What is the worst experience you've had with Steam friend-related drama
What is the worst experience you've had with Steam friend-related drama
I was part of a general that became a steam group that collapsed due to drama
When will you niggers learn the people who join these groups are attention whores
>have group of bros
>girl joins us
you know the rest
The steam group was made to circumvent the irritating schizophrenic spammmer the general attracted, The steam group attracted namefags and by then the game was dead and everybody that wasn't autistic bailed.
Fuck you. You fell for my trap. You're trapped in my thread now, post all of your cat pictures.
Not much aside from friends just drifting away.
My worst experience was some swedish fag that had a meltdown once when I brought up too many current events shit.
Apparently he just wants to drown out reality as much as possible.
Can't say I blame him since this whole "personal is politicial" shit really kicked into overdrive
Well, this was over 5 years ago, it wasn't quite as bad as it is now but also fair enough.
I still think he could have just mentioned something sooner instead of just listening to it for years.
Friend only ever played dota, tried joining him and his friends. They only played bots because of one guy sperging out when they even mentioned pvp. I think he got ousted but none of them have been on in years.
>play tf2 with my s/o
>he gets invited to a group
>I play with them a few times and I get invited into the group
>they're all pretty chill people
>join in the middle of a massive shitstorm that splinters the group
>both get invited to the new group as well
>the main guy is super nice and always wants to just talk and relax
>end up in group chats with him and the same four or so other people
>play a lot of co op games, have a lot of fun
>new people join, including another girl
>the leader and this girl start 'e-dating'
>everything is okay at first, but one day he tells me that she’s talking shit about me
>weird I thought we were getting along pretty well
>I don't really care about drama so I just brush it off
>suddenly she's kicked out of the group
>a few months later, he gets involved with another girl
>suddenly, one of the dudes who have been with us since the first splintering is kicked out
>wtf why
>'oh, he was asking my gf for nudes and being super creepy'
>think to myself that there's no fucking way that guy would do that
>the cycle keeps repeating and I realize he's some kind of manipulative sociopath who is lying about people for fun
>he's been doing this the entire time and he caused the first group's splintering
>probably just kept me around as a buffer or something
I ghosted him once I figured it out. I don't really do that social stuff anymore.
I added this one dude from Yas Forums around the time smash 4 wii u just came out, years ago. We played a bit and stuff. Told him once that i respected leffen's skill in melee and he went on an autistic rage, went and found my facebook and everything
what a retard
Tales like that always make me averse to dealing with anyone directly form here.
I don't understand why these fags are always one disagreement away from becoming psychotic internet stalkers that will spend the next years trying to bring you down.
that sounds like at least half of /vg/ generals
Usually anything involving a girl or conflicting interests. I’m glad I got past that crap, ruining friendships for the slim chance at digital pussy just isn’t worth it
I played some SF4 against some people I met playing Dota 2, and I beat them so hard they blocked me and raged at me for not taking it easy.
>I don't understand why these fags are always one disagreement away from becoming psychotic internet stalkers that will spend the next years trying to bring you down.
Have you seen the way people post on this website?
I have no involvement with steam people because 99.99% of the time they are autistic in some way or another and it's not worth swimming in that cesspool of """"people"""" for that 0.01% of people that might be okay.
Sadly yes but I would like to believe that the mentally ill shitposters aren't same people that try to reach out to others on here.
This might be where I'm making my mistake.
Fucking autists man
Plz let this be real
I had 2 steam friends that i genuinely could call actual friends that i talked to all the time, met them while playing on some 24/7 turbine server and one of them turned out to be a literal actual schizo. He would have full on mental breakdowns and start flooding my messages with some incomprehensible /x/ tier rambling drivel about ford mustang pills or whatever the fuck he called it and i would tell him to fuck off until i had enough and told him to kill himself and blocked and removed him. He would always tell me about his fucked up life and parents and how he was an autist, but he really went off the reservation with his meltdowns. Some time later my other friend told me he had electro shock therapy and was placed in a mental ward or some shit. I don't know where he is now. I checked out of morbid curiosity and he's online on steam sometimes but doesn't seem to play much. Other friend went off to university and became a normalfag that doesn't even play video games at all anymore, but we talk once in a while when he logs in.
>having any kind of drama
What are you, a woman or a faggot?
scp discord faggotry
/vg/ turned them all into namefag circlejerking blogposting trannies
>I have no involvement with steam people because 99.99% of the time they are autistic in some way or another
You seem to be the autist
>Have boomers, zoomers and millenials in my clique
>No drama because I kick all the girls, faggots and minorities on sight
I did strike a nerve it seems. Keep fuming.
here's your risk of rain discord bro speedonvhs
>>I've been on this site for 2 years
Jesus Christ, no wonder Yas Forums has been so shitty especially after tribes ascend died. I thought I was still a newfag and I just realized as of last month I've already been here 12 years.
still apart of the eternal september 2008 cancer though, i can never live it down
That twink faggot is poison. He has ruined at least 4 generals by being a catty whiny faggot.
>actually joined a group of people that consisted of people from here back in summer 2014
>21, still jobless but actually managed to have fun
>months pass by and I start my wagie life
>a year after joining I have less time for them and they start getting more people in
>it becomes full on cancer full of underages
>only cool underage was one of the OGs, didn't even know he was 16 until he said so
>still talk to him to this day
we only play together once a year because my crippling social awkwardness that still persists in my mid twenties
>girl also happens to be your GF
Ever since then, I've never invited her to anything again.
I have 2 tales. One is just kek, the other is a miserable experience
>Play a game with a bunch of Yas Forumsirgins
>One of them happens to be a girl
>For once, none is actually listing for her. She says she has a BF from the start and we all continue playing the same shit game together
>She invites her BF over
>We must have intimidated him or something cause this nigga is timid as fuck and stays quiet the entire time.
>Shortly after this session, we never see her again.
>We hear afterwards that her BF forbid her from playing with us with the excuse that we play all the damn time and she doesn't give him attention or some gay shit
I miss her. She was funny.
The second story also involves a girl.
>Playing the same shit game
>Former group admin leaves the community, hands over the reigns to someone else.
>This nigga is on an ego power trip
>Starts banning people who disagrees with him and bullying others he hates
>He picks on the only other girl in the group. Something about being an attention seeking whore and putting her in her place.
>Mock this nigga in public
>Takes it personal and starts PMing me, claiming I'm only making fun of him because I'm thirsting for this girl
>I fucking hate her because all she does is insult me in-game for making risky plays that work and saves her ass from dying
>New admin goes on a tyrant against me and anyone who is "friends" with her
>Group splinters off. The new group is made by the girl
>Join her group only because everyone else did
>Bullying doesn't stop
>She's a hardcore liberal so she goes ballistic on my friend and talking non-stop shit about him once she found out he's Republican and may possibly vote for Trump
>Tries to turn me against him because of his political views
>Tell her to fuck off
>Bullies me more
>Bans my friend
>Leave the group immediately after
Women are something else
smash 4 Yas Forumseekends died because of discord
it was kinda sad
What is worse than women in the groups is the one faggot that keeps bringing them in and making it all about them to begin with
>faggot friend keeps inviting girls from tumblr (FUCKING WHY)
>they almsot are always 18-19
>he actually meets them so pseudo-chad
>they always cause bullshit turmoil
>or they offer nothing at all and are just a waste of space
worst part is when you can't even talk or participate anymore because it just becomes about her
>We hear afterwards that her BF forbid her from playing with us with the excuse that we play all the damn time and she doesn't give him attention or some gay shit
This has happened for me the other way around with 2 RL friends.
They pick up a gf and suddenly she monopolizes 100% of their time and get mad when they tried to spend time with others.
The only time I see them now is when those girls go out with their own friends and leave them alone at hime.
damn what happened?
loved playing that game with Yas Forums
Was it because people thought it had be every day instead of a weekly event or was it just faggotry festering to critical levels on discord and then spilling into the threads?
I can understand kicking faggots and women, but what's wrong with having a nigger in the group?
I don't even talk to people my age, and my peers are already at the point where they have 250k homes and wife with 1-2 kids at fucking 24-26 years old this isn't typical though because my school district had a lot of upper middle class whites with well off parents that placed them in these perfect jobs/college right after our school year ended in 2012
Otherwise they wouldn't be having a full family when some of them just became allowed to do car rentals.
no clue
i joined the discord and put it on mute and then one day i noticed it was gone
never saw any threads again though
None, I have absolutely no idea how to make online friends, I can't ever manage to not see people as just online bots with personalities
Only online people I meet up with or have met with are mutual friends through basic social medias or dating app slags, but even then, apps feel catty and fake
What is wrong with everyday instead of weekends for shit? Some of us work but still have plenty of free time when we get off work you know, waiting for the weekend fucking sucks. When you spend your whole life waiting for 2 measly days of the week to do something you're gonna have a fucking short life right? Use every day to its fullest, even gay smash battles.
lots of things died because of discord, such as most generals
nothin really just dont like em
>have a group of bros
>long time regular of the server who never uses in-game voice chat invited to chat used made by other regulars
>she's a girl and never used voice in-game because she didn't want to be treated differently
>turns out to be a pretty cool person and a nice addition to the group
>have group (inside of a group) of bros
>there are women but some of the other guys are fucking faggots and don't care for girls
>we all just secretely hate each other anyways, just manage to get along with each other
>cliques are the problem and cause the group to splinter off anyways with non-fags leaving and faggots staying behind
>i don't like change so I tried being with both when I was really never apart of anything to begin with
>go back to my yearly isolation again anyways
i'm gonna die alone
>when you're around, they ignore you or never really ask for you unless they need help
>WOW WTF WHERE DID YOU GO until you go back for another 2 months and it's business as usual
Why the fuck do people do this?
>Had a steam "friend" that begged me for tf2 items for months
>gave him some so he could shut the fuck up
>used every opportunity to bitch and moan about his life, said he was useless all the time, etc.
>Worthless NEET, anime loving, highschool dropout
>Started avoiding him specifically
>goes silent for half a year
>comes back randomly and claims his life is so terrible because he's actually a woman trapped in a man's body
Sounds like you are the retard for entertaining someone who only talked to you to beg for items.
For years.
I added a Polish dude on TF2 once.
Need I say more?
In my experience, there's three types of women who join guilds:
>Tomboy who's extremely chill and basically one of the guys
>Guild mommy who's well respected and acts as a mentor figure to the rest of the guild
>Attention whoring thot that will inevitably destroy the group if not patrolled
It was a death by a thousand cuts
>Assmad jannie called ABIB banishes all SCP threads to /vg/
>EU server dies, funneling everyone into the US server
>US server owner couldn't be fucked with doing anything, made some dude admin while did other shit
>US server owner eventually pulls the plug
>another dude eventually steps up and makes a new server
>threads on /vg/ begin to die due to nocontent and a literal schizo spamming threads to make us look bad
>we move discussion from /vg/ to a steam group (this was the kiling blow)
>the lack of anonymity causes cliques to form
>a second steam group is made which causes further petty drama
>eventually devolves into mouth breathing retards spouting Yas Forums memes in voice chat without actually playing the game anymore
>Meanwhile the game goes an entire year without an update which cripples any new interest
>Schizo from /vg/ eventually tracks us down and starts screencapping the steam group to spam onto Yas Forums
>he eventually starts DMing the owners of the public servers to get our names blacklisted from their servers
>someone gets a 700 month ban from one of our commonly used pub servers
>some idiot got themselves doxed
>steam group dies a slow death with the only posts being 'based, cringe and snoy' posted every few hours
Blacks start getting uppity and beligerant if you don't cuck out on saying nigger and give them free passes, hold them to any standard and they get upset like a woman, they cannot handle any bantz
>Black guy tries to pull the slavery card
>We all jump on him pointing out how Africa is a complete shit hole and without it he wouldn't have internet
>He should be thanking us for slavery and be paying us reparations
>Chimps out
>have non US friend, specifically of the south american variety
>half of what he says just mentions him having no money
>actually broke now too and can't afford shit for at least the next year
>tells me to get more money despite him not working
I don't complain about this shit every day, I just deal with it and use what I have jesus christ. Games are too fucking expensive anyways, can't believe i'd drop 20-60 dollars for digital downloads
Was this in 2018? I remember wanting to play a year and a half ago but then when I actually had time the threads were on /vg/ and seemed dead, plus the scpwiki had did some gay pride flag thing. Everything from late summer 2018 to now is really a blur now.
After a very long time not talking to one friend I asked him how his youngest kid was the next time we were both on. She hadn't survived 4 days past birth and this was something I should have known, I just spaced it. He didn't flip out or anything but I felt awful.
>friend became a tranny
i was in a group with people from the same country as i am, everyone got along great or so i thought.
one day one of them got mad at the other because he called call of duty a shit game and that it was for casual babies so he removed him and never talked to him again, as a result i was left to try and mend shit but it didn't work out
i was the youngest of the group (12-13) but i was still the only one who saw it for the autism it was, now i don't talk to either because 1 stopped playing games and the other is one of those "buy this game but then you do shit exactly as i tell you even when you get a grasp of the game otherwise i won't play with you" types. so fuck them both desu
also one time i made a gmod servers and invited several friends
everyone just started minging each other, the worst one was a guy i'll call "space", i had purchased gmod for the dude because he said he wanted to play it really bad, invited him on but he started being a fucking pest with non stop minging, not even just casual fucking around, like that's all he was doing, at one point someone got annoyed and started minging him back, and instead of playing along or going back at him he left the server and messaged me saying i was a bad friend for not kicking the other dude, i told him "whatever dude, we'll play something later i guess", few days later i asked him if he wanted to play and he promptly removed me. he was always a bit autistic but in a shitposting kinda way but he seemed pretty chill for the most part but that one thing really ticked him off for some reason, i think he felt jealousy because i was being more active with the other people on the server but that was only because those didn't really know anyone so i was trying to make them form groups and friendships
I once told this dude that the holocaust was faked and he blocked and removed me
Count your blessings that he didn't rope you in somehow.
Also don't blame yourself because you'd never win against a cult's influence anyhow.
The death of the US server was late 2018
Everything after that was from Early 2019 to around november
>Friend comes out as a tranny
>He starts testing the waters and sending pictures of him in a maid outfit and shit
>He plays Medic so I'm not even surprised
>"It's not autogynophilia, you don't understand"
>Email the pictures to his dad because he was stupid enough to put his real name on steam
>Last online 93 days ago
The videos you guys did and the intial Yas Forums threads looked really fun, shame I missed out
Oh I know. 2017-18 was a big wave of that happening.
This happened to me and as i was close to them during the transition, they took out all of their anger on me and even went as far as betraying me on many levels, because of this i am deathly afraid of any kind of relationship, both friend and romantic. yes i know im weak
>you still trying to beat new vegas?
>yeah, gonna go to friends for a bit though
>last online 1759 days ago
Time goes really fucking fast when you go into a routine, almost NPC like, eh?
>friends are getting into mid to late twenties, as they get serious with their degrees and what not
>10 day offline streaks are common
Shits gonna get worse isn't it? I was doing like 90 day streaks just because I didn't feel like signing into steam and just played some older games instead