Looks like GOTY came early, lads

Looks like GOTY came early, lads.

Attached: DOOM Eternal arena.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

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Holy shit that actually looks like shit.

He is playing on easy? Dashed into 3 enemies projectiles head on and didnt die

Very nice epic cinematic gameplay going on there. Really wish there was a glory run, or even a glory shot. I wanna play doom, but I also wanna look at my phone, get it?

Ah yes, the "Yas Forums" strawpoll. Likely a brainchild of the "Yas Forums Discord". What a joke.

Probably. In nightmare he would have died when dasghing to the cyber mancubus, and the cyberdemon wouldn't just stand there letting him charge his ballista.

how do you make it so it only cycles between those 3 weapons?

Given that he ends every kill with a GK and is probably fully leveled up, then this could have easily been done on ultraviolence or perhaps even nightmare.

hes probably bound them himself.

Atleast get the speed up glory kill rune.. Half this fucking webm is staying still looking at animations

Press 4-5-6 my dude.

What? Isnt the footage in OP from doom?
What healing? He is just using melee?

Remap keys so 1-3 are just those three weapons, or just get really good at pressing them, I suppose.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Press the keys on your keyboard instead of using the scroll wheel like a retard

>can't bind frag and frost grenades to different keys

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I did mouse 3 for grenade use, mouse 4 for equip change. Made it easy for me to do it. I can see why you'd want a separate key for each though, yeah.

>304 votes for 1181
So we are indeed being raided by corporate shills thanks for the proof wanker

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Actuallu looks fun, but I haven't paid full price for a game since 2011.

Doom 2016 is on sale for 9.99, should I get it. Haven't really played a shooter since Bioshock Infinite came out, kinda itching for one.

I've been quickly bringing up or holding Q for a bit this whole fucking time

Thats what I should be asking you
Isnt the webm in OP from doom?
What healing? What leveling? What are YOU talking about
Doom never had these RPG elements

It's a Master Level on Ultra Violence.

That's not Bannerlord

I'm still baffled why there is even a toggle. Like, you need two keys for this shit. BUT YOU ONLY HAVE TWO TYPES OF GRENADE, SO WHY NOT JUST LET THEM FIRE THE ONE YOU WANT IMMEDIATELY. FUCK.

Considering they've talked about having a Discord where they're gathering "proof that Yas Forums hates Doom Eternal", yeah, pretty much. Plus it's a fucking strawpoll, that shit could be linked anywhere.


Yeah bro Doom 2016 is great

Bannerlord won't be coming out

Ahahahaha, so funny, I just now realized: you pretend to not know what Doom franchise has been for the past four years, so funny, you are unique person and deserve a lot of attention!

im kind of amazed how many enemies they throw at you in some further areas of game, almost more intense than even original dooms

>Demon bindings aren't independent of one another in Battle Mode

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>Bro just trust this strawpoll

It feels like there is a correct way to play this game like you are bound by the developer's chess-like rules. Yeah I see that this webm demonstrates good execution on playing by those rules, but I would just like to grab a super shotgun and blast shit without turning it into theatrics with grappling hooks and dashes and charged up punches and freeze grenades like what the fuck id

you shut your whore mouth right now

>platforming in a 1st person game
Into the trash it goes.

That's actually a fair point. I was fine with my M3 and M4 keys being used for it, but yeah, you're fucking right. It could've been M3 frag, M4 frost. Another little disappointment in the game for me.

Love me some Imps.
Love me some Revenants.
Love me some Cacodemons.
'Ate Mancubuses.
'Ate Marauders.
'Ate Archviles.

Simple as.

I dont get it

Am I getting trolled?

Am I the only one who thinks the OST is bland and uninspired?
I can't think of a single memorable song unlike in Doom 2016 which had BFG Division and Rip and Tear.
Feels like Mick Gordon just phoned in the whole thing

Am I the only one that literally cannot comprehend what is going on in combat? I am 22, this game makes me feel 65. I have so many abilities and guns and there is so much shit coming at me I can't do anything. Am I just autistic?

You just want to turn youre brain off because pressing more than 2 buttons is hard for you. Kind of embarrassing honestly

I love it but the game has way too much reliance on glory kills and chainsaw kills on UV and higher

It's an FPS. Of course the soundtrack is uninspired.


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>Am I just autistic?
A little. Just keep at it, just like everything else it becomes more natural the more you do it. Make sure to remember to use your grenades.

I agree. Its way too much dubstep and too little metal

that looks like shit

Just run in circles and be done with it. Shoot your flamethrower every now and then. Freeze annoying enemies. That's it.

Truly a masterpiece of cinematic gaming, I'm going to enjoy this immensely on my 4K TV with surround audio.


*yawn* throw it into the zoomer trash bin over there

>no HUD
very impressive

Woah nigga. Do you really expect me to watch all that shit?

The "leveling" is weird. After every mission you get experience, and you level up and get shit like title cards and player icons. It's useless and doesn't affect the singleplayer in any way that I've noticed, it's probably just for that weird 2v1 online mode.

Eternal feels like a character action fps hybrid honestly

No, he's just stupid.


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>Doom 6 has SMOKIN SEXY STYLE combat ratings like DMC
100% would avoid buying.
Pretty much, yeah. You have actual infinite ammo in the game too. It's still alright for a single playthrough, but some of their design were really flawed.

So you want to play the game, but you don't want the rules.
Well, good news then, that is what the cheat codes are for.

That's not from an actual doom episode

By definition, it's not a QTE.

How far will you take this sharade? Is it fun for you? Do you enjoy being the laughing stock of the internet?

there's a rune for nearly insant glory kills, the animation speed is like quadrupled, and one that makes you move faster every glory kill, with those 2 combined you are like a speed demon

No. The game is a clusterfuck. I thought Doom 2016 was piss easy on Hurt Me Plenty, but Eternal has me considering dropping Ultra Violence in favor of HMP simply because of how cluttered things can feel. The dash has its own key, the shoulder grenade has its own key, the chainsaw, the flamethrower, the melee -- and the game expects you to use more or less all of these to survive and it can make things feel like a desperate scramble in a bad way. The relationship between your weapons and enemies is also much more significant in Eternal than it ever was in 2016, and the constant need to swap weapons makes things feel that much more frantic. It's a fun game and I'm sure I'll get better at it as I get used to things, but as someone that's generally okay at first-person shooters and very good at action games I still find it a legitimate clusterfuck.

Doom is literally turning your brain off games

I'm tired of retarded newfags shitposting about good games yes

You can tell it's a just developer footage with godmode on because he's not going BLOODLY SCREEN SO REAL after 2 and imps aren't slapping him in the back while he's jumping backwards or coming out of a glory kill animation.

>would avoid buying DOOM with style rankings
Hey Yas Forums can you give me some synonyms for the word "pleb"?

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The final gauntlet before Icon of Sin was a real ride, go through multiples of every enemy along with three tyrants. Thought it was over after I beat the marauder but they still kept coming

>Am I the only one who thinks the OST is bland and uninspired?
I really liked the non-combat music in level 2 second half, but it reminded me of something else so much it was actually distracting.
Otherwise, yeah. I mean D44M soundtrack could be absolutely grating at times, but had some really memorable and good music too, especially the ambient hell stuff, Eternal feels a lot more toned down and somewhat bland.

>point blank marauder with SS
>he doesn't get stunned by it
>completes his swing and kills me

great game id

>gameplay interrupted every 5 seconds by full-length execution cutscenes
fuck that

Git gud lol

>there's a rune for nearly insant glory kills, the animation speed is like quadrupled
You are talking to a child that wants to seem cool and edgy by saying that stuff that people consider good is actually bad.
I don't think he'll exactly listen to reason.

> I'm in a sewer full of purple sludge
> Can't jump, run or dash
> Two hell knights spawn in

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Had that happen a decent amount of times too. Even times where I know he was hit, as chunks of him would go flying, but he iFramed through the hit instead of being staggered like he should have. Really annoying.

why do I need to waste a rune slot on not making the gameplay feel like shit?

If only you got out of your basement you would know that in real life people aren't bitter and jaded about their hobbies like in Yas Forums


>> Two hell knights spawn in
Freeze them and blast them. Really - no enemy in this game is a threat when alone or in pair because of the freeze bomb.

>Anyone who doesn't like 'press X to win' glory kills is a 'child that wants to seem cool and edgy'
Real hot take there my guy.

Because they share a cooldown

>SS, Rocket Launcher, ballista combo
How original

No they don't, you can shoot them immediately one after another.

those glory kills feel so out of place with the rest of the action, slows it down a lot

Show me your chaingun juggling combo then.

They absolutely do not. Where in the world did you even get this idea?
>Devs try to nerf weapon set because they're "overused"
>People use them anyways
Oh man, how are they going to nerf them next game?

he's just a spammer

I want to play this game!
But I'm saying it's shit!
Why do you make me waste a rune in a game that I claim is shit so that I can play it despite claiming it's shit!"
If the glory kill thing is such a bother, have you considered looking into different titles? We have not been exactly short on solid FPS games these past few years.

Or is it, by chance, that you want to bitch and whine like a little child, and don't actually care for this game or any other to begin with?

Jesus you people are just fucking lost, aren't you.

they are FUCKING SEETHING. its over for the Anti-Eternal niggers. stay mad or GET GOOD!!!

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>one positive option
>two negative options
You're not fooling anyone.

How are people saying it's hard. Im playing on nightmare and there's so much shit you can use to easily survive. I just killed the first boss and hope it gets harder because so far it was a cakewalk. Even the slayer gates weren't hard.

It's slow

It's especially silly since you can see the cyberdemon just stand around aiming at you in the background, doing fucking nothing while you deal with your invincible execution cutscene.

get savagery rune retard, have you even played the game?

are you having an attack, or that's the way they speak on Reddit these days?

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Medicore isn't negative. It's a more negative connotation than just saying average, but it still doesn't mean it's negative. I agree it's a retarded strawpoll though, whoever made it is either an actual shill or a true retard.

literally how
im testing nightmare and 3 enemies shooting 500 rockets and spells at me as soon as i lose momentum

that's how we talk on 4channel, newfag

the meat hook shouldn't be tied to just the SS.

You're right, it's not.
Because DOOM II doesn't use episodes.
It's MAP24 in the vanilla DOOM II.
Open up DOOM II and type idclev 24 and fuck off into the green abyss.

I mean you can just dump hundreds of votes yourself with proxies, strawpoll is a joke.

Frost grenade them. Shoot off their rocket launchers. Get behind walls or some other cover. Dash to just dodge the rockets. Plenty of options.


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No, anyone who thinks Eternal's gameplay is anywhere close to press X to win is a child that wants to seem cool and edgy.

I love how the two biggest complaints circling around are "wah cinematic bullshit no gameplay it's shit" and "waah too many rules why does the game force me to solve problems like ammo management I just want to press button to kill without a thought".

Tells you a good story of what is going on.
I'm still going to respect the retards bitching on about restrictive ammo more than you though, because they had actually at least played the game. You literally have no clue what you are talking about - and just go for: "animation in my game, TRAVESTY!!!"
Although, maybe even that is giving you too much credit.

>we already have like 8 buttons for different attacks and we still need to bind both of our grenades
>what if we make one button throw grenade and the other button switch grenade to the other one

>fast paced adrenaline pumping action
>5 second unskippable cutscene every 3 seconds

>of only average quality; not very good.

It isn't neutral, user. For only three options, one would want one to be neutral. Again, you're not fooling anybody, bitch.

>have you even played the game?

Mediocre implies dissatisfaction that something is "only average".

play game good
watch cinematics bad
there you go

Damn man, that's a lot of assumptions packed in a single post. I don't care that much about glory kills, I was just saying I could see how some people would hate them enough for it to ruin the game for them. Like I still don't like them, but it didn't make me drop the game. Nice butthurt though.



well maybe go pirate it since there's a DRM free exe that Bethesda released in initial release, get the savagery rune and the blood fueled rune, and do nearly instant glory kills while running around like a Ferrari

I liked the gameplay itself, but not the ammo system. They make small ammo pool to make you use more weapons and also use it more efficiently, which is fine. But then they also decided that thoughtful ammo placement is too hard and gave you a chainsaw every 20 seconds. Which means you can really use one, maybe two weapons, and keep them fully loaded at all times. The system is self-defeating.

>just permanently waste an upgrade slot with an item you get halfway through the game that makes the execution animations look like shit instead of taking a million years to play out lmao

your counterpoint is invalid.

zoomers will defend this

Attached: defend this.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

>mfw they eventually add arcade mode

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Its Mediocre clarinet player, not average.

>Again, you're not fooling anybody, bitch.
I JUST said I thought the poll was retarded. How the fuck do you think I made it? Are you brain damaged?
If you say so. I've always seen people use it as a moderate option.

Fug, replied to the wrong OP because that thread is almost at bump limit.