It's cancelled isn't it?

It's cancelled isn't it?

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I'm starting to think they hit a snag in development. I mean From has never been very good at optimization so I can't imagine how they're handling the new horse physics.



Supposedly it comes out in June? Yeah that ain't happening

Use your words.


Seems likely. They should have at least shown something by now.



I hope it tries to differentiate itself (like how Sekiro did) rather than take too much from DS, though I fear that it's likely this'll just be "we ended Dark Souls so let's just make a new game like Dark Souls so fans will buy it"

Hopefully now they will realize that we, the fans want Dark Souls 4.


My educated guess is that they revealed it super-early in development because 1) Bamco wanted a public upcoming game on their docket to get people excited, and 2) details about it leaked online earlier that Spring so they figured "why not, everyone knows already anyway".

Then the coronavirus hit while the game was in the middle of development, which has probably slowed it down, a fate that's doubtless being met by lots of other upcoming games behind the scenes.

Get ready for a very, VERY dry late 2020 and first half of 2021.

>I'm starting to think they hit a snag in development. I mean From has never been very good at optimization so I can't imagine how they're handling the new horse physics.

My big fear is that they big off more than they could chew. Miyazaki buys into his own hype, thinks he can do anything now, and then makes a project too big and complex for From to handle.

>quoting an entire post

If the gameplay is slower than sekiro, it will fail.

Screenshot this post.

... no that's earth

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I'm hoping it's dark souls x zelda.

3 hours ...


Pathetic character design in pic.

It seemed like it was being pushed back even before the meme virus hit.

We won't hear anything for months at this point

Elden Ring featuring the fat anglo famous for Game of Soi was a complete misstep by From. They clearly wanted to have some of that GoT hype money that was around at the time of their decision, and they decided to bank on their tried and true Dark Souls fanbase to support it. The problem is with Sekiro they showed the world they can do something different, and by going back to something that already seemed stale they will disappoint a lot of people. And that anglo's writing is objectively shit so the story is going to be one of the worst in From history as well. Should've just gone with Sekiro 2 instead.



George does suck though.


Best case scenario they delay it for next gen if they wanna try crazy shit for it like horses and open world. Current gen is just done with. I'd rather have this for "next gen" so current consoles don't hold it back so much to the point where it's funny.

They've gone long stretches without any info before, only difference with this one is they probably announced it a little too early in development. I suspect a new trailer around June (whenever E3 was supposed to happen).

Will they change the name because a corona is like, a ring?


OOOOHHHhhhhh massa elden ring gonna make me squirt!!!

They hit a snag in development in literally every game they make


I'm just tired of the typical western high fantasy setting from Dark Souls.

>elden corona



I think Dark Souls is one of the few "western" style aesthetics that isn't the generic Tolkien ripoff

Oh wow, we don’t have any information on the most clickbaity reddit game by da creatorz of game of thrones and the makers of the super hard Dark Souls games! Oh my, who would have seen that coming? It’s not like this was made by a board of executives to get as many hype fads as possible in a game.

i agree with you but you should still kill yourself you underaged namefag

any day now,

Attached: High Lord Wolnir.jpg (582x349, 45.59K)

The art is very good, but I never cared for western style fantasy that much to begin with. Especially when it's being used constantly in media.

Most western high fantasy is based on the bones of what Tolkien did. Dwarves, Elves, Dragons. They don't really do what Tolkien did, though. They miss the point and produce soap operas in Faerun.
Because they're nips, and have some cultural distance from him, From was able to erect a mirrored set of bones, like a bizarro Tolkien that's based on melancholy and regret, instead of courage and glory.

It's why playing Dark Souls is such a special experience. It's like experiencing Tolkien for the first time, except you're older and the themes and atmosphere you're reading are more true to this older, battered you.


a certain delay
total revision of what they did
they scrapped the original storyline and went with a new one

Hol' up, user. Dark Souls 2 is both the fucking Mona Lisa and Michaelangelo's David of optimization. That game runs fucking smoothly on my fucking calculator watch from the late 80s.


E3 2020. They showed off the game too early. Think about it, it was revealed three months after Sekiro was released so it was probably just coming out of the planning phase at that point

"Ambitious in design, tame in execution" describes every FROM game

I'm getting pretty fed up desu

I’m going to cough in Miyazaki’s mouth if we don’t get any news this week.




user, they started making Elden ring right after the ds3 dlc was out.
And that was 3 years ago.

Game will come out eventually and it will be better than everyone could have ever hoped.
Go ahead and screencap, tortaniholics

it will be good

Why don't you actually read some real mythology or myths instead of going on and on about Tolkien. I see influences from Germanic pre-Christian stuff like Mannus and also Zoroastrianism (e.g., bonfires and first flame). Tolkien was just a dumb Christcuck whose works are overrated. Why not read some other myths for once like Eddas?


ye but that was the b team

this faggot from resetera has clear insider info about Elden Ring and says game isn't coming out June 2020

it's over for us frombros we're gonna have to compete against trannypunk in late 2020

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