Oh yeah...that happened

Oh yeah...that happened.

Attached: rcg.jpg (1280x720, 395.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


post art of bottom right

just go to tumblr

And it was pretty good for a Kunio game.

Dude, it's an American game, with wacky meme references. and Youtube voice actors... THAT LOOKS LIKE A JAPANESE GAME AND USES ANIME-STYLE VISUAL TROPES? WWWWWWHAAAAAT!?

Attached: klaymen.png (1027x1150, 64.77K)

Oh yeah I forgot they patched the NTR ending with the Japanese ending lol

>FOTM game is already forgotten
I am shocked

I have seen less of this

Attached: EP_DxguUwAElapE.jpg (680x383, 117.51K)

based and klaypilled

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why does Yas Forums hate this game so much?
Its not that bad.I mean the devs had to defend themselves from sjws and what not.And got rage for having Zone in it.So why the hate?

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Oh, that happened too

Attached: lewd city girls.png (1346x1200, 1.03M)

It's pretty awful as a game.

Attached: PICK IT UP rcg.gif (493x312, 3.63M)

So just finished the main story
is there a secret ending or something or more secondary missions?

>not Mami alternate route
it's shit.

Not him but to be fair, that got patched for the PC version along with the new ending. It’s just the other versions are just still waiting for that update.


It's still broken, no need to lie about it. Just kind of ridiculous it got so many defenders here, I guess it's because way forward is a pet studio that still hasn't made a single good game.

Attached: rcg pathetic.png (1618x802, 176.43K)


Fair enough if that’s the case. I guess that’s for another patch then. They still fixed some issues from the base game.

>this game is bad because the devs hate trump!

Attached: 1583890284940.gif (540x350, 867.76K)

who are you quoting?

the writing and voice acting in this game were some of the worst in any modern game I've seen

Unironically the better game.


this game is bad because the devs hate trump!

There is this one hot lewd pic of a brown lady flashing her tits and cunt to these protags

Just ignore it and wait for Streets of Rage 4 like I'm doing.

They're charging too much for this @ $40. $20 is reasonable.

At least Rem's art was nice.

Noize still best girl

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I don't think non-Japanese artists are ever going to "get" exactly how anime moves and looks. You can always tell the difference between something that legitimately came from Japanese animators and an imitation, even if it's just by a bit - an "Uncanny Valley" effect.

The artist drew actual manga for actual Japanese magazines. The problem is the RCG art is rushed as fuck. See how Nozomi's proportions change dramatically between various images/animations.

Just got this to play with my roomate during isolation. Hella fun, and the spritework is A+.

kind of the typical safe and boring neon haired ambiguously dark skinned girl, isn't she? These archetypes got really boring.

Hopefully not the switch port.

I dunno, I’m laughing

The game was fine. You faggots will cry about anything.
Too bad it lasted like 5 minutes or something

Yeah that’s what I got. No issues so far. What am I in for?

she only picks up big black bats.

doesn't hold a steady framerate, makes the game play like shit.

The artist draws practically all her characters with weird colored hair, and a lot of the RCG characters have that too. Black hair would have been better.

Of course it's awful as a game, it's developed by WayForward.

Sprite work in this game was 10/10, The main girls look cute, The combos are fun and it's short. Why does Yas Forums hate it again? Because there's like 2 memes in it? Is that the reason you upvote-seeking redditors hate it?

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Haven’t noticed yet but I’m not really a frame counter. Unless it get to DoD3 levels I probably won’t care.

As long as it doesn’t crash or anything.

clashing 2d assets and shimmering pixels due to poorly handled scaling, the pixel art is terrible.

>Sprite work in this game was 10/10
Look at the .gif in this post and tell me you're being serious:
I don't know what's worst. The obnoxiously oversaturated colours? The system-icon button prompt? The stock Adobe text font? But, if I'm being honest, it's probably the fact that the characters move like they're in a Flash animation.

Your taste is severe garbage. kys

Attached: nDE9IWw.gif (361x282, 72.75K)

Not him but nah fuck that, animation is next level and tons of fun. You seem salty af about something else.

>But, if I'm being honest, it's probably the fact that the characters move like they're in a Flash animation.
?!? Are you retarded

>that still hasn't made a single good game.

Contra 4
The WiiWare version of LiT
Aliens Infestation
Shantae: Pirate's Curse

They're overrated and way past their prime, but they've made good games. No need to be a hyperbolic fag.

Not gonna lie, looks like calarts shit.

deflecting from it won't change the facts.

Attached: popful-crt.jpg (2048x1582, 373.4K)

This looks like a DeviantArt fan sprite.

>Not gonna lie, looks like calarts shit.
literally 20 IQ post. Go back

Deflecting what now?

The individual art assets are good. The problem is a complete lack of art direction. The fact that they had the concept artist also do character portraits, cutscenes and HUD elements screams "we had no money, time, or competent visual directors." I feel bad for the artists.

I am being serious. You should start being too.

It looks fuckin’ good

Rushed is a pretty good way to put it, that said I don't think they had the competence as a developer to take their time and make it good.

>Anything I don't like is Calarts
It isn't amazing, but it's good in a vacuum.

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A good one, yes. Not everything from deviantart is bad. Stop worshipping your beloved companies, cocksucker

Anyone have that embarrassing tweet from the developer where he hit on a girl complaining about the game?

>but it's good in a vacuum.
What does this even mean? It's good if you have no standards?

>it's good in a vacuum.
Well thank goodness it isn't in a fast-paced 2D action game, then.

Another company that puts it nothing but trash and yet still is in business. These companies are looking the weather men of vidya.

Why the hell are the icons and text in high res, while the rest is pixel art? Jarring.

When is this shit meme going to die, seriously? How does that look anything like calarts?

Attached: 4364537343.jpg (392x495, 33.07K)

This one?

Yeah, you're right, that's on WayForward either taking a bad deal or being incompetent (likely the latter). Again, I feel bad for the artists, especially since many of them seem to have been freelance, not salaried employees. They deserved better. Same for some of the programmers and designers. There were a lot of talented people who came together to make good work that ended up as a mediocre to bad game.

What’s with the WF hate? Yacht Club sucked up some of their talent but the company's got a good history.

I think the best part about them going on about all the youtube VAs is that many of them had bit parts at best.

Why does it trigger you so much? It looks like the usual solid color calarts trash. Even has the bean mouth.

>What’s with the WF hate?
They've really never made a game that was better than "pretty good". You can tell they're passionate about their games, but nobody cares unless that passion actually translates into legitimate talent.

It means
Oh, I'm aware that the combination of these assets is shit. Saying the actual art itself is "Calarts" is some moronic ass shit. The problem is that a bunch of different people made a bunch of art that either didn't fit or didn't mesh because their bosses are incompetent chucklefucks.

You’re pretty desperate to find something if you think that’s hitting on someone. I know y’all never seen a tit before but just talking to a girl isn’t hitting in her

>Solid color and bean mouth is calarts
Well, guys, the zoomer has spoken. Akira Toriyama is calarts.

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Beat em ups are the only games in the same tier as visual novels for me
Theres like 3 attacks and you’ve done all the gameplay after 30 seconds, absolute relic of the past

>art style can't be colorful or it's calarts
What the fuck i cant believe every cartoon ever is calarts

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Oh big nah, Bloodrayne Betrayal, Aliens Infestation and Pirate’s Curse are all way better than most company’s output, especially an indie company. Personally I’d put Double Dragon Neon in there, too.

They made a couple actually good games.
The hate comes because it didn't last, they haven't improved, they're managed like shit, and a lot of game fans jerk em off. That hate becomes irrational when fed into retards who don't understand how development works and shit on every aspect instead of the actual problems.

Like, Kaufman makes good music. Bozon's a fucking idiot who has no right to be helming projects. Most people get that, but dipshits just go "WayForward bad," oversimplifying to the point that arguments start up.

I mean you picked a bad game to make that argument for since there are way more than three attacks

>Bloodrayne Betrayal
I have a hard time believing there's a good Bloodrayne.

This post holds the truth

>Bloodrayne Betrayal, Aliens Infestation and Pirate’s Curse are all way better than most company’s output
What companies are you comparing them to? All of those games are just bog-standard 2D platformers.

user, you know why people defend River City Girls.

They ain’t homie. Bloodrayne’s barely a platformer. Infestation’s a metroidvania.

There's some really cool environment art in River City Girls that no one in their right mind would ever put in a 2D analog beat em up. It ends up making the action hard to read. It's crazy.

So did I. It’s like a 2D cuhrazy game, you can infect monsters with a bomb then slam them into others and detonate them and shit. It rules. And the music’s good.