Is this true for vidya?
Is this true for vidya?
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For good vidya, yeah.
if you like playing movies, yes
Nope. The smartest people in the room are the programmers. That's why they get paid significantly more than everyone else.
Swap code monkeys and artists, then invert the brains.
Writers are at the bottom because anyone can really wing their job. In a sense code monkeys are the most important ones because there is no GAME without them no matter how many artists you have onboard.
Sure, presentation matters a lot but the programmers are the back bone; without them there will be no game to be played.
Yes, unless the code monkeys actually know how to make a custom engine without using third-party libraries.
Literal whores
I don't care about the other 3 but music composers is 100% right.
>mfw artists are always the first to get fired
As a programmer myself, yes.
Not anymore, nobody cares about gameplay so they just grab some pre-made engine and download some pre-made gameplay library and that's kinda it.
Just look at the xbox/sony console threads, none of them are arguing over which exclusive games have better gameplay; they're only arguing over gwaaffffixx.
Programmers are certainly the smartest out of the bunch, but smart programmers don't work with vidya companies, except maybe indies.
Artists are retards though. Every 75 IQ girl on instagram can paint as well as Bob Ross
Yet they can't code shit without needing a billion patches after the "final" release.
>Writers are at the bottom because anyone can really wing their job.
You really underestimate how bad people are at writing. This very thought process is why writing in games is almost universally shit.
But that's true.
That’s absolute horseshit and if you were actually intelligent you would know that. General intelligence has nothing to do with whether you can code or not. OP’s pick is trollbait. That’s what the template was made for. These are all specialized areas where the best rise to the top. Period. A top tier artist and top tier programmer are both highly intelligent, they just use their brains differently.
That's because of retarded producers and managers who don't know how to plan a production that fits in their schedule
>idea guys
Anybody can write a shit script, but good writers would be the rarest of the 4 groups
Thousands of games come out every year that don't have this problem.
You should stop focusing on AAA productions.
>This very thought process is why writing in games is almost universally shit.
and that has little to no impact unless writing actually matters to your game, like with rpgs or adventure games. quality writing is simply not what people look for in video games to begin with.
Bold claim.
it's the opposite
>It will be like X but better in every way.
Nah man, that's fucking dumb. All of them can be reduced to
>Write code
>Write words
>Draw shapes
>Make sounds
But if you've got one that actually knows what they're doing, they're doing a lot more than that.
>General intelligence has nothing to do with whether you can code or not.
"Can code" and "can actually design a program" are further apart than "can doodle" and "can paint so well you can't tell it apart from a photo".
I'd say "idea guys who understand the framework they're working within" would qualify for that and they're incredibly rare.
add final tier: idea guys
t. Peter Molyneux
la creatividad...
>Caring about writing in vidya
Go read a book or watch some kino.
The writer is the one that often determines if the game is good or absolute garbage unless it is a pure bing bing wahoo game. In that case it is the programmer.
Manager > REST
Someone has to whip those tards
They know exactly what they're doing. Don't kid yourself. They only care about keeping costs down, even if it means hurting the final product.
Video game instantly drops from a 10/10 to a 6/10 without good music or sound ambience.
So yeah it's true.
To an extent. Nothing that immerses you more than Ambient_03. All 4 of these groups need people with talent.
There are no idea guys in the industry.
>A top tier artist and top tier programmer are both highly intelligent, they just use their brains differently.
Nope. Good artists are a dime a dozen. Easy to outsource to. Nothing special about them. Good programmers are rare. Again, there's a reason programmers get paid more than anyone else except for upper management in game development studios.
Claiming artists are just a smart as programmers is like claiming a gender studies major is just as smart as a psychiatrist. Finding an absolute retard who is good at art is easy. There is no such thing as an absolute retard who is good at programming.
>Says it depends on the game before immediately doubling back to an absolute statement.
You're a fucking moron.
Who the fuck designs the gameplay then lol
designing a program well is an art by itself
Imagine being Will Wright. EA raped literally every single idea that man had.
Code monkeys are hit or miss.
They can make things work, but you better hope you didn't end up with a no fun retard.
>That isn't how it would work in real life. I'm not doing that.
>That's too complicated for me to implement. I'm putting an alternative that's easier for me to write and doesn't accomplish the same thing.
>I know we all agreed to X Feature and everyone else has already done the work for it, but I changed my mind. I don't like it. I'm removing it.
The "creatives" are intrinsically the most important aspect. The code monkeys and programmers and the like are effectively the builders of the game, but without the creative minds who have envisioned the game, they aren't building shit. Especially now with the push towards STEM degrees, you can find plenty of hands to build the product, but it's not so easy to find people with unique ideas. This is also part of the reason why so many games and movies are shamelessly retreading previously successful titles. They've got the manual labor, they do not have the creativity.
Mostly because you'd need to be the director or have a lot of sway with them. You can't just write a good script. Good writing in games is also design.
So not an idea guy, gotcha.
Whether it's intentional or not, it still has an impact on the work of programmers
The programmers and testers do 90% of the work on gameplay.
Yeah, because the actual equivalent is "can design characters/settings with thematic clarity and visual appeal." Anyone can code and anyone can draw. Designing is the skill in all four if these fields.
without them games cannot exist
most overrated shit. their stories allways forgotten. even tolkien is overrated shit
yes, this is best one imo cuz anime and tits
useless shit. they all sound the same, all bands use same three insturments, zero creativity. fuck you Yas Forumsfaggot
A programmer can make a game for himself.
Any of the others will need to hire a programmer to make a game.
There are plenty of games that play fine without their soundtrack.
But some are completely inseparable. Imagine trying to enjoy Oblivion without Wings of Kynareth?
What tier is it when you do all 4?
I can't imagine enjoying most of the games I like without its music.
>He thinks programing isn't creative
Fucking brainlet. I'm not talking about copy + paste from stack overflow but doing something with your vision.
>This is also part of the reason why so many games and movies are shamelessly retreading previously successful titles.
>They've got the manual labor, they do not have the creativity.
Blame normalfaggots and publishers, because you can say same thing about any entertainment medium.
Why try creating something new when you can just imitate success.
the idea guy is the technical director... I think.
>game forgets to include "And You" in the credits
You become Daisuke Ishiwatari and ship out games both loved and loathed. None of them sell.
Based and Dark Soulspilled
Gamemaker kinda ruined that. Any dipshit can make a game.
Undertale tier
Some games are only as good as they are because of their soundtrack.
add a last group actually designing the gameplay
>Big brain
Good Programmers
Good Writers
Good Music composers
>Medium brain
Okay Programmers
Okay Writers
Okay Music Composers
>Small brain
Bad Programmers
Bad Writers
Bad Music Composers
Good Artists
>Micro brain
All other artists
I think you’re a bit ignorant to the skills involved in art, as well as the emotional intelligence involved in many cases. Coders can create programs or websites that are equivalent to ’doodles’, too. There’s way more nuance involved here than you’re letting on. There are so many different kinds of coders and artists. The guy who codes a calculator and the guy who codes a game have entirely different goals. The guy who paints a 20 foot canvas of Dave Chapelle in a photorealistic style like a human printer does not have the same aspirations or abilities as a guy drawing spending 15 years drawing a manga that he also wrote himself. We’re talking about manifold aspects of intelligence and trait combinations.
My point is that all of this requires high intelligence, just wielded differently. An individual may have the same IQ as Einstein, but their brain wiring keeps them at middle-school level mathematics while they are painting portraits that would make Rembrandt blush.
They all create assets, none of them are really making the game, the programmers are the one making the game.
The point is that he does have abilities useful for the development of the game, mainly narrative ones which is mostly what his games are about. An ideas guy doesn't have that.
code monkey get up, get coffee
Cope computer science major
>Imagine trying to enjoy Oblivion without Wings of Kynareth?
I can easily do that because when I played Oblivion I replaced Jeremy Soule's soundtrack with Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works and it was an immediate improvement.
based and electropilled
Absolutely based
The only relevant thing is the gameplay.
The only relevant team members are the programmers.
marty tier
Music Composers
(not code monkeys/amateurs)
ZUN tier
This is the most Computer Science Major post I’ve ever seen.
Listening to the developer commentary for Halo 1 and Halo 2 it's amazing how many of the best ideas in the franchise came from Marty.
Kinda sad they let him go because of politics
Wouldn’t that only count if you could do it WELL though?
This is so fucking ignorant. Hahahah. You’re. Programmer, right? Or do you just hate artists?
though differentials get tighter the more talented the team is over all. If the leads and their teams are all some of the best of the best, it matters less.
This is true for every good game put out by Rare
He does them all well
Everyone hates artists, even other artists.
Music is the easiest one of those to praise, if anything the people who agree with such tierlist are the ones exposing themselves as brainlets.
Writers are the least important ones, by far.
Most important shit is music makers and programmers.
Artists and writers are fucking meme jobs anybody can do. Music requires more effort than normal art and everything is based in programming.
They get just a little too much credit because of those later dev commentaries putting all the spotlight on them.
search up "Halo 1 dev commentary part 1", on Youtube, and watch the commentary from Shi Kai Wang and Steve. Then watch "Part 4" with Marty and Joe, the difference is stark.
Let’s see
>famous programmers
Bill gates? Uhhh
>famous writers
Dostoyevsky, Kant, Shakespeare
>famous artists
Velasquez, Davinchi, Goya
>famous composers
Debussy, Bach, Mozart
Okay well, you’re not wrong about artists hating other artists, but that post is still ignorant as fuck.
ZUN is perfect at everything they do. Don't you DARE disrespect them!
>useless shit. they all sound the same, all bands use same three insturments, zero creativity. fuck you Yas Forumsfaggot
Aqua posters are the worst.
>tfw I'm an artist
If the industry wasn't such visceral shit, I'd consider helping to make Kino games.
Jones and Staten had the pieces, but without Marty i'm confident that Halo would never have been as successful as it was. literally weaved together all the elements from every department. it's not a coincidence that bungie fell flat and hollow after distancing themselves from Marty
>can't even spell da vinci right
And that is why your game sucks.
this but unironically
>Can't name famous programmers
>Means they don't exist
>Phone poster
>Sonic poster
Like pottery
God damn this is some shit
>all bands use same three insturments
>all video game music is band music
Anybody can make art, but chances are, it's shit. Takes a fine eye and skill to produce anything of value.
Face it codecucks, any genius programmer would just become a mathematician
Which one do you prefer, orchestral music or electronic music?
>all video game music is band music
no that response was for Yas Forumsfags. I just hate when I see some musician cocksucker