Korea Time part 2




For Shakuras
last thread:

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First for CAPE EGG

>edgy black zerg versus Easter green protoss
Very gross.

Great night so far lads.

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What is this boomer shit lmfao

Is that a defiler?

reminder that a member of the smug five can only be beaten by another member of the smug five

I wonder what the organizers for the event think when they hear Tastosis just going off the walls laughing

>Easter green

The colour is called teal, user.

A reaver-defiler mix. This is what Duran was fighting for.

It's more like a queen that doesn't fly.

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find the hidden unit

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I'm fucking starving but I can't cook until korea time is over.

i see you fucking dark templar

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Brain is really leveraging Protoss strengths and sticking to the basics. Just do DT-corsair and storm drops while you distract the zerg. All the pros doing brute force stuff are forgetting killing drones is easy and simple and the most effective way to beat zerg.

>its already DT time
I see your HT

Dark Templar in training

Probably can't hear them over the Korean casters screaming on top of their lungs over a nexus being selected or something.

Nothing to see here zerg players, move on to the next base.



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all I want is Titty Sambo

Zealots, corsairs and capes. Big Brain Capes.

Probably just wondering who decided they shouldn't be in the casting closet any more.

>hold position Lurkers against Protoss
oh fuck

>brain loses to hold position lurkers

>hold position lurkers

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Action showing how solid he is

We're reaching the levels of dishonesty that were never even considered possible.

thanks starcraft fan

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we say this each season

>synthwave interlude

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thanks starcraft fan

thanks starcraft fan

It didn't actually do much since they were out of possition. Brain should had never tried to push in the first place.

I really hope Action loses because I DESPERATELY need to see an Inner Coven game

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Yet Nick is nearly 40 and he's single and fat alcoholic.

That is why they put them in closets. Nick is loud and they put him in one for Avertec Intel Classic Season 2. And there's a producer that hears both the Korean and English casts.

these Zealots haven no right to survive that long

is it just me or do zerglings look like little kangaroos with teeth

Wilt Chamberlain was single until he died
Some people don't like being tied down

Rip Brain
he tried

So many mutas

Action absolutely destroyed Brain. Flash-tier stomping

oh god oh fuck

Dead egg.


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Ripperoni, shame to see the big brain go



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Damn that sucks
I really wanted another game
oh well, I guess Action is just 100% better than Soulkey
The days of Soulkey being a Zerg god are over bros

Action > Brain
Brain > Soulkey
What the fuck

"If you're making an omelet, you're gonna have to break an egg." - Action

Are you boys looking at those shoulders

Imagine being shorter than Stargirl.

Action double-gripping the mic like a primal beast

>Beats SK
>Loses to Action

Does this mean Action is better than SK?!

He's not, she's just standing on top of Brain who's standing on all fours, as is customary for the loser during these interviews.

We had a good day lads
Reminder, Tuesday is the last Group day with
Best(P) and
same time as usual!

brain was definitely the most exciting player of tonight. sad to see him go.

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>stargirl will never dominate you

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>be action
>go bald
>grow some really long hairs on your back and comb them over your head


When does HC3 start?

>people think soulkey has ever been good

Oh fuck it's Bisu build time

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Man that's a fucking scary group

>don't like being tied down

Nick watches Games Done quick in his underwear alone while drinking liquor. What exactly does this "Freedom" mean if this is all you do?

namaste motherfuckers

Now I'm wondering what Action would look like completely shaved

>action went to winner's bracket
>soulkey went to losers bracket
yeah looks like it

>this music

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lategame ZvZ WHEN

If that's what he likes, fuck it
You like what you like
Plus you never know, he might be smashing korean tinder thots daily

2 min in

>Imagine being shorter than Stargirl.

Shorter than an asian girl? God what is SG? She is like 5'6 tops right?

Is Action Vegeta?

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I don't think anyone here can beat Flash
He's looking way too fucking dominant lately

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wtf its over?

idiot it's flight of the valkyries
which is funny because valks are the most useless unit that terran has

It's been 10 years, we're due one some time in the next year.

what a fuckin' group, that's a proper group of death

looking forward to tuesday

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Beastly group, could see pretty much any of these guys advancing

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The song before that, you halfwit

I have literally never heard of Queen, can somebody give me a quick rundown?

Play against the computer if you want some late game ZvZ. It ends up just being the AI spamming infinite perfect plagues and a bunch of random garbage that you can beat just by spamming hydralisks.

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How much did i miss?

I really do hope we get a crowd in the new studio soon
I just want to see how it looks

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Like everything, it just ended.

all of it

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Watch the vod, it was good tonight

all of it

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No, Vegeta is actually cool.

Will Artosis ever live down losing out on a quiz of the American states to a Dutchman?

Fuck. I checked youtube like 4 hours ago and it didnt tell me anything about ASL tonight. I really should pay attention to what days its happening. Thanks ill check the vods.

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Great fucking matches tonight. I can finally cook some food, it's 6 AM and I haven't eaten since 5 PM.
See you nerds on Tuesday.


I think the Pillars are the elevated section and the crowd is on the lower level. They have two studios I think to have more tournaments at the same time.

>thinking jobeta is cool
>thinking Action isn't cool
What the fuck is wrong with you?

The best protoss against FlaSh is snow right and he's already out, and he lost 4-0 to FlaSh last time.
Is Light the best terran against FlaSh? He lost 3-1 to FlaSh last season and 3-0 last group?
The zerg who does the best against FlaSh is in the army right?

i never really got why they called him guldo but looking at his face here you can totally see it. like mashed potato in a condom

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please link if there's a video

I think he's like 5'2 so the tiny height fits. He's the tiny man in the groups.

god how hard did tasteless hit susie back in the day

what a pair of honkers

Soulkey always brings close games to Flash
I don't think any other Zerg comes close besides Effort


Soma has a 100% win rate against Flash. He can't be stopped.

>HSC without Geoff

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Rotti can name individual maps that were played in front of 5 people over 25$ by masters league players, it's incredible the man has wonderful memory.

Funny that you mention, just started watching this.
Always a fun event to rewatch.

not gonna stop hurting anytime soon, I fear

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He's looking like he might be the new top Zerg player. Maybe he can pull off more miracles.

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that was beautiful

still miss him to be honest

reminder that there's another rts tournament today, aoe2 hidden cup, eta: I don't know, later I suppose