Where do I start with the series, Yas Forums?

Where do I start with the series, Yas Forums?

Attached: Disgaea-Logo-500x162.png (500x162, 89.46K)


start with 3

No, it's shit

But what if I don't want to play all the games in the series and just the best ones?

Then play 5

Play 1's main story then drop it. Repeat until you really get hooked by the features.

La Pucelle, then 2, then quit

Ok so if I plan to do this:
>Disgaea 1 complete on the switch
>D2 on ps3
>D5 complete+ on switch as well
Is it a viable option?

Play 4.

Attached: my wife.gif (166x194, 34.47K)

then 2

You start by playing FF Tactics instead. Play Chroma Squad if you like grinding and just go on danbooru if you like lolitits.

no, because once you play 5 the rest of them are just going to feel slow and shitty. i didn't even end up playing NG+ in 2 because i was already burned out.

Play a better TRPG like valkyria chronicles or Tactics Ogre

1 and done, they get worse with each sequel.

>Tactics Ogre
Don't fucking scare the guy away from TRPGs now.

1 is the most feature-bare. I love the story but it's such a drag compared to the complexity added b sequels.

But user, isn't disgaea a more extreme and over the top version of tactics, isn't it the main appeal of the series? Besides the wacky story and characters of course.

Are the other ones even worth playing?

Isn't 5 the best game in terms of gameplay?

I honestly thought the main appeal was lolishit and a comically absurd amount of grinding.

start with 1, go to 2, then stop
youve hit the peak

Why? I'm planning to play the one on psp.

you're too late. Disgaea was meant to be played in the 2000s anime/video game culture.

the doujins

I played Ogre Battle which had a shitton of micromanaging that'd probably scare off anyone who's just trying to get into TRPGs. If Tactics Ogre isn't as hard to get into then disregard that I suck cocks.

Chronologically, but skip 3.
4 will have some agonizingly shit levels that take longer than they need to, and you will find yourself skipping dialogue every time fuuka is about to talk, but it is one of the better ones.
Disgaea 5 will feel like a bit of culture shock to you at first after playing the others, but it holds up very well on its own and offers a lot of neat new game breaking features the other games dont have. Story maps are much more tolerable to play through than d4's.
Disgaea 1 is excellent for story but it is lacking, I say start with it because once you get more and more tastes of new features you wont want to go back.
Play disgaea 2 for its story but mother fuck that felony shit

Disgaea 5 fairly early on gives you a character named geese that reduces the stats of all enemies on the map by 5% and can tank and cast star magic early, dont sleep on him when you play 5. Other monster characters that join you are almost useless by comparison though.

Forgot to mention one other thing for 5:RECRUIT LOGAN THE THROWING OVERLORD AS SOON AS THE GAME LETS YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO REALLY APPRECIATE HAVING HIM CAMP AT THE BASE PANEL TO THROW EVERYONE YOU DISPATCH. Seriously dont make the same mistake I did, logan makes a lot of shit about some of disgaea 5's maps infinitely more tolerable and you get him way before you can unlock his character class. Outside of his niche be warned that he is nearly useless.

Disgaea 5 also allows you to put 3 pairs of shoes on every character from the moment you have shop access.

If you want the best story/characters/setting, then play the first Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
If you want to play the best gameplay-wise, then get D5 Complete

You don't. It's literally designed to be a mega grind and the stories are always low grade weeb shit. Unless you're into that kind of thing I guess.

Start with the first game. 2, 3, and d2 are skippable. When you're playing the games, try to focus on powering up a small group of characters initially so that you dont find yourself being overwhelmed and dying too easily. Not all story characters are going to be good just because they are story characters, but potentially literally anything can solo anything in the end. Nekomata monsters are going to be your best friends throughout the series.

If you like BIG FUCKING NUMBER then skip to 4 and 5 because its much faster to get OP in those games than the first ones.

Common misconception. The only mega-grind is the post game. You can complete the main plot within basic RPG leveling up.

>tfw in the process of maxing out a trapezohedron for Disgaea 4 Complete for Baal
>still havent done the netherbattle tournament or extra story modes
I know that one armor is better, but this seemed easier. Also who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make Kurtis such a pain to unlock?

This. Real answer. But I'd stop after 1

Faggot, it can still be played and appreciated, even if it is a bit dated now.

Just cheese baal using the victory daruma and max movement speed from invincible armors to outrange his oneshot magic attack on your vulnerable turn

Don't skip 3. Everyone advising as such is a faggot.

dont listen to the user trying to get you to waste time with 3, literally everything it does new is expanded upon and made better in 4, 5 and d2

Literally anything done in a game in a series is done better by its sequels. Don't play any game in the series, just play 5.

1 has the most boring gameplay. Bad advice.

Makai Kingdom, then 2 then 5

It's the only one with a decent story.

Dont use guns in any of the disgaea games no matter what, they suck no matter what you do.

you mean bows and spears?

t. equips etna with horse wiener

>shitting on spears
bows I'll give you but there is objectively nothing wrong with spears

Whatever the newest one is. If you've played one you've played all of them.

1, then play 2 if you liked the characters enough in 1 that you want to see more of them. Then watch Disgaea Infinite on youtube if you still want to see good content with D1's cast (it has cameos/references from D2 and D3 though).
I think Axel from 2 is in 3 so if you like that character enough maybe it's worth playing 3 to him see again.

Notice that I am not at all mentioning the gameplay, which does improve every entry but probably not enough to be bothered to play them unless you're addicted or curious.

1 is best.

i only played 5 and i loved it, poured like 70 hours into it. story wasn't based on the previous ones either

>first Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Why not PSP version?

>But user, isn't disgaea a more extreme and over the top version of tactics, isn't it the main appeal of the series? Besides the wacky story and characters of course.
personally i never liked the humor and cant speak on that, but you would play disgaea over other tactics games if you were looking for a more fleshed out endgame and like the idea of finding ways to efficiently grind and create a super powerful squad.

>Are the other ones even worth playing?
yes, if you just want more disgaea. the reason people tell you to play 5 is because mechanically the games are very similar, and the latter entries basically speed up the game. again, even though i had loved D1 in the past, after playing 5 going back to the second entry was just really difficult. i can almost guarantee that if you just played 5, you would not feel the need to play any of the others.

Axel isnt in disgaea 1 and 5 as part of the story so play those.

Most annoying character in 4. Her running gag of, "I'm not dead guys," got old super quick. I expected to like her more from her design, but just was fed up with her by the end.

1 and 5 are the best
5 is my favorite though, story is like epic and manly and you get super anime man moments, it's amazing


>story wasn't based on the previous ones either
I think, it's supposed to be unoficial prequel to 1 with christo becoming first seraph

She was the reason I skipped dialogue every time a female character spoke because it was always going to involve her stupid shit. 4's story is good if you literally only listen to what valvatorez and fenrich say and who they reply to unless its fucka.

It is

>love series
>never got to play 3 and 4 as superior versions are locked to vita

4's superior version is on switch now though

>when complete isn't completely complete
Forgot about it. Hopefully it will be emulable soon.


All of them!