Why THE FUCK did they do this...

Why THE FUCK did they do this? I even remember the gameplay trailers deliberately having Doomguy punch demons as if that was a useful tool

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If they are not staggering then its basically the L4D shove, but less useful. Use your gun nigga.

Nice, you made the thread again.

>Doomguy is so STRONG
>punching deals 0 (ZERO) damage
I just don't get it


Looks like a shove animation (that if you didn't know OP because you do seem a bit special, does 0 damage) to me.

That's not how you shove, it's a punch

>dying to a walking medkit

Incorrect, he's using his elbow to shove the demon, notice the demon moving out of his way because he shoved?

Try again sweetie.

Sounds like somebody "shoved" your head way too hard back when you were a kid


Using insults instead of disproving me. Common brainlet tactic. I appreciate the effort (albeit pathetic) though.

because they thought people would buy Doom to shoot stuff


>I even remember the gameplay trailers deliberately having Doomguy punch demons as if that was a useful tool
blood punch. play the game.

Ooh they better patch that before they get my business.

thats just marketing to hook the zoomers though
isn't this an fps?

The same animation in the last game was a punch.


And this time it's a shove? Why is it so hard for you to understand?

The worst part is that the feedback and result are totally different
>Feedback/presentation: Meaty, aggressive, and makes you feel like you just hit someone with a truck
>Result: 0 damage.


I'd bet money that guys just there so you can shoot a new gun and no one thought someone would paunch, cus I've seen gameplay and punches can kill much bigger guys than that


Why are you intentionally being a dick?

Why would you use fists? They sucked in the original DOOM as well

Look at this tool trying to defend a terrible game, gotta be one of the developers kek

I love the game but this annoys the fuck out of me. It's even worse when you've 20 demons up your ass, you're scrambling for a glory kill health pickup and you end up accidentally killing the one zombie you needed because you shot him with 2 plasma blasts instead of one

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In all honesty i'm that bored in isolation that i'm shitposting on Yas Forums, I only lurk. i'm also a phone poster if that makes it any better

Game's 8/10 at least you dumb shitposter.

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Go play a video game, dude.

Does anyone here actually do that?

same. actually died right at the start because i ran up to the first zombie in the game and started punching them.

it screwed with me head; look at his fucking arms.

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Even Brutal Doom (a MOD) gave you the ability to absolutely decimate demons with your fists and cave-in their skulls, and BD was pretty cringe. Bethesda is such an embarrassment, what a fucking shit game.

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8/10 is trash rip

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>Why would you use fists? They sucked in the original DOOM as well

>The fist is the player's stock melee attack. Punching is as effective as a pistol shot. If the player has collected a berserk powerup it increases the power of the fists tenfold. A berserk punch is somewhat more effective than the chainsaw
zoom zoom

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>BD was pretty cringe.
imagine having shitty opinions AND sharing them with strangers, haha fucking wow.

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sometimes i just read posts in these threads and wonder if you guys are trying to sound as believably retarded as possible

impossible to tell anymore

Melee damage was just as bad in DOOM 2016 but sure, let's not talk about that.

use infinite ammo or git gud

you don't have berserk

you had to switch to the fist, this is just an animation you can do anytime

Brewdul Dewm fucking blows and paved the way for the shit that nudoom became
end yourself

Doom 2016
>melee a zombie
>they instantly stagger into a glory kill
>melee a zombie
>they scratch you and you die
How is he being retarded for using a tactic that was useful in the last game?

They do stagger, so it's not completely useless. But anyone with enough sense would be Blood Punching anyway to just wipe them out.

They did more than fucking nothing.

>they instantly stagger into a glory kill

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nope you fucking retard, also even in cod it takes like 4 punches to kill somebody, making it balanced


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>useful in the last game
You already answered your question. The devs were up-front about changing stuff up, and technically you have far more close-range options (glory kills, chainsaw, blood-punches, the Crucible), such that making punches more powerful would break the fundamental balance of the game.

You fucking retard do you want me to make a webm for you right fucking now and show you? If my language is off you can fuck right off because you know what I fucking mean.

I'm really enjoying D55M, but I fucking hate the new approach to ammo
>nothing like the pistol or fists that allows you to kill without using resources
>ammo count is butchered, you have literally 50% of the max ammo you had in 2016
>only the first pip of the chainsaw recharges, so if you have 2 pips and no ammo you cannot save your fuel since you need it to replenish ammo
Who thought this was a good idea

Did they at least get my boy rich get richer? I had a lot more fun playing with that on.

I just finished ultra-violence yesterday and it is single punch that moves instantly in glory kill.

they removed the unique kill animations on the player? lame.

>ree where is my instant kill button I don't want to play the game I just want X to AWESOME button NOW


It is especially weird since melee was pretty effective towards regular zombies in 2016.
I don't want to waste my ammo on those trash.

It's still there, it's just broken this time because the game is a piece of shit

the didn't
>die on lava
>hands makes Thumbs Up from Terminator as it continues to sink

Try dashing into regular enemies, it actually deals damage and allow yout to glory kill them

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Holy shit it's actually working


Because of mechanics. The game is very "arcade"/"gamey" you have to blood punch in order to kill enemies.

>no "pull that mic up about a blood fist away from your face"

>it works

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