Games with depressing moods for depressed people

You start.

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Majora's Mask

Get the fuck over it cry baby.

thats not gonna help your problem.

She can depress those feet on my face

Silent Hill 2

>talking about muh depression
>posts a female

KotOR 2.

Yume Nikki

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She's cute though.
Kinda reminds me of 80s Madonna.

All 3 Max Payne's and GTA 4 are perfect blend of comedy and depressing. Well, max Payne 1 is more serious than the other 2, but Max's monlogues are still so over the top that they're fun.

Ah yes another little incel manbaby believing not being alble to get laid is the only existing problem in the universe


Hey feet look like those toy ones you can get that stick to things

>life on easy mode
>but I'm so le depressed :((((

Dark Souls 1
Cry of Fear
Yomawari Night Alone
Max Payne 2
Telltale The Walking Dead S1
No More Room In Hell
Divine Cybermancy
FEAR & expansions
Shadowrun Hong Kong

Good but skipping Max Payne 1

OP is just a pretending teenager. Depressed people don't seek such games.

Ok child, watch more le red pill channels to fry what little is left of your brain as well

the king of depression games.

Towelket 2

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You're a moron.

Darkest Dungeon
Majora's Mask
Fallout 1

Everyone gets depression at some point in there life...

But only faggots roll in it.

>no, pls don't point out that I cruise through life on easy mode
>how else will I get pity points and more money thrown at me just for existing :(((

The Void/Torpor/Tension/Typrop

>find something you wanna be good at
>start small by only trying 10mins a day at it, or one session a week
>fail at it constantly without being a salty bitch about it
>seek therapy if you can afford it, or got the insurance that can pay for it
>don't compare yourself to other people
>jerk off once a day instead of 4
>instead of thinking you should remove video games completely try 1 hour less a month
>if this list is too big, start with one a week or month

Shadow of the Colossus

Morrowind when it's raining always brings my mood down. The rainy atmosphere in the game just feels so oppressive to me.

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>>jerk off once a day instead of 4
If you get on loserpills, you won't fap as often because the faps will take annoyingly long time.
I need 30 minutes to fap when actually horny enough for it to be uncomfortable.

I would add Thief.

>jerking off at all

never gonna make it

Did coach red pill teach you that? Or your rich experience with the, idk, maybe a couple dozen examples of women online? Over 3 billion women exist, where are their ez money twitch channels? Does your world already crumble, kid?

Bear with me

also playing vidya
anyone who plays vidya is doomed to inceldom forever

Quality posts

Underaged shitters, avoid at all cost

>I'm depressed, let me play depressive things instead of non-depressive things
Depressive people are extremely retarded

Dark Souls. Whenever I feel that depressed, I do a completionist all bosses playthrough using sword and board with other restrictions. Always make a point of going down the great hollow tree and manually walking back up without warping too, just to take in the scale and mystery of it all.

>>jerk off once a day instead of 4
what if i already jerk off once every 2 weeks?

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Any of the 3 Team Ico games

>n-no pls, my queens are so oppressed :(
>just because they cruise through life on easy mdoe doesn't mean they can't be le sad :(

user who knows frivi personally here, ama

>playing games at all
Does not compute


Crystar is kind of like playing Madoka Magica, if Madoka was a dozens hours long 5/10 action RPG straight out of 2003.


Dark Souls 1. Honestly the greatest depressed-core game ever made.

>be a woman
>life is on "ez mode"
>have to slather my face in makeup to be accepted
>have to do something different with it all the time otherwise people will think i am uninteresting
>have to do up my hair before going out anywhere, if i don't im not accepted
>have to do something cool with my hair frequently, at least once a week, otherwise people will think i'm boring
>have to buy 20 different shampoos and face products because they all do different things
>have to do all of this work with my face, hair, makeup, and clothes before i even leave my fucking house to go get some food

women do this shit every single day because it is expected of them. and what is it that you do, user? wake up at 2PM in a pool of your own cum, fart a bit, then put your pants on and walk outside?

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Sea of Solitude

The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa

If depression were to manifest in a video game form it would be Dark Souls 1

>i-it's so much work to apply my cheats to my already easy mode life!
>it's so hard to be treated like a princess and getting everything handed to me :(

i hate make up, and like long natural hair, if your not fat you can be my gf

Tranon, all you have to do to look presentable is shower, brush your teeth, maybe brush your hair.

Come on, depression is bad but not that bad

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lol you complete inexperienced faggot

thats the thing with depression
you have negative thoughts about literally everything

>"i hate makeup and like long natural hair"
that's great user but 99.9% of women will hate hearing this. wanna know why? it's because their whole life they are told they have to do these things to look good. they devote 1/4th of their life to it and then some dude like you comes along and says "I think you look better without makeup!" You mean well but to them they don't hear that. They hear "I think you've just been wasting your time."

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>polar opposite sides of the spectrum to describe each sex
>Satania posting
Makes sense. That's a lot of effort you went to for such a retarded and shitty troll post.

Muv-Luv Alternative

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women can't be depressed