Shit Gamers Asemble

People often brag about how good they are here. But let's be honest. A good chuck of us Yas Forumsirgins suck at the vidya.
Confess your faults!
>Died to Orphan of Kosm close to 100 times before I beat him
>Even after several hundred hours of playtime throughout multiple playthroughs I still managed to die to Vordt of the Boreal valley TWICE!
>Never finished FFX because I got stuck on Jecht
>Played all the CS games since 1.6 for thousands of hours combined and I never learned to headshot consistently.
>Couldn't beat Starcraft or Warcraft without cheating
>Lost to WC3 bots on the easiest setting
>Spent hours uppon hours practicing combo's in fighting games only to get my ass handed to me by button mashers
>Currently playing Nioh 2. Only beaten the first 3 bosses and I already have 283 deaths.
>Spent 3.5 hours of constant non stop attempts before I beat the second boss in Nioh 2

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Better to acknowledge that you're shit and keep going user. It's not a journey if you don't take the first step.

>never 100%'d any games
>very rarely play on the hardest difficulty
>always on the bottom leaderboard when playing with friends
>never got past Thief class in Ragnarok Online
>can't even beat AOE 2 Normal AI

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I never play ranked matches in any game no matter how good I am. I never play on the hardest difficulty.

>>Spent hours uppon hours practicing combo's in fighting games only to get my ass handed to me by button mashers
Can relate to that, still coulnd't finish most trials
Hovewer i can't even imagine not being able to beat warcraft campaing without cheating you can turtle almost every level.

I've never won a game of Age of Empires 2

>Lifelong FPS player, great at 3D shooters and good at 2D shooters
>Got gud at Soulsborne


>Can't play RTS to save my life, despite playing them my whole life at a casual level
>~30% win rate in 2D fighters online multiplayer because while I can understand the mechanics, I simply cannot input combos well if at all
>Get bitched at in MMORPGs for pulling too much aggro despite doing subpar DPS because I suck at math
>Basically only make people happy when I play healers in MMOs except Tera because it's got action gameplay

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>Couldn't beat Starcraft or Warcraft without cheating

i never did. i could now, but i generally suck at vidya because it's either git gud at vidya or git gud at my job. so all my hotkeys and meta strats are work-focused. not getting any younger so my reflexes have gone to complete shit.

I died to pinwheel
But only because I made the same mistake I did with the moonlight butterfly of getting cocky because I knew the spell I just cast would finish it off and dying before the spell hit

I am currently in the process of getting filtered in doom eternal, doing the arc complex on ultra violence but keep dying to the bit where you fall down the hole in the floor to the bottom of the building after trying to use the elevator

>put all my XP into KB+M shooters
>absolute ass in everything else, including VR shooters and controller shooters
I'm finally able to make basic jumps in 2D platformers after grinding for 5 years.
Crypt of the Necrodancer stresses me out too much to get gud at

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