What the fuck, how am I supposed to play any other game now

What the fuck, how am I supposed to play any other game now

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You don't. You've seen the highwater mark, and you quit while you're ahead

how is it any different from any souls game besides the health regain hit mechanic

I didn't like Dark Souls 2 and 3, but after Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne and Sekiro, I can't play anything else now.
Maybe I should get into Rocket League or some shit like that, but I can't stand being insulted by 12 year olds because I didn't properly defend or something.

I dunno.

How does it feel to not being able to notice extremely superior worldbuilding, setting, graphics, purpose of every single game item, the ongoing feeling of mystery, the lore building up on your head as you play, the superior enemy design, the uncanny skyboxes and themes?
How does it feel to only notice ROLL HIT ROLL HIT?

It's just better than the rest of them in almost every meaningful way

I honestly doesn't get any better than Bloodborne.

>How does it feel to only notice ROLL HIT ROLL HIT?
You mean gameplay?The core reason why video games exist? Honestly go play the last of us if gameplay is some sideshow for you

you suffer like the rest of us

My friend is playing through it right now and is loving it

It's not. It's Demon's Souls 4 essentially.

wait for bloodborne 2

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I wish I could believe this.

feel same except after rdr2
Like how am i supposed to play anything else now?

play sekiro it's cool too

Why aren't you playing ASCII roguelikes exclusively then?

It took me like a month or so. I tried to play The Witcher 3 after and it was terrible.

same feeling after finishing GOTD

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movie games can't be GOTD

And it will never get better. It’s been like 6 years now. Bloodborne is the opus magnum of video games. And The Old Hunters is opus magnum of DLCs in video games.

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Why would you wish that?
You either believe it or you don't

GOTYless games can't be GOTD

Overhyped meh Souls clone.

Learn to count before making silly statements


BB was game of the year. Lol don't tell me you care about the opinion of journalists?

You don’t. And don’t even fool yourself into thinking you’ll ever get that high again. Games feel like a chore after experiencing this masterpiece

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In what way?

Lmao it got destroyed by the witcher 3 and rightfully so. Bloodborne is garbage compared to the Witcher 3 you disgusting weeb.

I don't think anyone is crying here except for you.

I honestly pity you


Overrated garbage liked by subhuman souls cucks. It's a 6/10 at best

Are you upset, wojkaposter?

So far DMC5 and RE2 feel like they compare.

>What the fuck, how am I supposed to play any other game now
well, as for me, after playing for like a thousand hours or more you just put it down one day and every so often go help out anons in chalice dungeons but otherwise yeah. i start new playthroughs sometimes, but you eventually play other games again just coz idk you've kinda done it all. it was more exciting when it was new and people were still discovering rare enemies in chalice dungeons, even years later.

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you play sekiro next. and unlearn everything. it sets you back to baseline.

This is the easiest way to out yourself as a casual. Congrats, you played yourself.


man mentioning TW3 never fails to lure out seething BBcucks

Why would you? your trash is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Bloodborne is basically the equivalent of a black metal album liked by autistic low test nerds. It's irrelevant compared to the Witcher 3

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Not mad bro, just stating facts. No need to be so upset, movie games can still be entertaining. I just like my gameplay to have a little bit of depth and challenge.

Why would I give a shit about being a casual or not? I leave that to low test beta faggots such aas yourself who enjoy garbage like bloodborne

>witcher 3
>movie game
BBcuck please, just stop.

Holy fucking based. Bloodborne cucks and Black Metal cucks destroyed in one post.

You don't need to give a shit, it just invalidates your opinion. It's like someone saying their favorite artist is Taylor Swift and trying to talk music.

>story driven
>massive empty open world
>shallow combat that requires no skill

Ya I'm going to have to call it a movie game.

Isnt it? Piss easy, even on death march.

>Watch a cutscene
>Do some dialoging
>Mash lmb

>comparing taylor swift to the witcher 3
the state of bloodborne subhumans. witcher 3 really broke their minds

You don't even know what a movie game is, BBcuck.
Please continue to seethe.
BBcucks so contained around shitborne they think dialogue is a cutscene lol

Same but with Sekiro


Ouch, no retort.

>wins meaningless journalist awards
>enjoyed by normies and casuals
>incredibly easy to pick up and play
>pretty to look at but with very little depth

Sounds like the definition of pop music to me.

Not him, but I pity you due to incredibly poor taste that can't see the forest for the trees. TW3 is already mostly not discussed and forgotten even with the meme TV show. Look at any Yas Forums top 100 list and you'll see how relevant and accurate your taste is. The Witcher is more of a Reddit game, and an easy way to spot ‘18ers.

What's wrong with tay-tay? I bet I know more about music than you lol

You can say seethe as many times as you like but it doesn't make the Witcher 3 and less of a movie game.

>Look at any Yas Forums top 100 list and you'll see how relevant and accurate your taste is
poor mindbroken BBgroid

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>How am I suppose to play any other game now.
Well assuming you just beat the game for the first time, you can play again with more than three weapons. Haha this turd is hardly a masterpiece. Enjoy the chalice dungeons and niche builds you have to make to simply test out movesets on certain weapons. also any other game can be played in more than 30fps

>5 years in
>mentioning the chadtcher 3 still results in BBcuck mass suicides

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I did feel a bit bad about bringing Tay-tay into this, she isn't terrible, but neither is Witcher 3. Just shallow and designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Biggest bait ITT.

>"Top 100 list"
Absolutely based nigger retarded person. Enjoy 24th, it's better than you deserve. On the 2020 list, it's lower lol

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Such as?

Please don't say framerate.

Any games with a similar look to Bloodborne?

What the fuck is this thread? A snoy safe space or something?

Witcher 3 doesn't even have game play what are you even talking about? I didn't even know it was supposed to be a competitor, they aren't comparable

Nothing wrong with Tay. She sets out to make fun catchy music and look good, and she does. Yeah, it's not KC or fucking like Comus or something crazy, but it does what it sets out to do.

nice list, did you make it while your wife was busy getting pounded by her black boyfriend lmao

Probably the most overrated game on Yas Forums

Easy, most games dont chug at 12 fps with enough motion blur to make an Air Force polit sick.

>das number 1
I fucking hate Souls zoomers

bloodborne is epic guys

he's one of those popular thing bad NPCs
he probably doesn't listen to any music, just brought up Taylor because she's a singer even a tranny with an undilated wound playing 7 hours a day of randomly generated shitborne dungeons knows her name.

>reddit games
oh no no no no no

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The Tay tay fans are more upset than the Witcher 3 babies.

Atmosphere, enemies, bosses (although DaS3 is better there), level design, music (with actual instruments and not midi garbage), combat, etc.
BB's big weaknesses are shit like lack of shields, gems and runes being underwhelming, etc, and performance. Compare this to say Dark Souls 1 where the weaknesses are shitty enemies, shitty bosses, shitty levels, etc.

OP here.

I bought a base PS4 for 150$ (canadian) and Bloodborne for 10, because there was no way I would buy that piece of shit hardware for just one game. After years of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, and last year Sekiro, and having a hard time enjoying other games on the side, I finally decided to get the Bloodbornemachine. It fucking blew my mind, and I wish we can play it with proper resolution and performance someday.

Not a Snoyfag. Nintendofag in fact. Even being the biggest Soulsfag there is, I put off buying a PS4 for years for Bloodborne. Now that they're dirt cheap and I'm burned out on the other Souls games, I decided to go for it. Worth every penny. Of course you need to actually like videogames and Souls games to enjoy and appreciate the money put into it. At least it can serve as a Bluray reader, I didn't have one.

Are we supposed to literally flip everything you said? Everything you said is the opposite of what's true.

It's tough to tell who is trolling whom.

why should I be upset some irrelevant cuck doesn't like Tay Tay? she's successful, she's huge, she has billions of people behind her. You're literally a dog barking at a huge caravan. The quintessence, refinement and epitome of irrelevancy. Your opinion is irrelevant, stating it is not going to shake the earth or change anything, don't forget this. Print it out and hang it on a wall if you need to.

>why should I be upset some irrelevant cuck doesn't like Tay Tay?

I don't know, you tell me. You're the one who's upset.

It's quite true I'm afraid and the pretty standard sentiment on the subject. If you want to say Dark Souls 1 has more equipment and a better world design, sure. But I can't take you seriously when you try to tell me generic demon bosses copy and pasted throughout the game with 3 moves and 1 phase are better then even something like Gascoigne. The same goes for all my other points.

what gives? i'm not upset. do people get upset about a flick of shit?

Dark Souls is Reddit too, nobody disagrees. Yas Forums is also Reddit