How come Porn / Erotic games are never successful?

How come Porn / Erotic games are never successful?
I think only HS and Taimanin Asagi are the only successful erotic games i think of.
We don't count soft porn games like gacha or other anime games

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define successful.

honey select is getting a actual sequel, taimanin asagi is the go hentai franchise.
meanwhile all other porno games just die or wither away

Is there anything content and animation-wise like Harem Hotel or Mythic Manor? I tried some recommendations, but either the artstyle/animations were ass or they were just too short.

because male masturbatory aids are looked down on by society as proof the one using them can't attract real women
unless it's the most milquetoast of normalfag porn, of course

Summertime Saga gets a good amount of money

They are "problematic" so reviewers doesn't touch them and normalfags can't recommend them

Because after you bust a nut, you stop caring.
>Bust nut
>close 10 tabs
>resume what you were doing before
Nobody watches porn without a bone, and if they do it's because they are big gay.

As a result, porn games never do well because once you bust that first nut, that's it, you've already coom'd over it. We're hard wired to find new pussy and that does not suddenly get turned off when we jerk it to pixels, you'll lose interest in something the more you bust to it, so porn games have a very short shelf life and even less replay value.

Source: I lost interest in OP's mother recently.

I mean, they scam a shitton of money from retards, so you know.

The vast majority of people, myself included, do not see the point in spending money to purchase and then spending time to play a mediocre game with anime nudity as a reward. We’d rather spend 10 minutes on PornHub then move on with our day.

You’d have to be a special kind of jizzbrain to actually waste time and money on something that is neither a good game nor a good porno.

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>*steamfriend is currently playing anime sexpixel coombrain II*
Yeah no

I only want to see that robot get absolutely destroyed.

I wanna watch that robo swallow dog cum.

wtf is wrong with you idiot

Fuck off, SOLDIER.

Yes. The first one had soul but the sequel is just a cashgrab.


They are though. They're just mostly niche successes. 2k sale figures is usually considered a hit in JP porn market. If you're talking about western stuff, there's a few games that have like 10k+ in pateron bucks.

It feels like the genre is more of a patreon service.

Probably because once you cum you're done for a while

But what about one that is both a good game and a good porn?

Art porn usually lives and dies by commissions, so yeah basically. Artists gotta eat, and they'll follow whatever puts bread on the table. West doesn't really have a porn game platform like DLsite

I can explain this to you. This is not only a problem with porn games but with media (games, movies, music, books, comics) in general. But with erotic content this the problem is heightened:
The problem is marketing. There are many good movies, games, books, comics that aren't successful. There are plenty of shitty movies, games and comics that are successful because of strong marketing. They steal the stage for actual good products. With erotic this problem is increased because erotic contents marketing is extremly limited especially for extreme content.
I know this because I work in marketing and I make some of the best extreme adult games

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fuck off

That's true. Also the fanbase is less dedicated.

Why are you singling out Honey Select? You know the devs have had a successful string of releases for over a decade right?

Because people don't want smut on their steam profiles/credit card bills so they just pirate that shit.

those models look great but the gameplay they showed off looked like shit
it's just an average nukige at this point

because its softcore shit

What is? The other Illusion games?

sorry, my brain mixed it up with huniepop

Name two.

I could, but this is a blue balls board

There are no good games that are also porn user. There are good games that have sex in them but when sex becomes the sole focus there's really not that much you can do in terms of gameplay. Click or click faster? Picking choices every now and then? If the gameplay is too demanding it won't allow you to fap, therefore it can't be good porn. If the gameplay is shallow and simple it can't be a good game.

here some games I enjoyed without posting their real names:
celestial weapons
spirit shelter
aliens multipurpose stick
armadillo pinball

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>porno games just die or wither away
For most games, their gameplay loops generally have a short shelf life. Once you've seen all the scenes there's all there is to the game. Honey Select allows a wide range of customization and an extensive modding scene which keeps it fresh while the Taimanin series started off with widespread appeal characters and they keep adding more, as well as new games and more content.

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I've actually played some better games than yours:

games by this artist are fun too

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played those too. I agree, they are better. Thanks for reminding me of them

pregnancy deflect
broken vehicle

>CTRL+F "rance", 0 results
Are you fucking serious?

>How come Porn / Erotic games are never successful?
Because they are either not games (VNs) or just barebones lazy trash with some porn pictures attached to it. Or something in-between (RPGmaker trash). If someone makes a porn game that is good as both porn and a game with some synergy between those two aspects it's going to be a massive success.
Corruption of Champions is probably the closest to a concept of legit porn game but it's a fucking text RPG/adventure. The least exciting format for both porn and games. But the way coomer shit is incorporated into RPG system is great.

Thats only the case if the gameplay is bad

His recent games have only still images. I miss the time when there was actual spritesex. his first succubus game spoiled me.

You watch porn when you want to masturbate. You play games when you want to immerse yourself and have a good time. They just don't mix well together, or even get in each other's way.

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Why would I pay for a low effort reskin of played out 2D shit games with some porn jpgs when I can just look at porn for free and play a good game instead?

>They just don't mix well together, or even get in each other's way.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Imouto Paradise and Princess Trainer Gold were very immersive and enjoyable experiences.

Too niche.

Cant wait for this game and wild life (patreon)

You can have both. Nude mods exist for a reason

I'm not saying that porn games can't be good. When you don't want to masturbate you don't want porn, when you do you don't want gameplay. It's one or another. Surely there are people who just enjoy porn as a side view, but doubt there are much of those.

Because you can masturbate to anything.

>How come Porn / Erotic successes are never released?
Fixed that for ya.

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Japanese ones are ALWAYS released.

Thought under the witch might be the next one. But seeing the concept art of the new character and planned fetishes made me vomit. Jesus fucking christ

>Forced cuck bullshit
Yeah, nah.

Rance was pretty successful, since the series kept going on for over 30 years before deciding to end it on a high note.

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Because they make bad and stupid games.
Porn/erotic games need to be appealing most of all, and most games have bad or mediocre/generic art.
Then, you have mostly VNs and derivatives and very few games that have decent gameplay. There's a game on Steam where you have to manage some business and it's decently fun to grind to unlock all the scenes and costumes. It's not complex or deep, but it's entertaining.

Until devs start doing stuff like that (even as simple as shopkeeper games with good art) it will always be better to get mods for betterr games like Darkest Dungeon or Skyrim. Otherwise it's better to jerk off to regular porn.

I mean there not good games but they make fucking bank

>not knowing the king himself
It's free too

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Fun games, but the porn in Rance fucking sucks which was always weird to me since Alice Soft have clearly shown they can make some good nukige if they want to.

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Does this series have yuri?
