The Holy Trinity

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You can only pick 3 to eat for the entire covid19 outbreak. All others get shut down.

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After playing DMC3 again I came to appreciate Vergil way more. His aerial rave is insane and really satisfying to use

Urban Reign > all that tryhard garbage

DMC is highly overrated here. The real list should be NGB, Dragon's Dogma DA and DMC5 for gameplay.

>no MGR
don't care

God Hand is a meme.

I love MGR but mechanically its pretty shallow and the parrying+zandatsu gets boring after 2 playthroughs

sonic is gross though

God Hand is legit one of the best action games I've ever played. There's no bullshit just full on punching action.

Don't care about the others

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Five Guys

>GOW that high
I mean i love those games but lets not be autistic here

You post this every thread. No one fucking cares about your shit tastes.



I hated the demo for Razors Edge, are the others better?

God Hand has legitimate flaws and criticisms, it's just that Yas Forums is so shit they don't get past Mr Gold and Mr Silver

I enjoyed GoW more than I did any of those desu

Yes, Razor's Edge isn't Ninja Gaiden. Black is great and 2 has some good action.

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Razor's edge is bretty decent. How is it not ninja gaiden? Vanilla NG3 is shit though

Based. It's game time!

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RE is fucking dogshit. Black and the 360 version of 2 are the only good NG games. The rest are terrible.

Real ones say Jack, Taco and Five Guys

While I'm not sure how to fix it, it feels weird enemies block low sweeps with their hands blocking so high up in GH

God Hand is great.

>call a woman a dumb bitch that needs to be trained
>she doesn't laugh at my hilarious god hand reference

you're not saying how it is shit.

I don't have to, faggot. If you think something that is dogshit is good, be my guest. Your opinion is immediately discarded for being a fucking imbecile. Go back to your 25 fps bloodborne.

RE is *gets rocket spammed* kind of fun at first *gets instagrabbed* but even in the demo *spawn in 60000 more enemies* it just was frustrating, not to mention progression shit I'm getting really sick of

>hang out with my friends
>we tell jokes and funny one liners
>It's my turn
>"You're not Alexander!"

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>is a multiplayer beat-em-up
instantly dropped

You're legitimately pathetic if you can't cook for yourself and eat any of this garbage

and here we see someone on the video games actively refusing to discuss mechanics

I present to you a time capsule of the early 2000s that captures some of the hype for Ninja Gaiden. I will never forget how fluid and photorealistic the game looked when I first saw it at gamestop.

what are you, nervous?

Bloodborne is kino but not part of this genre, but just play RE and you'll see
It stings NG are one of the few kunoichi games out there


have sex

I loved how the robots had the same lines but with a little voice changer

>It stings NG are one of the few kunoichi games out there
Shinobi, Tenchu, Shinobido, Kunoichi, Red Ninja, i-Ninja, Mini Ninjas

With Ayane!

steel on bone was pretty fun and once you learned how bait it, you felt pretty godly. The regent of the mask boss fights were also pretty kino. The bit where you visit Hayabusa village and it isn't getting ass raped is also nice. The rest of the game is shit though.

>not DMC4

The shitty filter really adds to the comedic effect. Another thing is why make robots that act exactly like the other demons? The game has many funny moments like that.

Yes now name some more
Those are the only ones

DMC5 is better than all of them.

Mark of the Ninja, Ninja Blade, Shadow Tactics, Ninja Assault.

Holy trinity of what
I like dmc3 but I only played that, I wanted to try out god hand but never got chance

Taco Bell, KFC, Burger King. This will provide you with the most variety.

The people who say God Hand is all action literally haven't finished it.
There's minigames in levels and a few with gimmicks, and a few without combat

Only the middle game is good, the other 2 aren't even comparable


ng2 > black
bayo 1 > any dmc game

How exactly is God Hand bad? It has infinitely better level, enemy and boss design than DMC 3

NGB and God Hand actually have back and forth between you and the enemies which puts it several tiers above DMC3.

cringe having any of the god of war games above b tier

Except the bosses in DMC3 will absolutely pummel you to death. Heck all the enemies after mission 2 can be pretty aggressive on hard or above. Fuck off faggot.


I know DMC 3 can seem impressive as your first game but in this genre it's a pretty poor showing
Play God Hand, actually learn it

Where the fuck is Bloodborne?

Not part of this genre and you know it

At the top of these mindless button mashers.

>in this genre it's a pretty poor showing
DMC3 is universally seen as the best in the genre. The leap from DMC1 to DMC3 is monumental. Its also a much more consistent game than Godhand which is also a lot of fun. No need to be a contrarian.

We go through this every thread
You don't play and then I ask you to post footage and you don't claiming its unreasonable

Nope, it's jerkes off by idiotic DMCfags who think Vergil 3 is a masterful battle
3 is an atrocious game and only marginally better than 2


>DMC3 is universally seen as the best in the genre.

You must be confusing me with someone else, I simply posted in jest.

Attached: couldnt even dodge.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

Cope harder

>No In-n-Out
No thanks I'd rather live in Cali and die from the virus

You guys realise it's stupid for you to be playing this right? Swords don't have that much power and it's fucking stupid to think you can juggle someone with bullets. This is garbage for children
this is the kind of shit I get in mecha videogame threads and I wanted to share my annoyance

What's better? let's hear it. Only acceptable answer you can argue for is NGB.

Play more games in the genre, 3 is terrible

DMC 5 is objectively the better game but Yas Forums will never admit