>game has a character creator
Game has a character creator
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can you name even a single game? didnt think so
>Still pick a default character
I don't have time for fiddling with that crap
every time
>4 different hairstyles
>3 skintones
>5 faces
>2 body types
>2 voice options
>name your character
what's an example of pure and sexy?
sexy nun
A Paladin.
Named characters are almost always useless. I always name my characters after the build in Bethesda games, so I'd have dudes named "Stealth Archer" or "Legion Melee".
>game had a chargen
>it's got a million sliders to adjust the most minute details of the face
>every character will still look mostly the same in-game
Pure-Sexy is a very attractive, fully-figured woman in conservative clothing or armor. Cute-Lewd is obviously loli porn. Of course this becomes more complicated if it's meant to represent more than just female created characters.
Maybe I'm lucky and selective but the small handful of games I've played with character creators are pretty in-depth. Dragon's Dogma and MHWorld are great for that.
>Spend an hour making my Hunter in World
>Never see his face for 95% of the game because I'd rather be wearing my sick Beetle/Brachy helmet or memeing it up with Wiggler head
Soul Calibur 3 & 6.
Dark Souls.
Tons of MMORPGs like Blade & Soul,Black Desert,etc...
Pokemon crystal
I always like to go for the old man look.
Plenty of time to fuck around in this shithole, right?
sometimes i wonder why they even bothered
>game has a character creator
>still cant make the biggest dude around
Ironically Fallout 4 is one of the only voiced acted games I've seen actually acknowledge your custom name, even if it's limited to Codsworth.
>name your character
>everyone only addresses you by your title, or makes up a nickname
>they also don't use pronouns
>and all your party members are also bisexual, so you don't miss any romance options
imagine being such a literal tastelet that you cant imagine a pure-sexy woman.
T. boy-molesting greek.
Anyone have that nun gif that was posted here a few days ago?
Because the large body makes even average cocks look tiny. It's all about perspective.
That's also why they hire womanlets for porn.
>skintone options
>no facial structure options
>all non-white characters look like they're in blackface
omikron nomad soul
virgin or inocent gyaru
Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Jackie Cha- aw FUCK
shut the fuck up breen
>game has a character creator
And you make a big muscley dude? Really?
Don't you think that's a bit suspect?
pure/lewd does not mean not-slut/slut, it means whether they use their feminine wiles to get their way
a virgin gyaru still dresses lewdly meaning she is lewd
>Used to exclusively make fapbait characters
>preferred dex builds
>Now make bara
>STR only.
>Inspires me to workout harder and act more high T
Hey what do you know nolimited-fap does work.
>>Used to exclusively make fapbait characters
>>Now make bara
You still make fapbait characters. Now they're just gay fapbait characters.
But Hercules/Heracles was a rampaging bisexual incestuous monster killing whore monger?
I'm 99% gay, I have no qualms with that. The only problem is I want to fuck female bodies, but I'm attracted to male minds and strength.
Disfatt Bidge
But what if bara is fapbait to you?
Small cock cope is too fucking funny
Ai shinozaki
t. uncultured retarded barbarian
i hope those words aren't too big for you
>Game has a character creator
>Use it to make absolute abominations
Every time.
Super Mario 64
>He has a bigger cock so he's stupid?
That's such a detrimental way to cope. But nice job perpetuating the stereotype that small dick faggots like you constantly think about their inadequacies more than the woman you hate.
I'm only attracted to the male intellect and endurance, I sadly don't find men's physique the least sexual or pleasing to look at. Big muscles are impressive because of the commitment and will to yield such results, but through a purely visual stimulus it doesn't do anything for me.
Now name EVERY game.
I'll wait.
>spend an hour making a male
>game asks for a name
>can't use mine because the character isn't me
>can't use another name because that's not my name
>some weird psychological shit kicks in and I realise I cannot make a male character if he's going to get a name
>redesign character as a female and give her the same name I give every female I've ever made
Genuinely curious to know if this is just me or not
haha yes
>and act more high T
Something tells me your a total ag
Just you, tard
I'm going to name them all Peter.
Checkmate, atheist.
imagine if it was a big beefy girl with a plague mask like that, ha ha
hardcore has a 42% chance of your character killing themselves every ingame day
>Gender: Hardcore
more like
>when gays use character creator
Reminds me of m.youtube.com
Beats being a filthy casual.
my boy antoine should stream on twitch sometime
Whoa, that sure was hard.
I don't get it.
In my experience it's more like this
Pic related is my preference
Did someone say Etrian Odyssey?
sounds like you just want muscle girls
nothing gay about that
>none of the white parents are clicking with me so i just go with black dude with no clear idea of what to do with him
>discover the ridiculous amounts of suits this game has then realize i can very easily make him look like a black caesar extra
still holding onto the hope rockstar will add afros someday
>name each member of your party
>name your party
Agrias Oaks.
i thought there were afros in gta 5
do they just not exist in the multiplayer?