>she can’t even bhop
Shut the FUCK up you retarded jew nigger
Just link this whenever somebody says something stupid in this thread
10 years from now people will still play and enjoy half life 1 and 2.
10 years from now no one will give a shit about hla and only bring up occasionally like people bring up doom 3
Damn that's one hell of a cope!
>and 2.
2 aged like shit. EP2 maybe
You know what's funny and sad? All you have are strawmen.
hell, no one will care about hla 1 year from now. seethe more
thats just a self insert for women and trannies tho, 0 ZERO difference. though it is fine the market is giving more room for other people, its the natural course for everything.
Why does she look significantly older in the prequel than in HL2?
Well, she is allowed to die and make mistakes.
Many of those "woman inserts" can't do that because the developer is trying to hoverhand women into playing the game, while they're too busy playing with the long piece of the chad puzzle developer, that don't even aim at women, but attract all of em.
Gordan Freeman has a doctorate in theoretical physics from MIT.
Alyx has a personality because in the first two games SHE IS NEXT TO A SILENT PROTAGONIST.
I don't mind playing a female in the least bit, but please do not be so buttfucking retarded.
>women stronger, smarter
>promote fantasy to kids
>they end up believing it
Firemen tests have to be lowered to admit more women and this puts lives at risk and results in deaths to fire.
>more interesting
Almost anything is more interesting than a silent video game protagonist, but nothing is more immersive.
Bethesda shills working overtime to shit on Half Life.
>Freeman was just some fucking nerd
>Alyx actually dealt with mechanic shit and played with a super-strong robot since she was a child
What's so bad about her being strong, really?
Uhh ackhually Freeman has a PHD
a phd in what? button pushing? lol
strong women aren't real
That's what they ALWAYS do (except for the "more interesting" part).
Making a stupid female character would be far more creative and interesting.
Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?
I want a dumb blonde bimbo as a vidya protag unironically desu.
She's not smarter, you moron. She literally praises how good you are in hl2.
Alyx is going to be slower and weaker than Freeman, but she can hack stuff and has a cool pistol. It's consistent with what we already know about her.
>More interesting than a character with actual 0 dialogue
How is that an acomplishment?
Theoretical Physics
Based Mary Sue poster
>Alyx actually dealt with mechanic shit and played with a super-strong robot since she was a child
Girls aren't mechanics. This character-type was made to get more women involved in engineering and it didn't work. The only thing women are interested in engineering is the human mind.
If she's better than Dr. Freeman (which this post implies) why didn't she, you know, do what Freeman did? What was the point of HL2?
>Alyx literally turned a vaccum into 6 foot tall mech that can lift a house
>Noooooo she isn't a mechanic because she's GIRL
>If she's better than Dr. Freeman (which this post implies) why didn't she, you know, do what Freeman did
Gordon would not have been able to do anything he did in HL2 without Alyx's assistance
Alyx is the brains and Gordon is the dumb muscle in HL2. He has to cry for Alyx to do literally fucking anything for him if it involves a locked door.
>Gordon would not have been able to do anything he did in HL2 without Alyx's assistance
She's literally absent for most of the game.
Unironically this. They forgot the golden rule.
Pick one(1)
>didn't read my post
Are you a brainlet?
>Saves Gordon from getting captured almost instantly after he was set loose in C17
>Gives him the gravity gun
>Unlocks numerous doors and hacks into combine terminals for him
>Breen literally would have escaped scot-free if she wasn't in the citadel to open the door for him
Dog was the MVP of HL2. without him, Both of them would be dead, just a reminder
Why isnt alyx black anymore
Funny thing is, this actually kind of makes sense in the story. Freeman is a physicist, not a mechanic. Note that most of the puzzles he solves involve physics.
>No burning heart dumbass shonen protag of a vidya protagonist
Alyx was always asian/black
She's a mutt
Damn he could stack cinder blocks on a teeter totter, brilliant
>alyx was made in 2001-2004 for half-life 2 to get more women into STEM fields
Where the fuck was he when that parade of striders were attacking the facility?
Laidlaw is a hardcore lefty newfag
Alright, got me there, but my point still stands. Also, some of it involves some good logic
And, in the story, he built a butane powered tennis ball cannon at 6 years old
>half life has puzzles
what are you even saying
And, funny enough, he also used to race Barney through the air ducts when Kleiner left his keys in his office
there are. They're just piss easy
Listen, this is a good shitpost, but I’m starting to worry you genuinely believe this.
Basic ones, but puzzles nontheless. They mostly serve as a physics engine display, though.
she spends all of hl2 and episodes trying to get gordon to fuck her tho
It's not a shitpost, you should have seen his twitter after the 2016 election. He purged a lot of it though just because of how embarassing it was I imagine.
>It’s not a shitpost
Holy shit, user. You’re retarded.
that's pretty based tho
>seething this hard that the entertainment industry is primarily democrat
okay retard
I like the character of Alyx and I appreciate that they are developing the character more but it seems a bit silly to develop a side character more than the main character.
Literally every character was more well-developed than Gordon
Why should Trump resign?
fucking cringe