Glory kills are the worst gameplay mechanic since bamham style combat

>and we made it an integral part of gameplay


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Other urls found in this thread:

>play a shooter
>reload my LMG
>locked into a 10 second unskippable cutscene every fucking time

Keep making these threads, your seething just makes how good this game is all the sweeter.


Fucking kek dood

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No you fucko.

Never reply to me again.

>I lose controls when I reload
okay retard


just don't use it bro

Do you classify vaulting animations in first person games as cutscenes too because you lose control and are locked into an animation until it finishes? Retard

I would if I played such garbage games.


>I would
As if we needed any more confirmation you're a retard


So it's just like Dark Souls parry/riposte animations.
Bug fucking deal.
Eat shit OP.

stay mad onionboy

I don't even care if you're in your right, refunding must be the gayest thing conceivable. It's worse than "can I speak to your manager". Fucking kys.

I don't mind them, but feel like there's less unique ones in Eternal compared to 2016


I didn't know you had to parry/riposte every enemy in dark souls to get health and ammo back from them instead of wasting extra ammo shooting them.
Oh wait, your analogy is just shit!

>doesn't know basic gaming terminology
Stay mad, DSP

I don't mind them. They let me relax my wrist from all the mouse movement.

you can still move while reloading

seethe more, cuck

What games do you play?

They are cutscenes wether you classify them as such or not. This was my biggest problem with 2016, not just the retarded platforming but the constant grabbing ledges animation and glory kills. The game gives you this false sense of speed when in reality half the time you're not really shooting anything. Compare this to other actual old-school inspired shooters like dusk, amid evil and ion fury. In those games you spend 100% of the time actually shooting the enemies without having to pause every 5 seconds to grab a ledge or watch some retarded god of war cutscene kill.


Oh no how sad! How am I gonna enjoy the game now that you've refunded it? :(

They're why I couldn't play Nu-Doom past an hour. I want to shoot shit at long distance, I don't want to get close to my enemies to finish them off and the game actively rewards me for doing so. Lame shit. Didn't even bother with Nu-Doom 2.

Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shoved it into one game.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.

They essentially made a single player console arena shooter.
The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.

See this? Imagine if they made a reboot of it with the NuDoom mindset.
How do they fuck it up?

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>They are cutscenes wether you classify them as such or not.
So you're just essentially saying
>they're cutscenes because I say say they are
Animations that play out over the course of a regular gameplay loop are not fucking cutscenes.

Getting knocked to the ground by an enemy in Sekiro and having to wait a couple of seconds to recover before you can move or fight again is not a cutscene. Having a zombie bite you in Resident Evil and momentarily losing control of your character while the bite animation plays out is not a cutscene. You can love or hate the glory kills in nu-DOOM or the fact you have to chainsaw lesser demons once or twice an encounter to refill your ammo all you want, it doesn't make them cutscenes.
"A cutscene or event scene (sometimes in-game cinematic or in-game movie) is a sequence in a video game that is not interactive, breaking up the gameplay."

>I want to play peekaboo around a corner the whole game

>3 seconds

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>Such scenes could be used to show conversations between characters, set the mood, reward the player, introduce new gameplay elements, show the effects of a player's actions, create emotional connections, improve pacing or foreshadow future events.
Reloading a weapon, getting grabbed by an enemy or entering a climbing animation during the course of gameplay during a game is not a cutscene

>sniper rifle mod for the assault rifle sucks in 2016
>micromissiles are good as fuck in 2016
>it's the opposite in eternal
boy have I been bamboozled

Reloading a weapon doesn't remove control by the player. The other two are cutscenes. You can call it "animation" all you want though.

I'm so glad they decided to give Doom that cinematic feel. It felt a little too videogamey for a second. Epic killstreak animatons, online achievements, and le wacky cosmetics? Game of the year!

>arena based clusterfuck combat is 99% of the game

Bamham combat wasn't bad and it was fun when it was new.

Can't tell much about glory kills, never cared much about Doom.

Except it is interactive because you initiated it, and you can even choose which one to do by aiming. Also they last about half a second you fucking dipshit.

>refunding must be the gayest thing conceivable
Probably the stupidest thing I'll read this week. Well done.

>Reloading a weapon doesn't remove control by the player
What if you're reloading a turret during a chase sequence and can't do anything? Then it's a cutscene? My god
>putting the word animation in quotes as if this is an argument when that's literally what it fucking is
Confirmed mouthbreather

>It felt a little too videogamey for a second

I wanted the scope in 2016 to be pretty much exactly like DE, so I'm glad they changed it. Missiles aren't even bad though, but the machinegun is more useful now so I tend to use that instead.

Sure it is. Nu-Zoom is a great game, blah blah blah. I'm not even going to bother pirating it.

>It felt a little too videogamey for a second
I thought DOOM Eternal is bad because it felt too videogamey?

Chainsaw/melee animations were used in the last game tho
My only gripe has been skins when the most you can see on your character are his arms, aside from the cutscenes that show him for 5 seconds

What do you expect out of doom, fellow gamer?

>DUDE, what if there was also a rune that makes glory kill animations play at TWICE the speed?
>and you can unlock it really early in the game!

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Unfitting implementation of glory kills is the problem.
in Space Marine, glory kills on orkz made sense since you were a fucking spees murine and you have a chainsword for just this purpose. However, glory kills were not necessarily mandatory (you just did them because you were surrounded by fucking greenskins anyway) and hell you're a fucking spees murine slaughtering orkz and spilling their blood is an act of righteous devotion and the God-Emperor protects.
D44M's implementation is flawed. They made glory kills essentially mandatory, even though Doom was a game where you were strafing, sliding, running and gunning and didn't want to be surrounded by shit because being surrounded by shit is bad. They basically went "OH MAN REMEMBER BERSERKER KITS? THOSE WERE AWESOME" and made them a mandatory part of gameplay to shake hearts and ammo out of killing foes. Those pick-ups were objects on the map in sensible locations in older Dooms.

That half second feels like an eternity
Not good

Pretty sure even the longest glory kill is only about 2.75 seconds and most of them are only about 1

doom 3 was the last doom kino

its a fact

>What if you're reloading a turret during a chase sequence and can't do anything? Then it's a cutscene? My god
>putting the word animation in quotes as if this is an argument when that's literally what it fucking is
An animation where the player has no control, it's called a cutscene.

How little of the game did you know that you brought it without knowing about glory kills?

Remember when it was optional?

Turn them off

>using a shit rune instead of uselful ones like air control or chrono strike
baka my head

but then I'd have to give up airstrafing, go fast after glory kills or equipment recharge

>even though Doom was a game where you were strafing, sliding, running and gunning and didn't want to be surrounded by shit because being surrounded by shit is bad
Thats basically Doom Eternal? You know you don't glory kill every single demon in Eternal, right? You only do that only when you need some health and/or low on ammo?

Can’t you turn them off?

>play Resident Evil and go to my inventory screen to use an item
>control lost, this is a cutscene
>confirming a weapon upgrade in literally any game ever via a menu
>control lost, this is a cutscene
This is how retarded your logic sounds

So does reloading a magazine

>play castlevania on NES
>locked into a 1.5 second cutscene

>play dark souls
>parry the other guy and riposte
>locked into an un-skipable cutscene where you lose control of your character
100% ruined the gameplay loop and the gamefeel, such a ludonarrative dissonance

>the most arcade shooter in the past decade releases
>filters Yas Forums because all they do is play walking sims and JRPGs
Sounds about right

>Turn them off

I don't like the actual bamham games but I thought Sleeping Dogs took that combat formula and did pretty well with it.

Shouldn't the invulnerability frames and conservation of ammo be reward enough? Why the ammo and/or health refill?

Ok zoomer.

You can turn off the flashing outline that indicates an enemy can be glory killed
If you were good enough it was viable to beat '16 without them but it's pretty much mandatory in eternal.

You can try not getting hit, bitch..
Also use your other weapons. Running out of ammo during a fight is 2016 mentality. When everything had a bunkers worth of ammo capacity.