Did zoomers just discover this game or something?
Why won't Yas Forums shut the fuck up about it? It seems sudden.
Did zoomers just discover this game or something?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's an extremely vocal minority
It was always well liked on Yas Forums, both are playable in 4K since last year, and NG2 is free on gamepass right now.
not as popular as dmc/bayo and Yas Forums is full of hipsters. same with godhand
>Did zoomers just discover this game or something?
There are two reason why Black got a sudden resurgence in popularity here. The first reason is because of shit posting on DMC and Souls threads and the other is because of an e celeb doing a retrospective
Also Team Ninja confirmed they want to make a Ninja Gaiden 4.
NGB is a good game unlike most of your zoomer garbage.
>2004/2005 game
ok zoomer
It's an old game, so how would it be anything else, cretin?
No Itagaki No Buy
You don’t even know what zoomer means, retard. Don’t pretend otherwise.
>Yas Forums is full of hipsters
user, the game was extremely well-received and has been well-liked for the decade and a half it's been around. It's not like it's some obscure rarity. Comparing it to God Hand is completely off.
aged like a fine wine
dmc and bayo have enough marketing and shilling to not fall into irrelevance, while godhand and ninja gaiden are abandoned titles despite being as good as the others.
Team Ninja released a combat heavy game last week (Nioh 2). NGB name dropped often in the past few days.
This has been going on for a couple months now tho. I played the game like 15 years ago and I remember it being pretty cool but not worthy of the sudden status it's achieved here.
Ironic considering NG was easily more popular then bayo at one point. People forget how hard Microsoft pused NG
>yosuke hayashit
Hard pass.
hayashit didn't direct nioh 2
Team Ninja and Microsoft used to have a tight connection due to Itagaki. Team Ninja is one of Koei Tecmos star developers and constantly sell them out to make games and licensed shit so it's very unlikely they will get the time to do ninja gaiden ports.
the nioh 2 director wants to make ng4
it'll be another western audience aimed hayashi piece of shit and be PS5 exclusive for no reason. no thanks.
NG2004 was made for westerners, just not casuals.
Whats wrong if i just discovered this? I am having a blast.
Itagaki made it, so it was good. Hayashi is shit and has never made a decent NG game.
Problem isn't lack of itagaki as it is that he and all of the old guard that were on the team also left
zoomers living literally rent free in your head dude
get help
>Whats wrong if i just discovered this?
You have no context, like all zoomies.
Itagaki also made devil’s third
Okay and? I am not supposed to enjoy a good game because I missed out on it in the past?
just let people enjoy things, you autistic gatekeeping piece of shit
funny thing is, you are probably also the kind of guy who cries about how us "zoomies" have shit taste for not trying out the classics or some shit
You can enjoy the game all you want, you're just not allowed to voice your uninformed opinions about it.
>you have to experience something at the time of its release to have an opinion
Yes and DOA. He can make good action games with the right resources. Devil's Turd has a budge of about 100k.
That game went through almost a decade of dev hell and was doomed the moment THQ went under.
Game is a 7/10 at best.
yes but every other action game is a 3/10 in comparison
Just like every other genre.
Will he ever come back bros
I mean you're the one making a thread about it bud.
Its because DMC5 just came out and they want to prove how superior they are because they like a more obscure game better
NGB is only obscure if you're underage.
i played ninja gaiden 2 for the first time yesterday. i suck but its free on gamepass so more people are playing it.
>everybody must go to the moon in 1969 or they are uninformed
bayo is the most hipster of these games
forward + face button moves work in every direction unlike DMC, take advantage of wind run which is X+A and then you can do a flying swallow which is Y when in midair, guillotine throw is good and has iframes while doing it which is great when you get hit by explosive shurikens
almost every attack in a string can be delayed and try to use strings that don't have too many recovery frames or shuriken cancel before you finish the string
Ninja Gaiden fans are mostly hipsters. Few of them actually like the games. they'd rather be playing dmc3, but mommy stuck them with an xbox so here they are. that's why people playing the games willingly upsets them so much
Can someone explain me how you were supposed to get past the cancer ghost fish? I fucking hated that shit and honestly I dropped it. Later finished it though when my mate got past it. Can't remember how he did it, the only memory I have of this are those ghost fish that stun locked and instakilled you
All the games were ported to Xbone and got a 4K facelift. Ninja Gaiden Black has never looked better and the second has a constant 60 FPS.
Also cut it with the fucking buzzwords you fucking nigger.
thanks la
use the vigorian flails, xxxx jump cancel xxxx jump cancel until they are all dead
Use the nunchuks or Vigoorian Flails. You can also use the Dragon Sword jumping X attack.
they can't latch onto you if you're in the air
so you basically just jump around and press x a lot until there are none left (flying swallow is not advisable because you're vulnerable for a good half second after you land)
Nobody was stuck with an Xbox. You had to pay more for one. I had all three consoles anyways because I wasn't poor and a GameCube was less than $100.
This. I played it in high res after seeing it went backwards compat and it was fucking amazing. Ended up buying the rest of the series. Now I won't shut the fuck up about it.
A better question is how are people playing it?
Are these games even good? Do they hold up against DMC/Bayo?
The third is also major speculation of Ryu getting in Smash. People forget smashthreads can dominate over a third of the board at any given time.
Xbone has the full series backwards compatible
Well for me it was a fun game to come back to after beating Sekiro a few times, the skill set translates well. Plus it's just fun stylishly hacking up niggas with 40 mirrion times forded steel
also , Microsoft is apparently trying to reaffirm they early 2000s weebness by pushing NG and stuff like DMCV and Yakuza 0
Yas Forums is just a collection of various autists spamming their particular thread of choice these days and trying to gain some sort of notoriety within the board "culture" like the Doom 3 faggot
They are coping over Sekiro dabbing on that one game they got an entire console for.
>want to replay NG2
>don't have XBX so it wouldn't be silky smooth perfect 1080
please bring these games to PC tecmo
Reminder that the ghost fish were just supposed to be a background asset floating around dead in the water sections but Itagaki liked them so much he demanded they be turned into an actual enemy. Fuck you cornflake face
It runs on the OG Xbox, 360, Xbone, and Xbone X.