Why did japs and americans dominate vidya when europeans are way more artistic

why did japs and americans dominate vidya when europeans are way more artistic

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>way more artistic
That's why Eurojanks is a thing

Japania and murrica are their own nations while europe is a fucking hellhole filled with nations that hate eachother but have to work, also nobody understands others.

The 3 highest selling games ever are European.

Videogames are not art. They are entertainment, like anime and hollywood movies. This is why Japs and Americans excel in the field.

Source? Or is that just your observation?

>a fucking hellhole filled with nations that hate eachother
That's eastern europe. People in western europe tolerate eachother and engage in friendly banter.

>People in western europe tolerate eachother and engage in friendly banter.

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japs and americlaps are work slaves
You cant make games in yurop with our laws.
Thats pretty much it.


if i were an alien and my only way to come to grips with human civilization was with this website, i would assume that you people are holocausting each other nonstop

Because they don't waste their time in kiddy shit like video games.

Eastern Euros don’t hate each other, they just have one designated scapegoat each and they hate them.
The only reason “western” europe is “tolerant” is that they got cucked hard so they have to pretend there’s no bad blood between the Irish and English, Spain and Catalonia, etc. etc.

Wow, i didn't even realize how many countries there were in europe

Most English people are retarded and literally don't even know about their colonial legacy in Ireland.

Well, yeah, that was before the EU.
It's chill now for the most part.

Sick, dude. That's my fav buzzie

>American education

Gotta look out for number 1, user. Then maybe we can care about number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc..

You said it yourself, the only reason they pretend to be tolerant os the EU, which only exists because USA and Russia made every single European country utterly irrelevant, so they had to make nice in order to be slightly less of a playground for the real powers.

Its a cultural legacy of World War II. Europe is consumed by self hatred for senseless wars, colonization etc. It kills the creative spirit. Meanwhile, Japan was singlehandedly rebuild by America. Perhaps America imparted a spirit of leadership to Japan.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do they not show you maps or globes in school over there?

wvat iz cumputer?

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found the jew

Found the American

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Not an american, but who the fuck remembers names like Belgium, Austria or Latvia? And i thought for almost 3 decades that ireland was a part of the british crown, not a separate nation.

Sounds like your education system is just shit. Where are you from? I've met literal third world poorfag africans who have a better sense of geography.

I'm 100% Nordic, but i was born and raised in America.

>who remembers austria
you never watched crocodile dundee as a kid?

>I'm 100% Nordic, but

So you're an American. Got it.

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Nope, not a trace of indian in me, and my parents were first generation immigrants. So i'm a norwegian.

>Europeans are more artistic
>most famous European game is fucking Minecraft

cuz art doesnt pay, look at icepick lodge

el americANO

>100% Nordic
keep telling yourself that mutt

If you're born and raised there you are American faggot. Go to Europe and you will be considered American.

pooping girl is wife material


The English are statistically more intelligent than the Irish as a simple matter of fact. You didn't get conquered by someone dumber than you.

Why are you people so hateful against your very own brothers? Just because you were born abroad doesn't make you into another race. I'll be accepted among my own the day i return to my ancestral lands soon.

aren't GTA and Red Dead made in Scotland? At one point GTA IV was the highest selling single piece of entertainment of all time

fourth post best post

Kill yourself LARPing faggot

Europeans need to grow up and speak English. It only hurts their economy speaking a language that 20 people speak

They got cucked to not like they ownm history ans culture and instead consume some artificial americanist culture or post-modern culture critique, wich are no real cultures, so.
And the internal market sucks to.

OK but that doesn't preclude them from being ignorant of a specific historical fact.

>Parents are both european going on a cruise
>Be born on a cruise ship

Euroland lost most of their artistic vision around the early 1900s.

i disagree, video games are art, just cuz mutts and japs make braindead entertainment doesnt mean others do too, also profit isnt an indicator of good art, is Justin Bieber a good artist? no, popularity doesnt mean anything

Who the fuck thinks we're tolerant? Literally the first thing everyone jumps at the throat here is nationality, that is whenever someone bothers to speak up since EU servers are mainly silent.

look at picture again, that’s not an international border

because jews pumped their money into the American industry the same way they did with film. games that come out of europe are always a few guys making an art piece while american games are all focus tested slop driven my greed

Reminder that if your country does not have a coastal capital it's pretty much a non-country.

No wonder their birth rates are dropping so hard. They will do anything to reduce their own numbers. Guess that's what worshiping refugees does to your mental health.

>Grand Theft Auto
>The Witcher 3
>Far Cry
If anything Europe has been dominating the single player AAA market in the west for the last decade

I went 20 years without knowing Andorra existed because maps like these never mark it

Or hell, the city states like Montenegro being it's own sovereign nation, along with the italian ones like San marino or whatever it's called.

That’s the american concept of citizenship, euros don’t recognise jus soli, they operate on jus sanguinis for most part, though you have to prove you share the culture and language in some cases

>USA and russia
it's more related to the loss of the colonies.
spain, england and france are basically the size of the russia and USA with all theirs colonies.

we never really recovered from ww2

>if we ignore all the european games then europe hasn't made any games


Takes entirely place in the USA besides that shitty spinoff
Stolen codes from american devs
>The witcher
I'll give you that one
>Far Cry
Clone of generic american FPSs
Okay, this one too
But the majority of your games is either based in the USA, uses american tech and programming, or has USA in a lead role.
Even your own games can't stop being about us

should've just let the Fuhrer have his stupid little Polish towns.


all america has made is cod trash

any decent AAA game is made in europe

Artistic how? The era of european arts was like 200 years ago and then quickly spiraling downwards into irrelevancy. From literature to music to art, nobody knows anything that europeans made in the past 100 years besides x nation itself, high on the fumes of it's own asshole.

Uses European technology by default, you already lost.

And you still use your OWN technology, to talk about us, to write about us, to larp as us!
Now that my colony, is what we call "cucked"

This. Europeans are government whipped...
they think government and the "common good" is something worth perusing.
They let their governments make laws thinking those laws benefit average people while in truth it only helps interest groups and rich people.
They love their protectionist policies and think that people deserve getting x amount of money even if they are not contributing jack shit to society.
Its a terrible place(with some exceptions like swizerland) where dreams dont exist and people hate each other cause their income does not depend on being good to one another but rather government laws that divide money through a cold bureaucracy.

>he says as he boots up Skyrim for his 120th playthrough

For some reason Europeans like autistic simulation games and counter strike.

ok cod and skyrim

Personally, i agree with this eurocentric notion of isolationism. Let them shut their autistic people within their own cucksheds where half of the continent will starve unless they're willing to compromise with the "globalists" and purchase goods outside.
This way we can block them from Yas Forums for good (it's not like they want to risk influences from us evil non euros after all), truly causing a great everlasting golden age for the site.