Streamer does something funny

>streamer does something funny
>streamer does something cool
>something sad happens on stream

Attached: rhesus-monkey self.jpg (332x307, 75.34K)

>not peepoRIP

>someone posts something i like
>someone posts something i don't like

>implying i know what emotes are those

pepePls pepeD pepePls pepeD

>a black person appears on the Stream

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I've never watched a livestream live but I've watched some clips from livestreams on youtube and the chat is without exeption absolute fucking cancer, the people don't have anything else to write but aping the reactions of the streamer, they don't know what's funny until the streamer tells them how to react

is trihard code for the n word?

The best part is both sides think they're better than the other despite being the exact same.

cringe and bluepilled

It's an emote of a black person, so basically yes

widepeepoHappy I PEED WHITE

Yas Forums isn't any better than Twitch at this point. If anything Yas Forums is worse because at least Twitch users are just having simple fun, whereas Yas Forums is full of angry pseudo-intellectuals.

Why do people talk in twitch chats anyway? I’ve never used twitch but I’ve seen videos and the chat is always moving literally so fast that your comment is on the screen for like a quarter of a second, literally nobody is reading what you typed. You’re basically talking to yourself. I don’t get it.

>streamer has that robovoice donation system

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widepeepoSad i shidded

You're probably watching chats from streams with like 5k viewers

>Streamer is one of us

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That picture made me laugh in a very high pitch

I really doubt that the average twitch chat user cares about Yas Forums as much as the other way around


>Yas Forums does something funny
>Yas Forums does something cool
>something sad happens on Yas Forums

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How do I become and emote merchant?

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>character walks

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god i wish i was that monkey

we are that monkey and the reward is (you)

>streamer lives in user's head rent free

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Cute thread

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This is what happens when you play video games too

This is why I stopped watching sips

How is Yas Forums different from Twitch again?

>n word
>black person
Do you mean NIGGER?

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>he doesnt know it's just CIA chatbots to cover for the human trafficking operation that twitch really is

I literally can't watch anything with that it's a constant fucking barage of text to speech cringe
>hello just wanted to blah blah blah quitting smoking quitting alcohol blah blah blah watching you literally made me stop doing this thing that has nothing to fucking do with you or your streams blah blah blah

but i want the juice...



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I'm an advertiser and I hate niggers and love lolis.

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Big Nig (no space)

>streamer says black

I don't understand why anyone with more than 2k viewers does it. Small streams I guess I can understand because you're only getting one dono per hour. But when you have several thousand people watching, it's like one dono every 10 minutes

video games

>hi dad i just wanted to say watching you has helped me through a rough time in my life double you double you double you double you wow wow wow seven hundred and seventy seven undecillion seven hundred and seventy seven decillion seven hundred and seventy seven nonilion seven hundred and seventy seven octillion seven hundred and seventy seven septillion seven hundred and seventy seven sextillion seven hundred and seventy seven quintillion seven hundred and seventy seven quadrillion seven hundred and seventy seven trillion seven hundred and seventy seven billion seven hundred and seventy seven million seven hundred and seventy seven thousand seven hundred and seventy seven kappa

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often I see it being one every minute even and it's always incredibly embarassing shit like on the level of a 30 year old brony going to my little pony creators and unloading his autism at them or some minecon dedodated wam shit

>being a literal underage on Yas Forums

Stay mad nigger.

This is video games

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Fucking boomer lmao

cringe and seething
it's funny when I do it

Stay in your mom's basement with me living in your head 24/7 rent free lmao

The post that killed Yas Forums

How will he ever recover

Says the guy who posts his hand next to a stack of playstation games every day.

>calling a complete stranger playing videogames who doesn't even acknowledge your existence your dad
i will never understand this

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> tehehe pero

I need to get me one of those Juice reward mechanisms.

we used to have eceleb tripfags like Lanced Jack or Donkey Kong but we don't anymore

Seven underscore? Seven underscore? Seven underscore?


This stupid shit can be funny enough sometimes so I'm fine with it
Easy enough to ignore anyway since simpleflips is one of the few who plays actual video games you can focus on instead

>thread gets made with an attractive woman in OP pic

This guy gets it unironically tho

you win 9000 INTERNETS!!!!


That's this board with literally everything. Half of the re3 threads on this board prove how much of a bunch of whiny faggots the people that sit on this board are, all while complaining about (((them))). I feel sorry for the people who come here and actually take any of this drivel seriously, and not for entertainment

sometimes i wonder if i'm the only human here and you're all just a bunch of bots

what's funny about this?

Thank you. This place has gone to absolute shit ever since people started treating it as the place to fuck around with and shitpost purposefully because you won't get banned. It's the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE who also watch streams and crap.

I dont get how zoomers have time for 4hr+ streams everyday

I am a black man and my penis is already small (blacks are actually smaller on average), but seeing a White Warrior MASTER dominate so freely and easily in the heavyweight division against what looks to be a very powerful bl*Ck man (in reality a sissy submissive slave) makes my SBC shrivel into my smallest chastity cage possible.

Please enslave us again, WHITE WARRIOR MASTERS!

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Let yourself actually enjoy something for once and stop subverting everything, or enjoying it ironically.

get back in the wage cage loser

whats funny about you? nothing let im laughing


what was the name of that big nig emote again? I think they removed it at some point

I enjoy a lot of things. I'm taking a little break from Animal Crossing right now. I also haven't forgotten what its like to be young, and enjoy hivemind memes. Spamming pogchamp or whatever in a twitch chat is no different from typing what I wrote, or the based/redpilled post that I replied to. So it seems you misunderstood my post.

and everyone, people like this post on Yas Forums
