal person plays Animal Crossing.

youre getting very homotional about this, opie.