Resident Evil 3 Remake comfy thread

Is it possible to have one?

what we know:
>has typewriters
>all areas are present in some form
>areas like the RPD, Sewers, and Hospital are overhauled
>new areas such as the lab
>new interactions with Marvin, Kendo and Tyrell (who survives past his first appearance now)
>the only cut enemy (this isn't confirmed) is the spiders
>exploration has been overhauled since REmake 2, with more optional areas you can access
>there are multiple unlockable costumes in the main game
>the Beretta is in
>Nemesis mutates by damaging his bindings (as seen in the demo)
>Helicopter (we don't know if it is the UBCS one) is moved to the hospital
>Ink Ribbons on Hard
>More puzzles
>Nemesis drops items when downed
>Bad Boxart Megaman can be found in the toy store
>Costumes confirmed by the datamine
>many unique death animations against Nemesis, including curbstomps and rocket launch spearing
>Carlos section overhauled

the first hour of the game:

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Other urls found in this thread:

also coomer friendly confirmed

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It's americanized shit

Jill is cute! Sasha Zotova is cute!

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Anyone have the streamable links from earlier threads?

>The amazing original cutscene was replaced by some shitty mix of stock footage and CGI
>You don't see any cops or UBCS soldiers actually fighting zombies
>No more dead US Army commandos when they appeared even in Operation Raccoon City
What the fuck, this is supposed to be DURING the invasion, not after everything already fell

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Man, the way nemesis works in the demo really killed my hype.

Who is this guy supposed to be?

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Ah yes, the coomers

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If you wanna fuck with Rank in the demo:

Attached: Re3demo 2020.03.22 - (1280x540, 2.94M)

So, Resident Evil? The series that only had English dubs in Japan and used American actors for almost all live action content?

That into was soooo bad, sad that they didnt even try to remake the original into.

America wasn't as much of a Jewish hellhole then so it wasn't that bad. It's really bad now

please spoil me the ending, at this point it has to be up somewhere

Ironically, I think high Rank Nemesis is a lot easier to dodge.

Attached: Re3demo 2020.03.22 - (960x404, 2.89M)

Enemies confirmed:

Drain deimos

Can you explain how it's bad?
Please refrain from posting baseless conspiracy theories.

Carlos seems likeable going by the early footage from french dude.

>carlos pulling the cap off the syringe with his teeth
god thats so hot bros

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This is kinda hot.

There's no point even speaking to NPCs, so no

Olamba, the president

>>No more dead US Army commandos when they appeared even in Operation Raccoon City

The little details such as the destroyed T-103s and bodies of US Army Delta force operators inside the Disposal Facility is what made RE3 special, it made the world of the game feel more alive when the player notices the environmental storytelling.
The remake throws all this away and now the game is just a bunch of corridors with no environmental storytelling whatsoever.

[Spoiler] waiting for the models to get ripped for some actually good Jill/Nemesis porn [/Spoiler]

>literally no argument
I win again

>>the Beretta is in
Its only for the intro cutscene though?

Welcome to every single remake. They are made cheaply. The originals used the best staff available.

The only ones to blame for america's downfall are the common everyday americans and their stupidity.

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It's difficult to blame everyday people for not wanting to give their lives to some fetishistic quest for power over others, like Jews do

original intro was so awesome ... giant mass of zombies, SWAT, police barricade, helicopters, UBCS soldiers dropping down ... everyone dying

wtf I'm so disappointed

This is literally porn holy shit, watch with sound 40:20

the way she says ''gross'' is so cute
i think i love nujill guys

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I hate using this word, but this remake feels soulless. So many of the more interesting things from RE3 cut and the new things, like Nemesis becoming a dog halfway through the game are dumb and generic.

There is literally no footage of the Dead Factory you doomposters.

people already said the railgun was removed

>people said
Yeah, I don't fucking care what they said because people said shit before every other RE game and were fucking wrong.
Get actual fucking images or footage.

French guy that leaked said no factory of the dead. Final area is a generic lab similar to the one in RE2.

nu Jill is imo the only vidya character i've ever thought is legitimately beautiful. Shes perfect.

see Also you may be right, but the new intro is so soulless, I lost all hopes for this

Like the remakes into looks like a modern day riot and not a chaotic outbreak.
Nicolai actually saved Jill a life by shooting UBCS operator.

Any tips for RE2 remake? I started with Leon, on Hardcore, and I made it to the sewers after 2 and a half hours, but I didn't even try to get the Lightning Hawk or the button in the Linen Room because I was so sick of getting ass raped by Lickers and Mr X, but for future playthroughs I'd like to try 100%.

Dick, please... Stop.

>America wasn't as much of a Jewish hellhole then

>French guy that leaked
Post images. I can claim I'm French, none of you can prove me wrong.

How is she going to explain this to her friends?

Just stun and run. If you've already gotten that far on hardcore then just watch a speed run and copy them.

>manual flashlight
Why does this have to be modded in? You should be able to toggle it in the vanilla game.

your brain is 97% cum

I read manual fleshlight

They got rid of the Tyrant bodies?

woah, is this the power of Yas Forumscel argumentation?

Capcom knows EXACTLY what they're doing

Well, he didn't provide any images of the final area, but he did provide other things like a screenshot of all the weapons in the game for example. Unless he's lying just to shit on the game, even though 99% of what he said is being proven true due to other recent leaks, then I'm not hopeful. Hope you're right lad, and he's just lying for attention, but I doubt it.

Don't you guys think it's a bit insensitive of Capcom to make a game about a viral outbreak during the worst Pandemic to sweep the globe in quite some time?

Why would anyone want to talk to an NPC?

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Yes, the entire Dead Factory is gone, the final level is in Birkin's lab.

Is it just me or Carlos looks like Keanu Reeves

My strategy most of the game has been to dismember their legs with the shotty, because I can't seem to get the headshot stagger with the pistol to trigger constantly. Is there a specific spot in the head you have to shoot?

ryonachads win again

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>but he did provide other things like a screenshot of all the weapons in the game for example.
That should raise red flags.
>Unless he's lying just to shit on the game, even though 99% of what he said is being proven true due to other recent leaks,
Text leaks. By fucking French people. The people who made that stupid Smash Bros leak from 2 years ago that everybody claimed was 100% real.

The Clock Tower and Dead Factory are gone because everything is reused assets from RE2

You're better off shooting them in the knees actually.

also for user who post this in the previous thread, gib sauce pls..

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>the entire Dead Factory is gone
Wait, so where the fuck do they go after the Hospital?

>Live action FMV


I try to image how a city of 100k people get isolated for several days without anyone noticing. Did Umbrella pull some strings and set up a city surrounded by BLM land with harsh terrain that had utilities and roads only running out in like two places?

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And yes using the pistol on their knees, not the shotgun like you've been doing. The second you see the stagger animation you can run past.

I must be fucking stupid since I can't get this door to open. And as far as I know, it's the only way back to the flame hall. I swear to God.
It sound like a zombie is knocking on the door from the other side, but I can't get it to trigger.
Did anyone else had this problem?

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Did they change Kendos voice from RE2R? He sounded completely different to me

he sounds like him too

What makes you think no one noticed?

It was a false flag

you have to trigger nemesis


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You're doing this shit again after you already got BTFO with the Clock Tower?

You download the trainer yet?

Have any of the extra costumes been leaked yet?

>the Beretta is in
Source on this? Besides the posters in the demo.

There's a zombie on the other side. He'll stop pounding on the door once you go through Moon's Donuts

That happens after you pick up the fire hose, it's to force you into seeing the nemesis cutscene. That door works perfectly fine the rest of the demo

Sounds like you got a lag. You better sue Capcom immediately.

Who knows, it would be really nice since the vignette makes the game dark as fuck.

Attached: Re3demo 2020.03.22 - (1280x540, 2.93M)

This happens after you pick up the fire hose. This is scripted and it's to force the player to go through the Donut place to trigger the Nemesis cutscene.

Basically you have to get the safe code and open the safe before picking up the fire hose.

>BTFO with the Clock Tower
It's in the game. We know this.
DEmakefags were claiming it and the park got removed.

core values are still not forgotten i see

Does he not do the leaping attack so long as you're looking at him, or is it a distance thing?

It's happening right now with the Chinese virus.

Spread it in all of the boards, we rise

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>That woman I worked with in Raccoon City, I couldn't remember what her name was; it was Jill!

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What's the reason re2 and 3 don't have spiders?

Capcom fears arachonofobes won't buy the game?

>park got removed

The park is gone for real though.

It just means the art designer disagreed with the guy behind that scene.

Based Maxwell.

The outside of the clock tower is in, you just fight Nemmy in a big courtyard and then it skips to the hospital.

Are you dumb or just retarded? It's not in the game, we got multiple videos showing us it's gone. You only see the outside of it.
Christ, how the fuck are you still posting this nonsense after the last couple of threads utterly destroyed you?

Leon and Claire going into town without encountering any roadblocks.

The Sheriff responding to calls alone and trying to arrest a zombie.

Pretty much the entire opening of RE2.
Jill is always good.

And there's no proof to that claim.

I imagined that was the case, but I keep running around the very limited space there is to investigate and he won't appear (already grabbed the fire hose and went inside Donut place). Literally shaking right now. I was showing of the DEMO to my little brother and now he thinks I'm lame because I can't figure out the fucking game.
This fucking sucks.

The park is just that waterfront area next to the river.

is becca in?

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Look at how stupidly people in the real world have reacted to SARS-CoV-2 and tell me again it's unrealistic.


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>All that hunk on Jill

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Chris looks like one of those Simpsons farmers

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Where do I get a trainer for real life?

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There's a full walkthrough leading up from the beginning of the game to the hospital on youtube you fucking idiot.


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I guess I'm the only on excited to see that alternative costumes will have battle damage now. This sucked in RE2make.


Everybody heard about Wuflu before it spread globally, it proves my point.

So, the clocktower is in.
It's a shame we lost the four rooms and the two puzzles, but we get a whole new area and everything else has been improved.
Then post the videos, it's not that fucking hard.
>utterly destroyed you
I remember last night some faggot crying that I told him his posts were so robotic that he was likely every DEmakefag, not much "destroying" though. You lot destroyed yourselves with that ebic twitch chat though, amirite
Then post it jackass.

I'm not the best but I can S+ both routes pretty consistently. Things I learned

You're not supposed to lean on the handgun the whole game. In fact the usefulness of the handgun falls off after the 1st boss.

Mix shotgun ammo exclusively. The shotgun is for deleting zombies. A close range headshot will always decapitate them

Shooting zombies in the foot will stun them most of the time. Stun and run past where you can.

Grenades make the final boss fight with Super Tyrant a lot easier. Save them

Use 300 Flamethrower ammo on Birkin 2. Then smack him with the crane. It should kill him in one shot

Use the Flamethrower for Birkin 3. Let the fire do its job

When on your way to get the Rook piece in the sewers, pick up the Film sitting on the desk behind the locked door with the zombie on the floor. Make sure you have the key and use it to unlock the door just past the bridge with the Rook piece. You'll see a green cabinet you can push that will take you back to the RPD with no Mr. X. Develop the film, go to the STARS office, use the Police Badge to get the magnum. Check Wesker's desk to get the scope that will let you get focus shots faster. He also has a creepy picture of Rebecca Chambers in his private drawer for some reason. Also take the police badge, go back down the elevator and the stairs towards the sewers to get the Long Barrel for the Magnum. It'll melt Super Tyrants health

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You just have to leave the Donut place through the front door and the cutscene will trigger.

The perfect woman doesn't exi

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Thanks mate. Good to see.

Degradation of the American cultural identity, loss of decent values, destruction of the typical family unit, predatory loans, slow erasure of human liberty, decline of western men. The quality of goods has also fallen to facilitate higher bottom lines. 9/11 was the worst shit to ever happen to our country.

Also there's no fucking reason we have to give a single red cent of American taxpayer dollars to any foreign nation, especially Israel.

What happens if I return all the way back?

There's already some amazing porno being made.

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Imagine being this fucking stupid. Holy shit
You're now going to pretend like vids haven't been posted all day
I enjoy laughing at you and I'm gonna enjoy the incoming cope.

This post has nothing to do with the question I was asking.

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>[Arme] Hot Dogger

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I am asking you to post the videos.
This scrambling just leads me to believe you're a filthy liar.
Also, "cope", like how you cope every day with how much your family hates you by crying about games you don't play on the internet?


Why couldn't the film series use her as the lead? She's the perfect Jill.

The usual places my dude.

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It's a knife that sets zombies ablaze

It's the jews user