Monster Hunter World Iceborne Thread

Anyone else on PC already burned out on this fucker?

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Shit. I still haven't even fought him. I didn't know he was out. I'm so out of the loop.

oh no, Safi is stuck!

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Sieges are dogshit content, why do they keep making them

I fully awakened 3 weapons and crafted the full armor. Done forever with him even if he was a fun fight on the first 2 hunts.

This, not only they're boring but they always have the best weapons that completely invalidate every other one, fuck this shit man

Sieges are fucking awful. Way to waste and potentially great monster hunt on dogshit RNG and part breaking. And to ensure you have to participate in this poorly thought out shit they lock the best equipment int he game behind it.

Well I don't care much for the equipment. I mean if I get something cool then that's great but I don't need to minmax. I felt the same with kulve. I'd do a handful of runs and if I got something good then great, if not no big.

How long has Safi been out? Will I be way behind the curve hopping in now?

>finally, a team who doesn't wipe on stage 1
>error code

>join a siege hub
>at least two fuckers afk so one group gets hampered if they set out at all, else they will try to snipe spots from slow joiners in the hub
They could have done it better.

I'm pretty early in iceborne. What are some good greatsword, lance, and gunlance trees to work on? I heard elemental greatsword got buffed, and I like the clutch counter a lot on lance.

>last floor
>Safi uses its ultimate attack
>hide behind a rock
>someone stuns him immediately after the attack
>jumps in the air again
>ultimate attack
>no rocks
Errrr, was this a bug?

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just max out a jaggi gunlance until you safi then use that

came out on the 19th I think. Been too "busy" with Doom eternal and New horizons though to play it.

He came out on PC on Friday.

>burned out
Best get used to it fuckers because that's the best gear you can get.

Whatever one you want. Doubly so when you're working through the story. Use what ever weapon catches your fancy. When you burn through to the end game, still keep using whatever catches your fancy. Stop listening to TAutists and just eat the extra 30 seconds a non-optimal loadout has.

But crying about TAutists aside, yeah. When burning through the story just use whatever you want. I had a stupid amount of fun with status lances. I still do, but story is the perfect time to try shit out for funsies since you'll be changing gear so much anyway


Pukei and Kulu weapons are generally solid early, but for Gunlance you probably just want whatever has the best shelling
Then just make Velkhana weapons ASAP since they'll shit on Shara later anyways

(Unzips armor)

>slayed him 6 times in a single run solo since release
why exactly did console players were having a hard time with him? he isn't as bad as they made it sound like
The hunt becomes easy when you figure out the beam and he doesn't pull shit like >pic

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GL aside from Safi
Long: Anjanath, Tigrex, Vaal Hazak
Wide: Shara, Guild Palace
Normal: Rathian, Stygian Zinogre

Am i the only one who liked the siege?
His fight was really fun with two of my friends, especially when im on baiting duty.

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If you do this faggot solo and die to a falling rock at last phase before the nuke you just lose too. No rocks respawn.

The fight is fun
The grind and multiplayer isn't

It is, it's not after 500 times
On the contrary I love fighting Nargacuga and I exterminated their entire family alone

>double dip pc version
>create character
>get to astera
>look at the empty equipment chest
>look at the empty item chest
>look at the small tree under the canteen
>look at the empty quest list
>quit game
60 fps was nice

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Get friends

It came out a few days ago, and is going to stay for a long time. Youre not going to miss anything, and a day or two of fighting it will get you enough to awaken minimum 3 weapons.
As casual as it sounds, you should get at least 1 friend to play it with you, since its much better when you have someone that goes into a flow with you while hunting him, since you're going to hunt him alot of times.

>tfw forgot to put cloud sync for savefiles
>format PC
>"I think I saved every game file I needed"
>one day want to play MHW
>re-download it
>"Create new character"
I only had 80 hours on my old character so it wasn't that bad, but still

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I'm glad it's not just me.

Best Lance is the Nergi lance before it got taken over by Safi, but to be honest, build whatever you want to build. You don't need to run ultra optimized builds, and it'll only shave off a minute or two from the hunt if you do anyways.

That's usually how we did Kulve. A couple buddies and I usually have 3 or 4 huntan and we know what to expect from each other. Always have a good time huntan Kulve.

>Best Lance is the Nergi lance before it got taken over by Safi
Considering he can do Safi as early as MR24 and Nergi is at MR100... I think he should aim for something else

The only shitty thing i feel about the multi is that some other party could snipe Safi before yours get to kill it. Otherwise i find it pretty interesting to have 2 parties running side by side to drain the energy faster.

Because we had to run safi with dog shit teams that don't even bother running for the rocks or wipe in the first phase
The fight itself is easy, being the only one breaking parts and having to draw aggro all the time isn't easy when the threat of double nukes is always present

Just blitz the story then cheat in all the items you had on your PS4 save

why is MH early game so shit

Unless youre a total slob and wants to be carried like a baby, its much better to have high end gear before fighting Safi. It's one thing to get weapons for a set that you dont main, and its anothr to skip to max weapons and miss out on all the fights because muh dps.
Its the same Defender or not argument again.

Yeah, it's fun the first time
It's not fun the 20th time when you're rolling the fucking weapon drop gacha, and then once you finally get your weapon you have to roll on the fucking awakening gacha too

Its only shit for glaives and gs

>last leg of the fight
>Safi is showing skull signs
i legit rage quit.

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You can stock up on Dracolite and savescum the awakening at least

Weapon drop gatcha is only bad when youre rolling for the weapon that you werent using. Haventz gotten bad stats gatcha. Ill be able to awaken it if i spend all materials on 1 run on one weapon, and fully optimize it if i spend mats from 2 runs.
t.4 weapons maxed out already

Is the tail tough to cut? I feel like I'm hitting it for an hour. I don't run full meta but I at least have full crit with some agitator.

>Weapon drop gatcha is only bad when youre rolling for the weapon that you werent using.
Well then where the fuck is my Blast LS? I have every single other fucking LS.

I'm more burnt because of the bullshit you have to deal with online. Why are there 4-8 people sitting around doing nothing in a fucking Safi Hub? Just fucking leave man. Two groups are actually fighting the damn thing while there's maybe 2 people trying to get another going, but everyone else is just sitting around so they just cancel the mission and wait around too.

It usually takes me up until the last 5 minutes to take it off as IG if I'm the only one doing it. Even after I finished my new build and my atk at 1200 and my affinity at 60% it takes a while without help.

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Yeah not having a whole lot of fun with the random weapons rewards. Its better than Kulve i guess.
But thats not a high bar. Most groups have been running around with their heads cut off it feels like too.
Parts dont break and it takes a minimum of 3 runs to kill Safi.

Then hope you awaken the set you want on your dumb looking weapon and the other upgrades.
Or run safi again til you do.

Thats before the mention of other randoms dropping into your group and snagging your spot in a 5 man lobby.
Got through 2 runs yesterday and then a random showed up and took one of our groups spots on the final run.
So the other guy that had done more work was stuck with level 7 rewards.
While this new random fought for 10 minutes and got his level 12 rewards or whatever it was at.

What a shitty feeling.

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Why is he so cute?
He's literally my moms dragon.

He does his oneshot move in the final phase, fine we hide behind the rocks, 10 seconds later he does it again after we bait him into two of the gas bomb things and no new rocks have spawned and we all die.

its a dps check and we did insane damage to him before he drops his nuke.

was burned out before any of the content packs came out, iceborne really didnt go far enough in making the encounters feel different

I know a guy that gets fucked with connection issues at least once every night before it stabilizes
I think it might be his ISP since I live in the same town with a different ISP and rarely have issues

Don't worry about the tail until the 2nd run imo, unless you're sure you can get it and still kill Safi in one round

1st run is the only run where you really have time to cut the tail, though
On first you should get to 3rd stage and get at least one absorb hopefully
On second run you kill
2nd run is usually like 7-10minutes long, not long enough to cut the tail (unless all 4 focus on it, which you know never happens)

This fight would be so enjoyable without the energy siege mechanic.

Any PC safi rooms up?

Is furious george and brachy out yet?


is PC safi the full siege or just the recon mission?

I thought these things usually came out japanese time

Nigga just don’t use the weapons and use what ever you want lmao

How many of you wanna fuck the monsters?

>same guy carts 3 times to sharas telegraphed cum blasts

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