Aigis is the best female character in the Persona franchise. How come they can't make anyone better then her? is there just no improving on her?
Aigis is the best female character in the Persona franchise. How come they can't make anyone better then her...
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Labrys is both cuter and stronger
His stuff is hit or miss for me.
I think you misspelled Mitsuru, OP.
Maybe if she get's her own wild card and has years of experience fight like Aigis
I like most of his stuff, but I will agree that there are a few misses, particularly in his early works.
how the fuck is that possible literally none of those keys are next to eachother.
Pretty sure he meant Aigis
let me lick please
but you don't deny she's cuter
I also disagree on that part
Actually is Maya
Pretty shit girl, she better as other things or girls really.
user no!
Someone be a doll and post the Meryl art he did
Maya is the best dumdum
cute toaster!
Why are sweaty armpits so fucking sexy?
You can't fuck a piece of metal
Actual besst girl.
You just upgrade her into something you can fuck
god bless the autist getting all these made
All of the TF stuff?
People like that shit?
She's a really poor character
No u
I love Fuuka!
>haha I love this character, especially when she turns into a completely different character
I don't get it
Dats a man baby
No, she's really bad. You know who shares her characterization and development? This character. You know who else? Sakura from fucking Naruto. All characters that start off "in love" with their target for no reason, even if the object of their affection hates them, and never progress beyond that.
Aigis is the same. She starts off as a clingy girlbot and ends her development in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax as a clingy girlbot, never progressing beyond who she started as. All the other party members in Persona 3 progress beyond who they started as, except for her. She's a fucking terrible character.
Fuuka is a beautiful lady with all the traits and qualities of one!
>ll characters that start off "in love" with their target for no reason,
Didn't play the same or speed reader maybe? Feels like a lot of P3 went over your head or something, did you even play The Answers?
But that's the best kind of character.
Aegis is best robutt. Get over it.
not an argument
Aigis wasn't in love with off the start, she only followed him around becuase death was sealed him, nothing to do about love at all off the start.
So is yours really.
Yeah I did play the Answer. She's STILL a clingy girlbot there, except now unemotive because the main character dying hurt too much and indecisive, which lead to the team infighting because she didn't make a decision or lead them, so the others did instead. We get to see all the team's reasons for awakening, such as Mitsuru wanting to protect her father, Yukari wanting to solve the answer for her father's death, Junpei wanting to fight for something, but Aigis's is still just her nightmare where she can't catch up with the MC and Metis is born. There's no progression beyond her MC-focus and even in Persona 4 Arena/Ultimax she's still obsessed with him. It's a really shitty characterization.
Go away, imposter.
She was obsessed with him to the point of wanting to watch him in his sleep and got insecure when told "no, you cannot do that". And she didn't even remember that Death was sealed within him, so until December she's just blindly obsessed with him for seemingly no reason.
Aigis whole development was her trying to find purpose in her life after her one purpose to stop death from getting out was gone, she then finds it in staying with the MC and protecting him then well he dies, so she kinda get's depressed and then goes back around to realizing she can still elp him by trying to help people stop wanting to die and killing shadows still. She still loves him, but got over his death, that is whole fucking point of The Answer.
I can break down anything to one note and call them bad with zero context like you did too user.
Speed reader it is
I've played through Persona 3 five separate times now. What EXACTLY did I miss?
I want to fuck that robot
I don'e know seems like you just like to pick out parts you like well ignore other parts, makes me think you don't read anything.
what the fuck?
Why did she become a lifeless balloon?
>I don'e know
>seems like
Wow, fantastic reasoning skills here. Forgive me for explaining why I don't like a character for a tired and terrible characterization that I have to sit through every single time I play through it. The one moment that Aigis is better than this is in most of her social link, where she actually extends to interests BEYOND the main character, namely her immortality and the transient nature of organic beings. Everything else, to me, is awful. Labrys is a far better robogirl as she doesn't fall into this prison called obsession.
Sure thing user, just pick the parts you don't like well ignore everything else to make your point, are you 10?
>commissioner sprees
>they're all degenerate
There's the Wonderbread guy, this guy who wants the robot to turn into a balloon and another guy who made hyper hourglass commissions of some character in a kid's show
Nothing new for her
user love is a thing, IO know it's very very hard for you to understand, but people still can love someone after they die.
Not just that user
At least more then one person on the planet likes that stuff unlike the wonder bread guy.
>another guy who made hyper hourglass commissions of some character in a kid's show
But there's no basis for the love. With all the other interests you can see where it comes from, but Aigis's obsession transitions into love so obscurely that you can't even make out the point where it happens. You only learn of the reason for her obsession towards the end of the game. That's why I compared her with Marta and Sakura. All three are obsessed with a boy, and then at some point the obsession turns to "love" without any changes or justification for why. It's like some rendition of the yandere characterization without the knife-stabby business.
I love Anne.
>But there's no basis for the love
Do you have autism by chance? Do you not understand at all how love works at all?
>But there's no basis for the love
jesus christ the people on Yas Forums really do all have autism
you haven't even scratch the surface, pretty sure this isn't even all of it.
Are you saying you can force someone to fall in love by being platonically obsessed with them 24/7? While all the other love interests have clear reasoning and you can see why they gradually grow to love the MC as you spend more time with them?
user if you think that you need a fucking basis or reason for loving someone you must have some kind of autism. Love can just fucking happen, simple as that.
I think it's from toy warrior
Yet it happens without obsession for all the other human girls in all 3 games. Only for Aigis; the tin can, does this happen, and maybe Elizabeth, but that's a different story.
Ok it is autism, good to know. I don't know how this is going over your head so much. If you are around someone enough you can fall in love with them, that's it.
>If you are around someone enough you can fall in love with them, that's it.
And at what point does it shift from a platonic 24/7 obsession to a romantic 24/7 obsession? Can you even tell the difference?
Obsession is not a thing when X person also loves you back, clearly happened with Aigis at least. How the fuck do you not know this?