It's officially dead
Kojima-hack wasn't able to pull this off this time.
It's officially dead
If only he had patented that 'camera' invention of his.
>Kojima reduces price so more people in quarantine can play the game.
More like BASED.
You are literally faulting him for not pandering to the retarded masses that eat up snoy of war and horisnoy zero dawn. Im not going to act like death stranding is perfect or actually make any kind of statement about its quality at all for that matter but dont act like kojima couldnt have nabbed that retard audience if he actually aimed for it
Great, I don't buy games until they are down to €29.99 and Yas Forums forgets them.
>death stranding was a thing
lmao, I didn't hear anything about this pile of shit like a week after it's release.
Well that's because it is actually a Deliveryman Simulator game. And definitely one of the worst open world game I've ever played
Why bother with the game when you can just play it in real life?
>the smear campaign worked
>sell ps4 ... hdmi... controller...
>buy death stranding pro console 400+$
>5 hours into game
What a mistake
Exactly. Just look at the sales of all Metal Gear Solid games, they all sold very well. MGS4 was a system seller as a matter of fact, and who knows what would happen to Sony and PS3 if Kojima wasn't there with his game. MGSV was the best selling entry in the series and the cancellation of Silent Hills was one of the loudest game cancellations ever in the industry.
Going in with Death Stranding, he didn't expect to make a fortune or top charts. It was quite obvious from all the teasers and the way it was previewed. If he wanted to make money, he'd make another stealth action IP.
That's is a HUGE FLOP
>smear campaign
The shilling failed because the game is shit, there was no need for a smear campaign.
Based Kojimbro dropping the price so everyone can enjoy his masterpiece
most people are waiting for the PC release and you all know it.
doesnt really make anything, horizon zero dawn and god of war sold gangbusters and still went super cheap within a year, they just want people to play their shit instead of artificially inflate it like nintendo
i installed this from a friends account and played it yesterday
played for an hour and fifteen minutes
>5 minutes of walking gameplay
>hour and ten minutes of cutscenes with nothing but exposition
kojima just has nothing but yesmen working with him i guess
>make a boring delivery simulator game, and expecting big sales....
Well..... That's doesn't happened.
Since the game has trash gameplay and a ridiculous nonsense story.
and here we can see a herd of shitposters repeating stuff they read on Yas Forums instead of playing games
>garbage game = financial Flop
>You are literally faulting him for not pandering to the retarded masses that eat up snoy of war and horisnoy zero dawn.
except he did just that you fucking retard.
>hey people seems to actually enjoy long boring walking exposition sections i can do that too and actually make an entire game build around it
When was the first? It held its value better than the S o y Wars game did.
>delivery trash forever - the game
Easy flop prediction
>horizon zero dawn and god of war sold gangbusters
no, they didn't go cheap so soon.
>they just want people to play their shit instead of artificially inflate it like nintendo
that's retarded. most companies just want to unload to retailers as much stock as possible. that doesn't mean nintendo artificially inflates anything.
i'll never get Yas Forums, finally a game that doesn't follow any current day meme mechanics and they still shit on it despite being a niche game.
>except he did just that you fucking retard.
ah yes, the game that never holds your hands, has long stretches of no story happening and requires careful resource management while not following any particular genre was clearly made to pander to lowest common denominators.
The game most people got filtered within the first 5 hours.
Wanna know how i know you didn't even boot the game up?
EA is laughing at you
>the moment when you waste your money in this, and you discovering how much terrible boring trash the game is.
If Kojima actually believes his games are "arthouse", then he shouldn't complain when they don't make any money
Dude I haven’t played the game but I want to and I think it’s probably fun but calling criticism a smear campaign just makes you look nuts.
When you produce the literary most BORING game ever made this is the result
So will it be dirt cheap once it comes out?
Hideo Fraud Hackman Kojima wasted Sony's massive budget on pretend Hollywood rental friends for his Twitter feed.
On release, if you said anything negative about the game you got told you were a shill for konami.
I am not fucking kidding you.
It's cheap now because it's a shitty game.
And it will always remain a shitty game even on PC. So save your money from this boring mess
It looks fun to me, I can't wait to play it on pc once it gets cracked
>Kojima allows a PC port
Not based
If by catering you making the game fun, then he sure showed em
youre genuinely retarded if you plan on pirating a game where the main feature is the always online shared world between players
so it's out on pc
everything on pc is free
Essentially because the game is literally a total boredom. I regret having thrown my money away in this crap
The game is fucking awful, I'm amazed anyone played it at all.
this is what happens when companies buy into celebrity developers, what they should of done is put restrictions on him
hahaha fuck off retard, the game was overhyped as fuck, every outlet was jizzing their pants whenever there was even a hint of new promo material, you're fucking delusional man, cope.
And they're gonna sell it 60 bucks on PC like it's a brand new game
Even worst for Horizon Zero dawn, 3 years after they think the PC community is ready to buy a game at that price
>dude everyone is separated from each other in this post-apocalyptic USA and you need to work as a mailman to CONNECT THE WORLD because we won't survive without the cum deliveries
>real world undergoes the biggest quarantine and border-closing operation it has ever seen in an effort to slow down the spread of a dangerous virus which can overload the healthcare system
now that I think of it, it came out less than 6 months ago and it already has aged like milk
>the lone deliveryman _ a Hideo Kojima Fail
I feel like a fucking idiot for paying full price for this turd, this was the third strike Kojima, you won't screw me again.
>how to throw millions away to make the most boring, ridiculous, and useless work that has ever been done in the videogame field
> future projects of Kojima's ego? Make a toilet simulator
The disappointment of the generation
>celeb actor
Is the mark of a failed premise for a game.
That just proves how many retards exist, so many people shat on the game and never played it and retards believed them, plenty missed out on a n actual good game.
>lowest prices
>still $100AUD on the steam store
good joke. i've still got to wait 2 months before waiting another 3 months for the price to drop.
Take your meds, schizo
>Steve jobs of video games
I can't read French but is this what these baguette faggots wrote ?
>well into 2020
>retards still confused why a delivery simulator is a boring game and flopped
Yas Forums truly has the lowest average IQ of any board
Literally UPS simulator
Why is it so hard for Kojima drones to accept that Kojima tried to make something and failed?
The game is bad, it's not fun, no it's not because it's for "a niche audience" or because he was against all the trends in videogames. It's because the game is badly designed, repetitive and frustrating, the story is dumb as fuck also. And how can you tell this game was intended for a niche audience with all the fucking hype created over it, hollywood actors all over the place, famous bands making songs for it, publicity all over the place. Now you're not only telling me the game was supposed to be bad, it was also supposed to sell like shit?
Remember that user who said Death Stranding was a big hit because 7 of his PSN friends were playing it at the same time, and we were the retards because of not providing proof that game didn't sell well? I remember.
Isn't a game being cheap a goof thing?
This is truly the biggest Kojima Flop
Stop seething you assmad shill that hasn't even played it. the fact that it got so many 9s means lots of people out there liked it. I genuinely enjoyed it and enjoy making deliveries and using resources to build a network that helps me deliver at top speed.
You haven't played it and you don't own a PS4 now fuck off, pathetic retards like you ruined this board
Yes, selling 10 millions at full price means they artificially inflate the price. I've seen games that sell less (like Mario Maker 2) getting price cuts.
Death Stranding is supposed to be a game for intellectuals, but ironically it can only be enjoyed by low IQ people that don't like to think.
I’m glad Kojima didn’t make genericGame#1947298383 with the pew pew and the bing bing wahoos
He could have, but he manned up and didn’t.
This game perfectly represents how Kojima is no longer capable of making videogames. But just only bad movies.
>was intended for a niche audience with all the fucking hype created over it,
are you fucking retarded? was the game magically supposed to put a limit on how many people are allowed to be interested in it?
>It's because the game is badly designed, repetitive and frustrating,
the game also has 100+ hours of content so good job analyzing it objectively instead of desperately trying to list abstract and dubious negatives which supposedly exist and thats it
>hollywood actors all over the place, famous bands making songs for it
probably because it actually had a budget
>Now you're not only telling me the game was supposed to be bad
nobody has said anything remotely comparable, theyve probably said that just because your mouthbreather sensibilities were filtered it doesnt mean the game itself is bad. You dont play anything else that isnt the latest lowest common denominator AAA shit so what makes you think youre apt to talk about death stranding just because kojima tricked you into paying attention to it because of the presentation?
Every non Nintendo goes down in price.
Stupid newfag
The worst game of the generation
Stop pretending Paco
An artsy incomprehensible movie with minimalist dialogue only takes me at most 3 hours of watching with full attention.
This games takes 45 hours of boring repetitive gameplay just to extract a shitty story out of it. Seriously what's the point?
>t. plays le rip and tear gaem all day
so what's the price?
Another retard who hasn't played the game talking his mouth off. Keep exposing yourself it's hilarious
Too much for this trash game.
Save your money and avoid it
The fact that you can't even defend the game without bringing console war shitposting says a lot. I bought the game day 1 you retard.
Your game is shit, just deal with it, if you enjoy shit then more power to you, Kojima won't give you a hug for defending him, and you have the audacity to call me a shill lol.
Should I?
>he could have
If anything, MGSV is proof that Kojima isn't capable of doing a good game even when following ALL of the current industry trends.