why did you stop playing overwatch?
Why did you stop playing overwatch?
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Never played it in the very first place.
>game surviving on fap bait
>releases uggos and a hamster character
Poor balancing
E-sport faggotry
too few game modes
That's cute.
too much emphasis on teamplay, to the point where individual actions are near meaningless
repetitive gameplay where each character has two notes to play
Lost interest and when I was ready to return they had added seperate ques for each type so I didn't bother
I wanted to fuck Widowmaker SO MUCH
But more than that I was interested in her story. She was an elite international hitman with a tragic backstory. Full of arrogance and sadness. She could've had a kino revenge arc. Instead they did fuck-all. Fuck blizzard.
The meta became really unfun. My favorite tanks became useless and success became too dependent on the dps players performing well as a few select characters, which meant I wasn't able to pick up as much slack and teammates fought more often.
Never even started playing and never will. It's like Bloodborne or Horizon Zero Dawn or Anthem. Just one of those games that doesn't interest me at all.
Sort of like a trip-code?
I want to save her
Coomers can't play
One player can lose the game by picking a bad hero.
For some reason blizzard thinks this is ok.
hey maria are you lesbian? that looks kinda lesbian bro.
this fucking RETARD
Me too God damn it. But she's stuck forever in the limbo that is blizzard writing.
>ywn desperately try to pleasure Widowmaker while stares blankly at you, disappointed.
>widowmaker will never sigh at you for c00ming too early
>widowmaker will never let you have your way with her while she sleeps because she gets nothing out of it anyway
Bros... Why live.. WHY LIIIIIIIIVE
never played it in the first place because I hate whacky shooting games (quake, UT, Doom, OW, Halo etc)
Though honestly I don't know what would be better.
If she got full use of her emotions again she'd be tormented with guilt for the rest of her life.
>bland repetitive one chokepoint maps
>auto-aim heroes are as rewarding as aim reliant ones, while being really fucking annoying
>no real strategy, just use ults together and group up together
>healing is completely overpowered and comes at no cost, making it an insta loss not having a healer
>you either burst somebody or watch them get healed to full health immediately
>extremely fucking annoying crowd control
>i dont want to keep hitting shields
>too team reliant
it's just an annoying experience overall, maybe things have changed, haven't played it for a long time now
>esports faggotry
>shitty approach in the writing and worldbuilding, whatever scraps of "lore" they have are constantly being retconned, literally refusing to advance the story in meaningful ways because they don't want to mess with fan theories and ships
>none of the people I know IRL stuck with the game
>the Hong Kong PR disaster, to a lesser degree
I uninstalled the client back when Destiny 2 moved to Steam, and it's remained like that ever since.
Exactly. It's tragic! It's heart-wrenching! A deeply personal story surrounded by a vast global conspiracy. An innocent woman forced into a shadow war. It should be interesting!
Instead there's nothing.
The only substantial lore Blizzard has added since launch is confirming who is gay and some shitty 10-page comics that go nowhere.
Yeah I know what you mean.
The most tragic part is that she'll always be under the yoke of Blizzard's writing retardation and that Blizzdrones will always prefer "omg he's gay i ship it!!1!!" over actually interesting storylines.
man that's some insane lordosis
Amélie used to be a famous ballet dancer, it's only natural she's flexible.
not enough new porn being made
Because of these things , even then I used to do the Archive PVE shit until they decided to lick Chinese cock with all that Hearthstone shit that went down.
Why do you make this thread everyday?
Honestly just got tired of dealing with shields. Seems like every other character has one, and there's no character that's a hard counter to shields. Sym and junk are not hard counters.
Talon is her best skin
It was marketed as a shooter with moba elements. But its actually a moba with some shooting elements. The game has no individual component that allows you to carry and what semblance it used to have with aim heavy characters has been overruled with shields on shields on shields. Even mobas have elements that allow you to carry such as farming efficiency or map presence. But this game has none of that to offset the heavy implication on teamplay so much that even teamplay is a terrible term for it. It boils down to two blobs plowing into each other once in a while when your ultimates are up.
And all this is before you consider how badly they balance the game.
>too few gamemodes
this is literally the easiest thing they could add to the game. they dont even need to make any new assets. just give us a map editor and let us make our own game modes and it would save overwatch
No wonder shes bored.
>map editor
Yeah no. Do you really have faith in the company that destroyed the greatest map editor game ever, WC3?
I had 4 PC parts fail on me in succession and I just gave up on PC gaming.
these are the reasons
my friends stopped playing
this game can't be played w/ randoms
>Using BB and HZD in the same sentence as Anthem
You wanna die nigga?
Poor balancing and bad gameplay loop. I hate fighting the same OP character every match until a new busted character comes out to be played everymatch.
The new character is fucked. It's still only on the PTR, but boy, if that thing is coming soon I've got no intention of playing it further.
Paladins is better
>0 actual game related complaints
>New Hero Power creep (Ex:Ana heals 5x Zenyatta's heal rate for no real downside)
>Game balance moving more and more towards a MOBA than a FPS
>Slow, Low Quality updates with no content
>Sloppy Balance and Hero Favoritism
>Forced Role Queue because they couldn't patch goats out of the game.
>Now they're forcing Hero Pools that seem to have already fallen into a Ban meta despite being decided by the developer and not the community
>Still can't pick the mode you want to play because then they'd have to admit no one would play 2cp
The game is just very Anti player choice, and its absolute hard on for CC spam, healing through damage, and blue barriers makes me not want to even touch it any more.
Its not fun.
queue times got crazy long
the game with its shit matchmaking was only bearable because you could spam games fast, nobody in their right mind wants to wait 20 minutes (now probably much longer) for a shit match in a shit game
when they announced OW2, I finally realized all hope was lost and uninstalled, wasn't an easy decision (my main acc was lvl1300+ I think) but it had to be made
Blizzard shitting on the community.
Also the competetive scene is a joke outside of the USA. In Poland for example there were a few favourites to play in the condenders, won by a majority of votes to play, Blizzard chosen somebody else because fuck the fanbase.
>best skin
>removes the blue
Dumb retard.
Because its not fun.
>kino revenge arc
Talon are the good guys
I aint got nothing against the blue but she is better with regular skin.
She looks like she lost a bet
My squad stopped playing it
This. I was so hoping for her to accept her husband's death or have ANYTHING AT ALL on her story develop, but they completely ignored her
You know these sorrt of Hero based games never do anything with any of their characters or story right?
If they established anything then it might offend someone
I always assume the game is not built for fun, and assume it will attract the worst kind of toxic sore losers. Am I wrong?
I never played the game in the frist place
Got bored with the game. Also decided to spend my time more constructively than on playing a team-dependent FPS.
factually incorrect.
tried to make it a competitive game despite everything they made into the base nature of the game being a casual one, ending up with a game that please no one
it's comedic how bad it got after i left when I thought it was pretty shit even when I was still playing
in 2020, this is true
but on release, the game was actually fun to play and had a healthy playerbase (which is now gone)
it was kind of fun for a while but you'd be right in that blizzard built it to be shit later
>attract the worst kind of toxic sore losers
No, you're not. This game isn't autistic as Smash is but it's definitely up there
15-20 min queue as DPS.
I much rather play in a game with 4 dps than wait fucking 20 minutes.
>Played with friends
>Friends mostly stopped playing
>I stopped playing
Really, though, I would have continued longer but it never felt like the additional content came often enough, or that the additional characters were interesting/fun enough (with a few exceptions - I liked Moira, for instance). There wasn't enough depth to the game to want to keep playing when they didn't update it often enough in significant ways ('story' content, new characters/stages/modes). Also, it felt like Blizzard stopped focusing on anything new a year in (they kept repeating the Winter/Chinese New Year/Halloween/etc. content with little variation).
For what it's worth, I enjoyed a lot of fan-content. Blizz did a good job designing most of the original characters and giving them just enough personality that you could find some good fanart and fanfiction if you looked, but ultimately, the main game itself ended up feeling stagnant and forgotten.
The new redesigns for the characters have so-far been unmitigated shit, with the possible exception of Tracer.
I stopped playing at the end of 2018 due to developing hearing issues that fucked with my directional audio which really hurt how fun the game is for me since I couldn't react like I could before. That got sorted but I just never went back.
I really like Echo though so will probably start getting back into it soon. Her mechanics (free flight + ditto) are exactly my kind of thing in any game and I love robo-girls with her kind of design. Not gonna get seriously into it, but I'll play pretty regularly again I think.
yeah, those were the golden days of OW, now just a distant memory
You're welcome newfag
Blizzard's long-standing balancing tradition of breaking the shit out of the game with every addition and leaving it broken for months on end while "collecting data" has not improved with this game, only worsened.
Moth meta for a year. GOATS for a year. Doomfist, Hanzo, Mei are all anti-fun bullshit. Pharah/Soldier/Genji being trash picks when their playstyles are so widely appealing is bullshit.
They literally can't BRIBE people to queue tanks and they still add another fucking DPS. In the same breath they confirm a new 2CP map is coming when part of the pre-reveal hype for OW2 was the possibility leaving that game mode behind entirely because no one likes it.
Smurfing/cheating in diamond is a nearly every-game occurrence.
I could go on but fuck it. Fuck Overwatch, it takes some serious bullshit to make LoL look so good.
>hearing issues
I hope you didn't diagnose them based on OW because the game's directional audio actually got fucked up around that time, it wasn't just you.
>hears the widow's ult
>stands in the middle of nowhere, with no cover, jumping like a retard
>still gets surprised when he's insta-peaked
LOL and this nigga managed to reach masters (or whatever that ranked was called)
Back when people still had faith in Blizzard...deep down I kinda knew it'd go to hell but fuck I just wanted to enjoy the ride before it crashed.
I like how her story is copy paste from a Taimanin Asagi plotline, minus the sex.
They nerfed D.Va's shield and gave her some shitty useless rockets. Not joking.
I'm not really an audiophile so couldn't comment on OWs sound quality.
I had ear pain and muffled hearing. It was pretty obvious I had a problem with the stuff. But yeah it was bad enough I straight up couldn't tell where footsteps were coming from which for OW really fucks with your awareness.
He activated primal rage
He cute