Angels and organized religion are the real bad guys

>Angels and organized religion are the real bad guys

Why is every single videogame like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:,-ufos-birth-antichrist/

It's based.
Grow up.

Because it's a trope and the writers are edgy atheists and can't stop projecting.

Like Russians and Chinese, it's a easy Badguy.

From my view, an enemy that appears to be from a higher place of grace or sophistication that is actually underneath more evil than the demons crawling in the mud below is kino for whatever reason. It's slightly more complex.

arent they ayylmaos tho

Nobody said anything about organized religion. Just your hell/heaven dualism paradigm and Yahweist monotheism.

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Because it's true.

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Nah, the real bad guys are still the demons. The makyr just got memed on because of their fear of death.

how are you doing?

Honest answer: asians are hellbound collectivist bugmen that hate God and Christ.

Two options:
> 1. Because it's an easy way to make your moral system seem more nuanced- "oh no, this thing that we naturally expected to be good/has a traditionally "good" aesthetic is bad"
> 2. Because the game was created in a culture with a significant polytheistic influence, so "angels and organized religion" don't represent religion itself but rather foreign and overzealous religion
1 is generally bad unless executed very well, 2 is slightly more likely to be well executed.

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Honest but... with no grounding in... anything.

This post is hella ironic.

It parallels the real world quite nicely. You have common evil in the form of rapists, murderers, theives etc, but also advanced evil in the form of politicians and scummy corporate folks.

Real answer: Asians (particularly japan) were Shinto for so long that it still shows up in their writing now, and it so happens to be REALLY EASY to use abrahamic depictions of religion as "foreign god who wants to overthrow local god and expand his influence".

One of the codex entries says that the Makyrs went to Hell and set up the Argent production and whatever, whilst also sharing the ability to travel worlds with the demons as some sort of ancient explanation for the heaven / hell dichotomy where the believers go to their world and the other ones get processed
but they only found out about the demons because of Doomguy, and he had come from a world where heaven and hell were already known and in fact had already died in E1M8 and gone there and wondered where bad people would go after the end of Doom 2 and fuck this plot makes no sense

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i might be wrong though since i didn't play the game yet but wasn't there a cutscene where some king in heaven said he couldn't help the doomslayer because of some ancient law?

Did you even play the game

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Not every game.

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You just killed Gabriel bro

remember not to reply to tripfags

Sure, kid.

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Have you played the game? They're no angels they're aliens that pretend to be angelic.

Chinks are going to hell anyway. I wonder if the japs will enjoy their economy being raped due to the Summer Olympics being canceled? :O

One, ID is a western studio. Two, change what you call God and the same thing can be said about you. (Ask a white how he feels about Jesus, then ask about Allah)

>Here's your Final Boss bro

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> haha I'm racist against the only group that reliably makes good videogames, on a videogame board

Because developers are lazy and rehashing overused cliches is easier than coming up with new ideas.

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>Why is every single videogame like this?
Art imitates life

Same as everyone else getting their economies raped. Except Israel of course, they still expect their wellfare check from you, pay up or get Samson Optioned.

> Jesus is the name used by the religion that has been largest in the western/civilized world for centuries
> Allah is the name used by the religion of those places that got really good at math, for the fucking pre-medieval world that is, and have been unlivable shitholes for centuries
> react to these the same or you're a hypocrite!

>'Angels' are the real bad guys
>Not Hayden
Fuck that guy really.

There are no angles bro
There is no difference between this game and other games with advanced aliens, other than that there are designs inspired by our religions.
It is stated in one of the codex entries that “Hell” and the “Makyrs” have influenced many species cultures and ways of worship throughout time.

So basically in DOOM’s universe, organized religion is a interpretation of the hyper advanced aliens.

They are not “heaven” as we know it in the real world

And all who deny Christ shall have their part in the lake of fire. Don't believe it, don't care.

Well one is the true God and the other one is from a heretic sect started by weed smoking warlord so the comparasion blows.

Come on, boy

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Atheism might be cringe but god still isn't real lol.

>redditsquad crusaders have arrived

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but the games aren't even edgy enough to show actual heaven because a triple a game based on doom can't show actual religios
it's more like just fantasy and sci fi
the actual id would show off jesus in quake, for fuck's sake

We'll see, edgelord.

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He is because he has to exist. Imagine living in 2020 and not understanding the five ways lmao

>the fucking novels are canon

>If i say god isn't real enough times it mean's it's true.

Keep coping redditfag

>jews and muslims good
>christianity bad

>If i say god is real enough times it mean's it's true.

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We are both adults, and this is an anonymous forum. You can be honest here. I wish God was real too, but you can't live your life based on fantasy.

I never read DOOM novels, I did read a significant portion of the Codex Entries in Eternal. I plan to %100 the game at some point and collect all the codex pages and skins ect.

No demon ever had baby foreskin cut off.

>INTP atheist incel fags who can't get pussy

The memes are too real.

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i feel like doom did it right
they are posers that tried to do the right thing until angel hitler stole their country for xirself
it however sucked that doom's "heaven" was still a autocracy with no free will, so even at the best of the conditions it was just plain evil

What do you think Mancubi are made from?

Once you're dead from corona chan, we'll see. lol

>muh personality types
Is there any voodoo you *don't* believe in?

That's actually true in real life but almost never in media.

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Not really as the novels had the "demons" be ayys in disguise while in the games they're actual demons

Are you implying religion is good?

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Yeah yeah whatever, just show me the porn. Let's see her whip out those tits.

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You aren't getting any shitty internet debates from me reddit boy, if you actually had faith in your belief's you wouldn't come to this "anonymous forum" and state your opinions as fact.

>MBTI nonsense
I bet you believe that horoscope garbage too.
Top kek

Its based on real life. At least in the west, all the organized religions are used to justify denying people human rights,child molestation, and genital mutilation to name a few big things they do. These religions preach peace but are ready to go to war and slaughter millions at the drop of a hat.

>japanese games
gods are the easiest way to raise the stakes and make your characters feel powerful after a long journey.
>western games
woke politics and fedora-tipping reddit atheism.

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>Submit to Yahwe or he will have you tortured for eternity
Jewish tribal demon can metzitzah b'peh my fat intact goy dick

religion encourages closed mindness wich does makes not smart people
however theres little ways wich mankind ever considered the consequences of their deeds, so it was necessary to understand and develop moral and ethnics

I mean, their god is advanced bro-AI from the future. It's a really deep commentary, you know.

Everything I said hit the nail on the head, huh? You fags are so predictable.

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religious people are insane

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i think you confused your middle eastern religions my dude

Too bad the entire New Testament is a Greek book, and too bad modern Jews have nothing to do with Christ but are the Synagogue of Satan

>Murdering your children is a "human right"
>Giving children hormones s a "Human right"

Nice meme, retard.

Doomguy is the only source of good in his universe. Fuck demon and fuck 'angels'.

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>These religions preach peace but are ready to go to war and slaughter millions at the drop of a hat.
>He says while Secular society have killed more in their 200 years of society than all religious societies combined

>woke politics and fedora-tipping reddit atheism.
Hollywood shills Christianity more than the holocaust.

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>sodomized cuckstain faggot celibate("""totally choice""") who worships an incarnated kike virgin that can't get pussy

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Unlike leftists who don't know how genders there are.

>Angels and organized religion are the real bad guys
>Why is every single videogame like this?
because they are there is nothing wrong about believing something bigger than yourself the problem becomes when some one use that believe to get power

I think the use of a popular organized religion, especially one such as Christianity, is to establish a few themes that most people can automatically recognize.
- The followers and participants of this religion believe what they are doing is right and in the best interest of everyone.
- The followers will often justify acts that could be seen as criminal or cruel as being for the sake of the goal, which is divine in nature. (IE: The ends justify the means)
- The followers more often than not follow their religion without question,and as such do not notice that their actions may be far harsher than the peril they wish to avoid in the first place.
Essentially, organized religion is writing short-hand for blind faith, and if you are writing for an audience that deals with Christianity a lot, Christianity will be the short hand.

Anyone who says this shit is a genuine retard. Most classic Catholicism called jews heretics who would be damned and said they would spawn the antiChrist.

All middle eastern religion worship same entity, even though religions for goyim do it via proxies.

2 is a really solid point. I guess abrahamic religion must pretty full on and a bit dictatorial to your average nip

Ie (((blazkowitz)))

Oy vey Rabbi Goldstein, what are you doing here? Shalom good sir. :)

>if you don't throw a shitfist when some guy cuts his dick off you are insane!

It's like you want to suck their cocks bro.

the only thing hollywood shills anymore is terrible capeshit franchises.

>what was slavery
>what was treating women a
>what is denying homosexuals rights

Okay, Retard.

> MUST join my sports team, you can't think all of them are dogshit!

Mary was raped by god at the age of 14.
The christian god is a pedo, somewhere in the Bible he tells Moses to take little girls as sexual slaves

The religious LARP on Yas Forums is some fucking ridiculous shit.

Jews are collectively responsible for the death of Christ. The Catholics have taught this for nearly 2000 years.

The word you're both looking for is "eldritch". Weird and sinister, to go by google. A fear stemming from not understanding. It's pretty easy to make something "Lovecraftian" because that's really all it is: fear of the unknown and unknowable.

>see its okay that we killed people, other people did too

Nice one Schizo.

this tripfag has been banned from so many boards he comes to Yas Forums to shitpost endlessly in literally every single thread about boom eternal

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Is all the Christcuckery on Yas Forums just LARPing? There aren't actually people retarded enough to browse this place while being Christian, right?

No. Unlike you queers, I'm not into that. Project harder, fagboy.

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Wrong. Lie more.
Jews love christ.

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Anyone else notice that ever since we started having religious Yas Forumstards crowding the site that the site's quality has dropped?

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It's just RP, none of them actually have the balls to take a shower, put on some nice clothes, and attend their local mass.

Based retard
keep spouting your nonsense thinking that you've hit some imaginary nail on the head lmao

>announcements say that not letting demons kill you is bigotry
>doomguy starts killing them

Are you people braindead or what?

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Being ""trad"", or at least pretending to, is how to fit in on Yas Forums nowadays.


That was the jewish bible, Rabbi.

Yas Forums is a far right religious fundamentalist hot bed that has spread all over this website.

Yeah of course, but neopagans are literally retarded faggots who don't know theology or history.

Given this is Yas Forums, you'd think they'd have a better outlet. There are plenty of video games that let you play as a priest or even a religious zealot.

Lots of them are Jews shilling it but many of them are real christians. Christians are braindead by nature, their entire beliefs are debunked by their own scriptures which they share with Jews by cohencidence.

I want to cum on her brain :)

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>if you don't worship a jewish tribal deity incarnated into a jewish person 2000 years ago and die for the jews as said tribal deity's chosen people then that means you are a kike!
cuckstain e-missionaries are the most retarded creatures on earth

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>Wignat brainlet attacks the religion that put Jews into Ghetto,made them wear stars, doesn't
>abolished due to Christian morals
Treating women equal in a society domianted by military and agriculture where physical strength is all that, matters is stupid
>homosexual rights
Anal sex is no right, and you dont need religion to see it for the debauchery these acts are but basic Classical natural law
Cringe retard

It's about the AntiChrist posing as God. Satan's angels are demons. The AntiChrist will try to emulate Christ as closely as possible.,-ufos-birth-antichrist/

>is how to fit in on Yas Forums nowadays.
Doesn't that only apply to the five shittiest boards on the site (Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and Yas Forums)? I feel like the culture of all these boards is so close they might as well be merged while the rest of the site is still mostly holding on to that oldfag-like culture.

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It's also christian, idiot.
>lol ur a jew cuz u expose jew worship
Keep lying.

why do christfags *always* shit their pants and throw tantrums every single time organized religion and/or god isn't portrayed 100% positively?

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>many of them are real christians
You really give these retards too much credit. Nothing they do is authentic.

No missionary work here. I'm glad you fags are going to hell. Eternity with a bunch of incels would be hell.