Jill looks beautiful bros

Jill looks beautiful bros

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Looks like the original

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This. It's good to see that their keeping to their roots with the character

She looks like a man with a wig on, aside from the haircut there is no resemblance

That's a guy who have a similar haircut

>can't see past the haircut
Why are you braindead?

lmao op btfo

Please stop photoshopping my wife thanks

Literally a man in a wig. Why are people freaking out about remake Jill again?


ill give it up op. i laughed.

and its even funnier seeing the posts that think this is actually jill

Jesus. Though the model is also phenomenal.

No, that's Leon S. Kennedy, the silent lad.

But nobody does, OP. Also it's pretty sad when you have to reply like this to your own thread.

thats not her. thats some chan shit only found here.

they made her the same as they did 20yrs ago.
>same brow
>same eyes
>same nose
>same lips
>same chest, waist, body shape
only different is the chin.

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>picking the trash Wii game RE Umbrella Chronicles as bait post
You could try harder.

Please tell me that's from the Quiet Man

you sound mad as fuck you thought an autistic man was your waifu

Look above you bro. Original Jill literally looks like Cosmo. The character looks like a dude or a tranny half the time.

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You have face blindness. Why am I not surprised you're an incel?

I never noticed this lol. Jill literally looks like Narcissa lmfao

What the fuck were they thinking with this game? Not only was it a subpar beat-em up, but they cut out 99% of the audio and patched it in later so you couldn't even make sense of the, ultimately nonsensical anyways, story. It was a total disaster.

Take your meds schizo he is not me , im op

Dont listen to this guy. I'm op.

Screw you all, im the real OP

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So you want me to believe in what? That a game made in 1999 doesn't have great CGI graphics causing just about everything to look like playdoh and that I should applaud someone who thought this remake Jill isn't just some "We didn't care to think it through" decision from executives because they just scan in whomever they can pay the least amount of money to be the model of their characters even if they just barely resemble how the character looked before, they'll just slap on the hairstyle and color-scheme clothing and call it a day.

I can't read or parse meaning from your gibberish run-on sentence lol.

This thread again, good job user!!

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Sucks for you lol

>This shit again...

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That's gross.

>Yas Forums is so warped by it's obsession with trannies that instead of seeing an effeminate looking man with a woman's haircut like OP's image actually is, they instead say women just look like men now
You are actually mentally unwell. How is quietman guy an example of classic masculinity?

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a WOMAN'S haircut user. a WOMAN'S. From the 90's. When this game is set.

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>beautiful bros
your grammatical failure happens to work out in this case, ironically.

>the original

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RE2RM did the same thing. It's not set in the 90s anymore. It is, but only through statement. Everything about the remakes are anachronistic.

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This is also a women from the 90's.

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what is my /d/ tier fetish doing here

im talking about the guy in op pic

They know and they don't care. They just need to find something to bitch about since the demo turned out to be good and the game looks solid. Same shit happened with Doom Eternal before it's release. Yas Forums can't help but be anti or troll-baitey and eventually it gets annoying. That's why you take this website in moderation, otherwise it can drive you as insane as Resetera.

user what's the name of the model?

Yas Forums as a whole is obsessed with tranny /trap porn


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It's so fucking annoying though, because it's the same conversation over and over again
>"yep. Resetera won, she is a tranny now"
>but she doesn't look, here is a pic she is fine.
>no, look at the fucking pic, make an actual argument.
People who say "so? Yas Forums was always shit literally have no idea how much better it was before 2014.

One of the ugliest hairstyles the world has ever seen.

My my Jessica Biel

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>these are the same

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>Viral marketing: 2020 edition
>Trashtalk your game, at least it will keep the conversation going
Notice the same shit being done with Doom and FF7

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Yeah, she's got a pretty remarkable body huh? I wish more women wanted that for themselves.

What the actual living fuck are you on about? Want to tell me that Vice city is not set in the 80's either because you say so? What the fuck do want? Vaporwave, synthcore and VHS filters??

Yup always had a crush on her

try 2007
but that's a lie, this place has always been shit in some way. You have to learn to filter through the tryhard shitposting.

>this place has always been shit in some way
but it's WAAAAAAAAY worse now. Months ago, when an user threw "dilate" at me, i had zero clue what he even meant so apparently i was a "massive newfag" because i DIDN'T know all the new transgender terminology. At least 3 people mocked me because "i don't know how tranny do"

you may be blind

>Yas Forums is so warped by it's obsession with trannies
Oh I'm sure it's legit Yas Forums users and not skullfucked drones from Yas Forums running russian errands.

>interacting with trolls/shitposters
What did you expect? You should have learned by now, filter the retards and get to the actual discussions you're interested in. The amount of off topic or otherwise mindless bullshit may have increased but the method of dealing with it has not.

Bitch looks like the winter soldier

No, you are face blind. OP's pic looks like the new version, not like your picture.

You blind or something? Look at the people and their styles. Look at what's strewn about. It's been completely modernized.

Were you alive in 1998 mate?

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I don't see any point in having a genuine discussion here when that's how a lot of them go.

>Bitch looks like the winter soldier
Because Winter Soldier has effeminate long hair and eyeliner. He is gay as fuck.
>made in 2005
Fuck this shit