

Attached: resident evil 3.jpg (1049x590, 102.34K)

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RE2 seemed okay for what it was, this one looks rushed. Pretty much like the original, some would say.

The original was never that good in the first place, easily the weakest of the fixed camera RE games.

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New game bad

Do we know who was Jill's model?

Unfortunately it's true. It's a shame really. REmake 2 is a genuine masterpiece and was filled to the brim with SOUL.

How was the first REmake?

Remake 1? It's the best in the entire series.

I don't know how the fuck to get out of here.
I also have stuttering like ever two minutes, despite otherwise running it at 90~100 FPS.

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Turns out, the demo is already over after that anyway. lol

The demo didnt really wow me as remake 2 for sure. The atmosphere just isn't there. It reminds me it RE6 with its action movie pacing.
I honestly dont remember RE3 being like this. Its probably either the fixed camera and being gritter



Full stream or videos when, I'm getting tired of being fed piecemeal and shitposts

>New game plays exactly the same as nearly every other new game

>The demo didnt really wow me as remake 2 for sure. The atmosphere just isn't there. It reminds me it RE6 with its action movie pacing.

So... it's RE3? People tend to forget shift towards action was one of RE3's criticism back in the day. It was an action movie of its time.

I'd say that REmake 2 is the best in the series. But hey! That's just me. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. We're all adults here. RE-Chads are the true winners.

I'll hardly this particular game for a trend that's been going for two generations at this point. Haven't you noticed all TPS shooters play exactly the same since Gears of War and Uncharted?

another win for claire.

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you have the fucking game so spoil it already.
WTF they waiting for?

Attached: Resident Evil 3 Remake jill eggs planting.webm (800x456, 1.13M)

vorefags are gonna love this shit

I'm hyped as fuck

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Read my last sentence, RE3 still had that survivor horror feel that a lot of PS1 games had. This one feels like just another modern day TPS.

the original RE3 never downgraded half the stuff from re2


resetfags are gonna REE

The info we've gotten and can verify so far come from a frog's stream of the game that got taken down by Capcom just before the clocktower and after Carlos' (first) section, quotes from devs or reports on the game, and examining the trailers.
>has typewriters
>all areas are present in some form
>areas like the RPD, Sewers, and Hospital are overhauled
>new areas such as the lab
>new interactions with Marvin, Kendo and Tyrell (who survives past his first appearance now)
>the only cut enemy (this isn't confirmed) is the spiders
>exploration has been overhauled since REmake 2, with more optional areas you can access
>there are multiple unlockable costumes in the main game
>the Beretta is in
>Nemesis mutates by damaging his bindings (as seen in the demo)
>Helicopter (we don't know if it is the UBCS one) is moved to the hospital
>Ink Ribbons on Hard
>More puzzles
>Nemesis drops items when downed
>Bad Boxart Megaman can be found in the toy store
>Costumes confirmed by the datamine
>many unique death animations against Nemesis, including curbstomps and rocket launch spearing

I unironically agree. Atleast we get sfm porn.
im not the old good new bad type of guy but the intro scene is as soulless as it gets

>live action FMV
Capcom's won again.

Shut the fuck up shill. The game is souless

>post info we know is true and confirmed
Utterly trounced, devastated, completely destroyed.

>they could have made a good multiplayer experience with mercenaires mode
>instead they focused on a dumb poors man dead by deadlight
>theres a pegi logo that implies microtransactions
i will get this shit preowned michael was right

Old game good

Can't wait for when RE8 comes out and everyone here claims it's soulless, whereas REmake 3 is suddenly peak soul.

i wonder if RE3make will get praised when 4make or VCmake gets announced
everyone is praising re2make now lol
i'm going to play it anyway

looks fine
stop nitpicking

>>New game plays exactly the same as nearly every other new game
Only TEW and the other modern RE games feel directly comparable, and even then TEW is quite a bit worse

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Can you give me a complete list of all the weapons in the game? Including all the bonus/unlockable/etcs ones.

Everyone praised RE2make when it came out, it's literally just Yas Forums

>then TEW 2 is quite a bit worse

Fixed. The Evil Within 1 is a much better game. And definitely a more complete one.

bros is something wrong with michael?

maybe you were playing on dx12

Easiest way to beat Neme is to just run away. Even if he snags you with his BBT, he just stands over you and lets you resume running. The most unthreatening boss I've ever encountered in an RE game.


It's an unfocussed clusterfuck and a massive disappointment for a new horror IP by Shinji Mikami

looks generic as fuck actually

so the way nemesis 'teleports' and jumps past you. he only does these if you aren't looking at him right. the same way the lickers in re2 would run at 5x speed when you had your back turned to them. If you stare right at nemesis at all times, all he can do is punch and tentacle grab. feels weird man

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you look generic as fuck too and nobody cares

>It's an unfocussed clusterfuck

This. TEW1 can't fucking decide whether it's an action game like Resident Evil 4 or a stealth game, and it ends up being an action game with an extremely weak MC who's bad at action and a stealth game with awful and broken stealth mechanics.

It has its own kind of soul in the same way RE2 does. This one I feel captures the exploration part very well. The ambience is just a bit off but I'll chalk that to the demo trying to showcase lots of different situations

>reused zombie models
>removed ragdoll physics
>dismemberment has been downgraded
>body parts no longer slide off limbs
>zombies dont collide with eachother anymore
>limbs now vanish into midair
>cant chop up downed zombies, they dont react to knife
>Zombies can't be cut in half with shotgun anymore
>zombies are much easier to kill
>spidernemisis can teleport in and out of the sky

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>zombies are much easier to kill
>when everyone complained about sponge zombies in 2
you are complaining just for the sake of complaining

It also tries to have a psychological aspect without understanding what makes good psychological horror. It doesn't mess with your head or get under you skin, it just throws random shit at you

>v is 1 person
i didnt complain about the zombies in re2 faggot

I swear to god the uncensored gore better be a option in the full PC release or at least moddable or we're going to have a situation...

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Original re3 was my first game so I loved it.

I tried the demo and it's too fucking dark, zombies are bullet sponges and don't give any clue when they are dead for good.
Also can you even kill nemesis in this?

I want to kill the zombies, not running around thinking if I should waste 15 bullets to kill one and then stab him to see if it's actually dead.

i didn't either but everyone was complaining about that shit

Isn't this moment supposed to be in RE2?

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>reused zombie models
Reusing assets in game development isn't a bad decision. It saves on dev time and costs, and considering the two games take place side-by-side it makes sense
>removed ragdoll physics
I didn't notice but you could be right
>dismemberment has been downgraded
I mean zombie heads pop in a more gratifying way so I'm not too torn up
>zombies doesn't collide with eachother anymore
I could be remembering wrong, but they didn't really collide in 2 remake either
>limbs now vanish in midair
Kinda disappointing but there's a satisfying pop at least
>can't chop up downed zombies, they don't react to the knife
The knife works a little differently in this game so I don't mind
>zombies can't be cut in half with shotgun anymore
This is disappointing
>zombies are much easier to kill
RE3 was always more action heavy with a bigger quantity of zombies so I don't mind
>spidernemesis can teleport
Yeah, this is kinda goofy. Works well when you're in the moment but when you see how it actually works it's dumb

If you shoot a zombie a few times it'll fall on the ground. From there you can knife it to make sure it's dead

>REmake 3 shows where all the dead bodies and Marvin's bite came from

It's still somewhat prevalent here. I noticed that at first they only needed about 3 headshots to knock them over, then as I progressed through the demo they started needing 7-8. Then when I eventually took damage, they went back to only needing 3 or 4.
It's somewhat nullified by the dodge mechanic, but it's still very noticeable that they take more and more bullets.