What are the exposed abs for? Doesn't make him that more vulnerable to demon attacks?

What are the exposed abs for? Doesn't make him that more vulnerable to demon attacks?

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If you had abs wouldn’t you show them off?

It's to bait demons for easy kill

It's a gay power fantasy. Hence the queer fanbase.

>reading into it too much

t. furry

They aint exposed on purpose, demons tore that part of his armour off, you can see the claw and tear marks on the OG boxart as well as the OG suit in eternal

Female gaze

because it looks cool

It looks like low level mmo armor

His abs of steel are stronger than the armor

Also it's for heat ventilation. Without it hed be swimming in his armor

it looks cool, thats the reasoning in video games.
good enough if you ask me.

Cute demon boy

Furries are a subspecies of Gayshit, fäm.

His abs are as hard as steel

you can see that it's been ripped off, it's not exposed intentionally. check the OG DOOM cover too it's the same shit

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if you check any furry porn site you quickly realize that there is more straight art than gay ones

but it works because doom man is jacked

The point is that there is no protection there, when it's one of the most important parts you need to protect.

It's like my friends androgynous roommate.

The exposed stomach distracts you and right before you know it. BAM. You're dead.

Why do you know about the contents of furry sites? You gay or somethin'?

okay but he didn't intentionally leave it unprotected, a demon ripped his shit off

t. projecting dogfucker

>he didn't intentionally leave it unprotected
He literally did because all he has there is a fucking shirt, you can see how it's just fucking cloth in that pic.

what the fuck is he supposed to do, go forge himself a new chestplate out of the lava? he's clearly preoccupied

for research purpose

there WAS protection, it was ripped off. it's weird armor where the abs part was a separate piece.

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kiss window, for me to smooch

I know this one, the power of his exposed uterus protects him from attacks.

and by dead you mean sucking his dick, right

to give them a chance

I always thought it looked pretty gay, honestly.

>doomguy is a transguy
>he's so angry because he can't find pills and his ovaries are trying to get him pregnant

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It's almost like Yas Forums does this all the time or something

you don't magically get ovaries when you're trans

transguy, as in biologically female

How do I get biceps like Doom?

Changing the last panel of that comic could yield a lot of meme potential.

Moving the goalpost.

this looks so much cooler than the new design and I have never played past level 1 of doom

What if Doom was a girl?

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>morrowind dwarven boots

This, OP is a fat faggot.

Not all non-fatties want abs shown everywhere.
Keep them to gay parades.

Probably so he can bend his torso. It looks like is separate plate was meant to go over the abdomen.

t. fatass


>What are the exposed abs for?
it's clearly a tactic to demoralize the enemies with his fitness

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It's for intimidation

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>t. Seething fattie

This comic is hilarious bad but now i wanna see the girl fuck him with a strap-on.

it didn't HAVE to be ripped off though.

The girl has a girldick, the boy has a boyvag. They're both pre-op.

Rip and tear demons, dur.


All demons are gay. It's for distraction.

for licking

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>trying to give reason to why Doomguy has exposed abs when it's just a callback to a period of exaggerated, hyper masculinity in media.
It's clearly for better air-flow to prevent overheating. Sometimes I swear, you're all so fucking stupid.

t. projecting
Krinkels is the literal manifestation of Chad and he's not gay, he's super straight to the point that other straight males get hot and bothered whenever he takes his shirt off. And he's a FURRY.
pic related. this man gets more pussy than you ever will and is releasing Madness Combat: Project Nexus 2 soon.

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His abs are hard enough to withstand demons and bullets alike
