Darkstalkers, Rival Schools, TvC, CvS, Cyberbots

What the fuck is Capcom doing? Will they ever redeem themselves in the fighting game genre? They're the ones that practically INVENTED good combat in fighting games (Devil May Cry influencing character action, SF for fighters, Monster Hunter influenced Dark Souls) Why can't they hire good people, don't they care about their legacy?

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>Japanese Shadman

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I like asanagi

Who do you guys main in Darkstalkers?

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I want Lilith to sit on my face.

Bulleta of course

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I've spilled a lot of seed to this guy as well

asanagi is based

The bodies are good, the samefaces and the edgy content are what ruin his art

Knowing the name of an artist doesn't make that artist bad. Yes, Shadman is shit, and yes you know Shadman's name, but he isn't shit because you know his name.

Fine art, shit tier porn.

I like Asanagi

sadly this, I just crop out all of his standing TJ's and just go to town.

The edgy content and how hot he also draws his guys is the best part about his art. I definitely agree about his girls' samefaces though

>tfw I made a Bulleta x Nobita R18 mugen video on FC2 ages ago

Honestly if he wasn't so hard up about the constant hyper maledom shit I'd like his stuff more. I just can't get off when all of it always devolves into the same thing. Just comes off as overcompensating after a while.

What, as opposed to homo femdom?


Start doing Lilith combos NOW


Don't care for that either. I just don't like that everything with his work devolves into fuckpigs and "You exist as a cocksleeve" shit. Gets really one note. At least folks like Shindol mix it up, Asanagi's a one trick pony.


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He's a faggot with shit tier fetishes

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Because their fighting branch sucks.

god bless

Only homosexuals aren’t into extreme maledom

I actually want to hurt women and that’s why I’m a chad


>woman beater
You're no chad, you're a psycho.

Anyone who thinks Lilith is more attractive than Morrigan is a pedo and/or homo.

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You, uh, you post the wrong image?

And god tier art. The struggle is real.

What would a Darkstalkers game even look like today? At this point, I think the only way to properly do a DS4 that pleases fans would be to go Megaman 9 or 10 and just reuse the 90's sprites, draw new background stages, and use the CPS-2 era soundboard for music.

Otherwise you would get an abomination like pic-related.

forgot my pic

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Capcom would never spend the money or effort on something like that.

i hate asanagi so damn much

>there are literally cucks on Yas Forums that don't like hyper maledom

explain yourselves, faggots

also, obui is superior

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>All these mentions of Asanagi

Who the FUCK is Asanagi? And has he drawn my man with a skateboard?

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They've been working on an arena team fighter. I've heard the roster is fucking bonkers. Arcade/PS5


Rubber Duck

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am i cool yet guys?

Reddit moment

Which one is your favorite midnight bliss?

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Gotta admit, I'm a sucker for that Marilyn Monroe Felicia.

Get to work then, drawfag

Oh, I can't draw for shit.

This ugly faggot gook incel is Asanagi.

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I like hyper maledom but not ryona, let alone dismemberment

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He's an ugly faggot incel just like everyone on Yas Forums except he makes money off his fetishes while making vanilla white knights like you seethe. lmao

>he wants males in his porn

lmao get a load of this faggot cuck white knighting asanagi for free.

what a retard kek

Most coomer artists are ugly as fuck
Myself included, I'm fucking ugly that's why I draw porn for a living, cause I'm an incel failure, making money drawing cartoons having sex is soul crushing

>that areola peek
Icing on the cake, is this from an image set?