How is everyone enjoying Doom Eternal?
How is everyone enjoying Doom Eternal?
>this EXACT slayer gate is giving me an issue because I'm bad and didn't learn how to use the ballista
fuck you user, nice job though
Can't even watch gameplay because all the different colored pickups hurt my eyes
loving it. Really fucking long, I'm amazed. Each mission takes me like 2-3 hours between killing everything, collecting all hidden stuff and beating the secret challenges/slayer gate
So far on mission 7. Started the night at the super gore nest and got like a quarter into the phobos station before quitting for the day. At this point I'm enjoying the game more and more because even though enemies are really starting to ramp up their shit, all the arsenal I have now is more than enough to take on them.
Also I was surprised at how easy the 4th slayer gate was in comparison to the first ones
I wish there were more master levels out. I had a blast running through a tough level with my whole arsenal when I didn't have to obsessive-compulsively secret hunt. Guess I'll play a few levels on nightmare (cleared it on UV) until I actually buy the game when there's more content.
How the fuck do I get in here
may aswell watch a movie on tv
graphics is as if it was taken out of quake champions, and the weapons from quake 4
Hint: Check out the statues around the perimeter. Sometimes you can punch your way through problems.
Loving it so far, despite it kicking my ass far more than I thought it would. Kinda dreading that final Slayer Gate already. What is the best Rune set-up?
It's ok, not as good as 2016. The first two hours are trash, but then you get kitted out and it starts to get fun. Mediocre overall. Having way more fun playing Doom 64.
looks like a spastic spectacle kind of like the Scorpion King or so
Game is kicking my fucking ass. If it weren't for the extra lives system I'd have had to redo countless end-game parts.
You have to tab out to a browser, find some porn and jerk off onto your CPU, then when you tab back in, Doomguy will ejaculate toxic jizz that melts a hole in the gate.
Your welcome.
It’s very hard for me even on the lowest setting
So it's basically just alternating between the SSG and the Ballista? Took me minutes to kill those nigs so far
>He didnt turn down brightness of pickups in the options
>start the game on nightmare
>kicks my ass so I turn it down to UV
>finish the game with extra lives coming out of my ass
every time
How boomers survive slayers gates? You can get heart attack during them
>jerk off onto your CPU
The best thermal paste was free all along
Love it.
Just beat it this morning on HMP and I'm definitely going back in on the harder difficulties / grabbing all the collectibles I left behind.
They were the thing fueling my through the night, couldn't go to sleep, completed the game in one sitting (taking breaks for food/toilet). The adrenaline rush of slayer gates is real and it was amazing.
The fights in the last levels did the same as well as they start going bat shit insane and throwing EVERYTHING at you
Why does everyone swap through weapons like this in every webbum I see
They all seem to do the same thing
It's one of the few games along with God Hand and Ikaruga that got me sweating
Look the game is fun and I like it, but you sound like a literal not-joking paid shill.
Yeah, I'd easily say this is one of the hardest games to be released in years. It's fucking brutal. HMP/Normal is about on par with what many games would class as their highest difficulty.
Just beat it on UV, really enjoying it and going to NM run now. I hated the low ammo pool at the beginning but learning to abuse the chainsaw mid fight mostly solves that problem. Still kinda dislike it when I have to run around just trying to avoid being hit with no ammo and no fodder to saw.
The slayer gate fights are really fun, especially the first one where I had no idea how intense the fight would actually be.
Music is good but it doesn't have any standout pieces like bfg divison. It has some really nice remixed tracks from the original games though (e2m6, map30).
the game is designed so that certain weapons fire much faster after swapping to a new one, and in this case both the SSG and Balista kind stun the Maurader long enough that you get a follow up shot wither either.
My only real problem is the arena combat. I wish it was just preplaced enemies instead
Go away with this shit. This kind of stupid think is exactly what created Yas Forums's contrarian bullshit mindset.
Playing on UV right now and I feel it's gotten a bit more managable once you level up your stats a bit. Then again, I'm only at level 7 or 8 rn
I one shot it only using the SSG on nightmare, it was designed to not require the weapon switching to beat
More dps
The trick is to learn all the enemies weaknesses. It's a cool idea, but it really stifles game-play because your sorta forced to resort to the gimmicks the developers demand. It's why the game "gets better" latter on once you have all the tools to deal with the enemy bullshit.
I wish they still had a fodder unit (like the 2016 Possessed) that could be Glory Killed as a get out of jail free card. Getting pinned into a corner or dropping off a cliff just to escape enemies is a hassle. The maps are not really great to play blind, there the type of thing that gets easier the more familiar you are with the map and what spawns. Also there is absolutely no difference between easy and Ultra-violent besides how much damage enemies do to your armor and health which is totally lame form a replay perspective.
Also the lore is supper gay.
This challenge really showcased how lame these guys are. They're not even really a threat and are trivially easy to lock down when by themselves but they take way too many hits to kill for being such a brain dead enemy. They don't really do anything other than slow the game down for no reason. They're the enemy version of that purple goo.
>Getting pinned into a corner or dropping off a cliff just to escape enemies is a hassle
use the grappling hook
Can someone make a mod that gets rid of the stupid fucking character upgrade system. it really ruins the fun.
>take way too many hits
they have the lowest HP out of any Super Heavy
they take too much health to kill for how one-note and routine they are to fight
they probably would have worked better if they died in one hit of anything, but appeared in greater numbers
How is everyone enjoying Doom Eternal?
I would prefer their shield having hp that he can recharge.
>break his shield
>he summons the dog (maybe two) and starts fixing his shield
>you have a brief window of attack
I need to upgrade my GPU and CPU if I want to play with KB/M..
That would be decent. Instead of having the one dude come at you have 3 or 4 of them zipping around the arena being hyper aggressive and doing a lot of dmg but allow you to kill them with one solid counter and SS hit each.
That way you have to react well and parry them but you're not dancing around waiting to counter.
The golwing eyes part should be a final phase of the fight that brings him into executable state. Only at that phase you cant break his shield.
Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shoved it into one game.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
They essentially made a single player console arena shooter.
The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.
So you come in here to shitpost while everyone else is happily enjoying their quarantine game?
What a fucking faggot
It runs amazingly well on my i74790k/980ti, even at 1440p and high to ultra settings
>describes classic arena shooter
>attributes it to xbox kiddies
About 10 years off base, mouthbreather
>get the red key
>door doesn't fucking open
>literally trapped in here
>reload checkpoint, still won't open
I watched another guy play through this bit and when he got the key it opens up
thanks a lot id
laughing my ass off @ your life
go enable dark mode on all your "apps" you weak eyed zoomer
Having fun, currently in the process of getting filtered
>AMD FX-6300
>GTX 760
nuDoom 2016 runs just fine. Just haven't been incentivized to upgrade yet because most modern games are trash and it works great for Emulating everything up to the Wii and PS2.
Was thinking about getting a new GPU but meh. Eternal is tempting but I really don't want to deal with the hassle of upgrading a the CPU which is probably necessary. But that would likely mean I need a new mother board and at that point I'm just building a new PC or dealing with windows 10 considering I lost my Win7 64 install disk.
I'd wait with upgrading until the next-gen consoles are out for a while I guess
You're supposed to use green meme arrows on these kind of posts, but you probably don't even know why.
It's so much better than 2016 it's not even funny.
Why is your hud so big?
go back to the game is good but take its dick out of your mouth for a second holy fuck. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're a literal child
fucking faggot
The Maraduer or watever its called is the worst boss imaginable
>whole game is about teaching you how to best use your resources,weapon switching,glory kills, abilities , dash and jump to move quick
>the absolute only and best strategy to kill this boss is to use none of the abilities ,dash or jump, keep slowly walking mid distance and shoot once with super shotgun
I hate to be that guy but new GPUs are right around the corner. Save up as much as you can. Minimum I would recommend buying are a Ryzen 3600 ($199) and Nvidia 3060/AMD RDNA2 56 ($299-$350). Or unironcally buy a SeX it's going to be a fucking beast.
uninstalled it just now.
didnt even bother finishing this slog.
should I even bother playing 2016 first now that eternal is out?
Somehow I have yet to get frustrated at this game. Even if it takes me a dozen times to beat each gate on ultra violence I am remaining calm and learning from my mistakes. I cannot fucking believe that there are TWO higher difficulties.
In 2016 I turned off glory kill highlights to make the game more immersion but in Eternal I need them because I need to know within milliseconds when I can get health back.
So we're totally playing as Hayden in one of the DLCs right?
wew this does not look good at all
That one's not opened by a key
Same. Just beat the ARC complex mission and going into mission 7 it feels so much easier than when I started playing. I no longer fear slayer gates, in fact I honestly felt like the 4th gate was really easy in comparison to the first ones. I guess I'll just see how stuff progresses through the remainder of the game
I want to say yes only because once you play Eternal you can't go back. 2016 is a boring slog compared to Eternal. In 2016 you literally just run in circles with the super shotgun. It's classic Doom formula but just more simplistic and boring. Eternal actually adds so many more systems and monsters that you have to think so much more during each combat encounter. The thrill of having to balance grenades, monster weak points, flames, glory kills, chainsaws, etc and being forced to utilize everything otherwise you will die is incomperable to the slowness of 2016.