Real men picked amazon

Real men picked amazon

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Oh shit, just remembered I haven't finish that game.
Why are battles such a boredom ? It's not satisfying at all.

Although, if I'm fan of the character-design and art-direction, something really bothers me about the animation. It lacks impact.

Where's my 13 Angels NA release??

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That's not Dwarf.

>Real men picked amazon
Real men pricked Amazon

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min maxing DPS addicts pick Amazon. Real men pick Dwarf

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Is it on PC yet?

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There’s no argument. Dragon’s Crown is blatantly sexiest.


I really loved this game but the character designs are way over the top ridiculous. I ended up using the elf as my main.

>not being a loli patrician

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>PS4 exclusive
first game I'll have to buy for that hunk of shit since Persona 5's opening week

I don't think many people will get that reference

will it ever be on PC?

>min maxing DPS addicts pick Elf


>PS4 exclusive
The game is also on Ps3 and Vita and you can easily emulate it on PC via RPCS3 even on a potato pc.



get that pedo shit out of here

I just couldn't stop cringing as I played through the game. It always kept trying to outdo its last sexist moment with something far worse barely 15 minutes later.

thanks user

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Darude Sandstorm

Elf > Sorceress > Amazon

Underground cave gang

I played this when it came out. Enjoyed it. A year ago my nephews wanted to play a coop game. I thought this would be good. I turned it on and suddenly realized how sexualized the character models were. And then turned it off.

The only one who can come close to Amazon's damage output is Wizard and thats with spamming his limited spells. Elf is third place at best, though she gets points for being one of the most technical characters with good build variety.

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go be fat somewhere else.

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The real way to play this game is multiplayer. If you are playing solo you gotta have NPC allies. The only other reason I can imagine is because you weren't playing your class correctly and or went a boring build. If none of those apply then I guess you just don't like the game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I want her to take a fat shit on my chest

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All 3 of them are literally my fetish.

Imagine trying to go a max DPS build and not just picking the coolest looking character

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This game looks great emulated. So glad you can play the upgrade on pc.

It's obnoxious fan-service for horny nerds who think there's anything elevated about their shallow wank material.


Give me a break.

this game disappeared from the playstation store on vita and never returned.

She fucks Orcs

Elf law

Thats disappointing but expected. Those were better times

Someone bought this game for me and yeah it seems rather boring. Maybe I just need to pick a different class.

>almost 7 years later and Dragons Crown still makes faggots anal pained

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It was gross in 2013 and it's still gross in 2020.

I don't understand why you can't just enjoy the game instead of complaining or wanking to this shit.

Have no fear The Elf is here

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Do u think amazon likes manlets

>Still no PC or Switch port

It's like they hate money.

I just installed this today, is she unironcally a good start?

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you'll have better luck spinning that yarn on twitter or something

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Just emulate it on PC

Not really. Yas Forums is as based and left-pilled as twatter, maybe more so. There's less alt right chuds here.

She's the glass cannon. Tons of damage, but be prepared to die quick if you get hit three times in a row by endgame.

Dem meat curtains bulgin'

any of the melee classes are a good start if your new to the genre. Amazon needs a bit of finesse to use her parry but other then that shes pretty straight forward. Fighter is the most basic, hes only really fun in a group. Dwarf is the most fun class I think, his throws, bombs, and hammer time make clearing rooms a blast. Sorceress and Wizard have to contend with a limited inventory of skills more them most classes but theres nothing too daunting there. Elf is probably the most tehnically deep character, shes super agile and you have to manage your arrows while contending with her frailty, but shes really rewarding to master.

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Go away Jason

i want to taste her lips

but really her boot sweat

It's incredible to me that people can see games like dragon's crown, where a woman's boobs are flying all over the fucking place, and go "yeah, what's the problem?" To me it just looks ridiculous. And painful. And yeah, maybe I should be progressive enough to really care about it because of the messages that it sends, etc etc. But I guess I'm selfish, because really, I find it hard to get into a number of games these days because the fanservice has gotten so extreme. I can deal with sexualized designs as long as they're somewhat elegant, etc etc. But Dragon's Crown?

Chicken's Tiara

Fuck off, prude.

What the fuck is wrong with her ankles

>literally reposting your post from resetera
you have to go back

Ah yes, I too like women who have this physique.

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I wanna breed the elf, I NEED to breed the elf.

Found the tranny.

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seething roastie

pic not related it seems. the Amazon is very feminine albeit muscular.

She looks like she skips leg day, tho

What a strange fellow.

Dragon's Crown's serious liberties with female anatomy are distracting. Two player characters — the Amazon and the Sorceress — are explicitly sexualized, with breasts literally bigger than their heads with rear ends to match, and plenty of the screen real estate is dedicated to their respective jiggles and sashays.

This but unironically.

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Question: Isn't the Dwarf also sexualized

Too much asset reuse. There's like 8 levels in this game and you're expected to replay all of them like 200 times each for completion.

way to out yourself as not having played the game. Elf is the worst character consistently. The only reason anyone picked elf is because of Imai.

It doesn’t count when it’s guys.

Wish we would get a sequel to this game. I would even settle for a expansion. Too bad vanillaware's next work is some gay VN, hopefully they make an actual video game next.

isn't that the point of a game? to be pleasing to it's fans. Why is fanservice a "dirty word"?

Just once it would be nice to talk about this game without the prudes.

>get to have Amazon AND big DPS
Why would anyone play anything else?

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>turn based
Take a wild fucking guess, buddy

Man am I the only one who has suddenly been really into muscled women lately?

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