Yas Forums tells you a game is bad

>Yas Forums tells you a game is bad
>Is actually really good
Way better than nu-DOOM, why did you fags lied to me?

Attached: 2216156-doom3.jpg (676x960, 178.08K)

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So are those eyes or nostrils?


The word was always that it was mediocre though so this isn't your usual Yas Forums contrarianism. I just bought it for $3 recently though.

>Yas Forums tells you a game is bad
>Is actually really bad
>OP doesn't even realize what shit taste he has
DOOM3 will never, and I repeat, NEVER be good, you utterly retarded faggots

Go back to Mario Eternal, filthy zoomer

i really liked it but i didnt like the BFG edition that added a flashlight to guns. My friend came to me and said they added a flashlight so you didnt have to play in the dark anymore. i was like wtf are you talking about i already beat the game on the bonus hardest difficulty and im not even that good at games whats wrong with people they complained about Doom being too dark who are these sissies?

Attached: clair.jpg (1204x903, 241.89K)

I can see it being "okay", but "really good"? Like, how?


All Doom games are good

Compared to Zoom Eternal is a masterpiece

The real truth is that all doom games were always trash.
Quake > literal shit > Doom

Attached: 1558412232057.png (235x293, 140.15K)

>new game
>let me tell you why this is trash
>5-10 later
>why was this game like the bestest there ever was
Yas Forums everyone

Classic Quake > Clasdic Doom
Modern Doom > Modern Quake

holy based

i used ductape mod when i bought it. i bought it twice i need to play both of them. i get motion sickness from new doom game.

enemy placement is fine. you never "need" the flashlight in the dark areas. People are literally just sissies who are afraid of the dark in a "horror" game.

based but cringe

It's way more close to the original, but back then it felt like a soulless sequel.

It's not bad, but it certainly isn't good

Holy shit, I never notice those holes before. You just ruined this monster to me.

Doom 3 is bad even if nu doom is also bad.

Mэдиcoн, cъeбиcь нaхyй oт cюдa

Do you have a single praise that isn't
>it's better than this other game

I just hate the atmosphere and the design of nu-dum, they somehow managed to ruin every single little thing.

I liked the pacing, plot/setting, level design, atmosphere a lot more than nuDoom

The original release was fine for a mid-2000s shooter and actually had a lot of tense moments because you were almost always short on resources. BFG Edition ruins everything and removes all tension because now ammo and health are so abundant that you will never feel threatened by anything.

It's a solid game but too simplistic for its own good. It's easily the weakest Doom game.

you can't see shit otherwise faggot, it's pitch black

>poorly veiled ‘popular game is bad’ attention thread

Most areas had lighter spots that you could lure the enemies to. The permanent flashlight made an already simple game even simpler and took away one of its unique aspects.

>enemy placement is fine.
monster closets became a meme for a reason.

They were a thing way before doom 3

Doom 3 was a one trick pony in this regard compared to previous games that used it sparingly. You know this.

Not really. Or at least not that I can remember. The game's problem was less monster closets and more just enemies spawning behind you or imps being faggots and jumping at you as soon as you enter a new room. There were also far too few enemies for how simple the gameplay was.

>weakest weapons in a Doom game to date, they all sound like shit, most of them have pitiful damage and the shotgun is the most pathetic shotgun i've ever had the displeasure to fire in a videogame
>level design so fucking cramped and linear you might as well follow a literal painted line on the ground
>jumpscare-a-minute type of game, except you shotgun an imp two or three times depending if the spread decides to fuck you in the ass or not and you're on your way until the next imp jumpscare
>started the lore via datapads and audio files thing in the franchise
>can't see anything unless you swap your weapon for the flashlight which fucks the pace of combat, or you turn your brightness all the way up which is just pure stupidity
>doomguy being slow as a snail

I'd much rather play Quake 4. No idea what you people see in this game, or why it's considered good now. It's always been a fucking disappointment.

Attached: 1551227068665.jpg (1077x1053, 84.49K)

>started the lore via datapads and audio files thing in the franchise
The following games just use it for easter eggs and other shit you can ignore, don't really see a problem.

Quake 4 is even worse though

I ALWAYS thought nostrils

It's only worse in the first half, after that it plays like Quake 2, which isn't saying much but is still better than Doom 3 as a whole.

Picture unrelated?



At its core, DOOM is supposed to be about fast-paced gameplay using reflexes to shoot copious amounts of demons.

DOOM 3 does the opposite of that.

Doom 2016 was better

Holy shit I just realised that intro is ripped straight from the Resident Evil movie.


both are good it's that Yas Forums think it's cool to shit on popular things... you know.. being EDGY

What's good about Doom 3 ?

Doom 3 was never good. Not even literal old Yas Forums which was never inflicted with such asinine levels of contrarianism, before Project Chanology, thought Doom 3 was good.

Doom 3 has way too many issues to be "good."

2016 and Eternal are both better.

Who said Doom 3 was bad? Was a good game and a good doom game. There just wasn't enough action.

And 1, and 2, and Final, and 64, and Sigil, and Eternal, and those iPhone RPGs.

>NuZoomers trying to latch onto the hottest thing shitting on Kino games like DOOM3
Disgusting. Yas Forums is just Reddit 2.0 now and is sad.

>good doom game
>There just wasn't enough action

Attached: 12494776549.jpg (501x498, 20.27K)

relaunched the "scary survival genre"
pretty much set the industry standard concerning shadows usage
also early pleb filtering that forced ID to officialize a "ducttape mod"

it was a different game style for older times
doom was always a tech Demo for the IDtech engine that happened to be a good game

I like it, if for no other reason than nostalgia. It's a fun game to fuck around in for an hour or two, although I rarely play through it anymore. It's just not as good as any of the other Doom games. RoE was a lot better though.

I'll give you 4/10 for the effort.

Play it in VR, it becomes a masterpiece

>You're a zoomer if you don't like the game pretty much responsible for audio log bullshit in the medium, along with being a shitty Half Life clone trying desperately to outdo Valve with their own sequel

Go back to your sooper spooky non horror game with shit guns, faggot

I'll play both, thanks


original Doom 3 is open source (hence free)

there's gonna be a package soon that combine 2016 + ethernal for cheap bucks once the hype settle down, or... yaknow... piracy still exist

Yeah system shock is also trash. What is it with all these mediocre western first person games? Cult following but shit in reality.

>relaunched the "scary survival genre"
What ? Doom 3 doesn't belong to that "genre". There's no survival to be spoken of in Doom 3. You just go along shooting demons in the face like you always have in Doom games up to that point, just at a much slower pace, you can't kill them as effectively, and there are fewer demons to shoot at.
>pretty much set the industry standard concerning shadows usage
The only good thing to come out of it.
>also early pleb filtering that forced ID to officialize a "ducttape mod"
How is ID having to partially correct one of their fuckups a good thing ? The flashlight swap should never have been a thing in the first place.

I'm reducing your score down to 3/10.

the flash light swap could have been an interesting thing if id weren't shit designers.

The box says its a masterpiece in diablo font. You should have believed the box.

Based. Also, the Xbox version was an underrated port.

Attached: doom (15).webm (480x200, 2.67M)

I already own them all but the combo pack is good news for anyone on the fence. Although like you said if they're undecided why not just pirate.

>here is a shot gun
>its useless on its own
>try the automatic mode
>now we will refuse to give you bullets
>oh by the way there is a limited amount of bullets on the map
>oh by the way by the way there is no infinite ammo pistol this time
>also melee hits don't deal damage!

>Source Engine, eat your heart out!

Attached: doom 3 alpha.webm (960x720, 1.17M)

It had the right feel of wandering through a hell-infested UAC. Will always appreciate it for that.

>Midnight this game
>Sick fast paced combat, lots of enemy variety, detailed character models and environments (2012), tons of content that doesn't feel padded, beautiful cutscenes, fun dialogue, replayable mercs mode.
>Hell yeah fuck awesome ga--

Attached: resident-evil-resident-evil-6-5122.jpg (1332x850, 252.29K)

That is actually very impressive.

Looks like Gabe lol