I wanna talk about Digimon.
I wanna talk about Digimon
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Then talk, motherfucker. Here's something to talk about: we have the full main roster of Survive revelaed now. What next?
Fuck ya. I've been playing this game the last few days
Their evolutions probably, its one of the main focuses of the franchise.
I hear that you can evolve them in the middle of battle like in the anime
You think the evolutions are going to get revealed? You'd think it would be one of those things you're supposed to discover when playing, since it's the story decisions that affect evolution paths.
post your band
One of the first gameplay trailers shows Agumon turning into MetalGreymon during battle, and I think I remember a different "gameplay look" video specifically showing them choose the "evolve" option during their turn.
How do they keep on making worse designs?
Not all of them, they're going to give you a taste of what's to come by showing you a couple of the adult stages they can become then have an arrow pointing from them to a question mark to get people to speculate on who becomes what.