Animal Crossing New Horizons stereotypes Mexicans

>Animal Crossing New Horizons stereotypes Mexicans
>Remove gender identifiers in the English localization

Uhm, based or cringe?

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neither of these matter...

>stereotypes Mexicans
>I caught a monarch butterfly! The queen of the country!
How is what you posted a mexican stereotype?

>they added a mariachi suit also
im really looking for it, this game is great gringo pendejo.

>portraying a culture accurately is racist!
stfu jew

Post pic

Comarca isn't country you dumb nigger, it's county.
Spain also has counties you dumb doublenigger.

Your right, my spanish is rusty. Sorry for being a nigger.

>Other languages existing is racist
Libtards are fucked

How is it sterotyping mexico? Is it a stereotype for people to be wearing the clothing of their culture? You must be a millenial, you're so sensative

It's another episode of bland whitey/chicano getting mad on behalf of other people.


>nintendo is base-

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>someone shows him how is it in japan, mexico, germany, every single country has "choose boy or girl" stated except the us
>Twitter gays go berserk
do it.

>nintendo blowing out faggots who pick the girl character
yeah pretty based to me

The Mexicans love that shit, you dumbass. They even complained when they tried to ban Speedy Gonzalez for the same reason.
As for the gender identifiers, sure they're fucktards pandering to trannies, but they could have done worse.

>your style
So THAT'S how these fags think about genders/sex, it's all just a style to them. Calling them by the wrong gender they feel like at the time is as if someone insulted their outfit.


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Am I alone in thinking the swapping genders is a nice addition?

After a bazillion hours, maybe I'd like to choose the girl's fashion, without committing to starting a new town/character or having the animals commenting on how I'm crossdressing.

>AC is out
>Everyone's enjoying it
>Discussion is dying because people are busy playing it

>Desperately try to keep shitposting with old ass material

chances are this is not in the japan dialogue.

Its such a shamr that full and total character customization has to be tainted by twitterfags

Who gives a flying fuck? X out of twitter.

actually we've had multiple threads discussing ac all day hitting bump limits
I really enjoyed visiting autists from Yas Forums

Japan invented yuri

tranny freaks dont play games
notice how always they screenshot the first minutesof the game

i can tell that you are a mexican because no one else gives a shit

Can two people go on a mystery island tour at the same time?

So, who gunna lemme come get fruit from them? Need everything minus apples, oranges and pears.

Please someone answer me. I must know.

>mutt society is so fucked up that foreign companies have to adapt the word gender so they don't lose their shit

Just got the fences so I decided to try and start a little garden, might evolve into a park of some sort later, how did I do bros

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And they also consider it a phase. What's your point?

>Nintendo Treehouse
>Nintendo of Japan
>Final Product
Who cares lmao

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Except they didnt say either... being passive is now an affirmative action? I thought being passive was a negative action a few years ago? Example "if you dont speak up even when it doesn't affect you, you are also a nazi."

japan isn't normalizing faggotry

japan had "are you a boy or a girl"question you uber retard
this shit comes from the english translation team. they are the ones that are braindead.


>demand inclusiveness
>condemn any cultural identifiers
So are we just supposed to treat people as a collection of categorized phenotypes?


They won't go berserk they won't read your reply why would anyone

Most westerners do too, it's almost as if all japanese popular culture is on loan from america

nice reading comprehension, i'm telling the guy that despite the fact that japan has things like yuri japan isn't trying to imply that everyone might be a potential tranny
I know this is a mutt exclusive thing

in america there's no cultures. You can only rely on your sexual orientation/mental illnesses for identity

it took you this long to realize?

Do we need to have this damn conversation contantly?

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>>Remove gender identifiers in the English localization

Because genders are literally Hitler.

>current year
>still playing Japanese games in Newspeak




100% based

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Our country is diseased. Bless Corona-chan to wipe out the metro hellholes.

>Thinking Animal Crossing isn't a horror game

Does weather affect the types of fish you can catch? It's currently raining on my island, is there something I should be on the lookout for?

The Absolute States of America

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your english is rusty too

Is the PAL English translation just a copy+paste of the US one? Do Ausfags and Britbongs have to suffer another Mutt localization?

Good start. Maybe later, add a bench or two, a tiki torch or two, some playground themed furniture, and a fountain if they have that.

yes, all english versions have had gender removed.

>take a snapshot to commemorate the building of the museum
>everyone looks annoyed

Was it something I said?

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What does the gender selection change? You can pick the same looks for any of them.

I made this exact same face. It's just picking the strictly best options.

9/11 fucked up the entire country permanently, but most Americans aren't that fucked up yet. It's just companies bowing down to their current favorite vocal minority as usual.

has more to do with gendered language that english doesn't have


Bitch I want to be a canadian lumberjack and a mountie in Winter; can I find these costumes in the new AC?

>I know this is a mutt exclusive thing

And Canada, and many places in western Europe.

If you ever find out, please say so in the thread, because all I could find is that it's amazing and progressive that nintendo allows people to change genders.

I can't take any posts on here about non-whites seriously, I have seen literal PASTY WHITE men roleplaying and pretending to be Mexican all because they have a interest in actual interesting culture because their nasty generic white race doesn't have any. Yas Forums has the craziest brown fever

Source; someone who's brown


such a funny language

Unfortunately it's mostly killing the old people who think it's just as strange as we do, not the trannies.

They show pictures of a boy and a girl. Those are gender identifiers for anyone with a bit of brainpower.

holy shit im dying at that.

It does. If New Horizons is anything like the other games, try going for fish. Lots of rare ones that sell for a lot.

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A genderless burger experience