Which version of trials of mana should I get?

Which version of trials of mana should I get. I have pretty much discounted the PS4 version because of the long load times, but I am not sure whether I should pick the switch or the PC version.

What do you guys think?

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I didn't know that this game was on PC too. I prefer having these simpler looking games on Switch since I don't care so much about the graphics, but that's just me.

If the PS4 load times are too long for you just go for PC because Switch has long load times and a pretty subpar framerate.

PS4 vs PC I could understand but I don't get why Switch vs PC would be a difficult decision. They're at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Do you value portability?

I have them all and ps4 vs pc is what I don't get. The ps4 brings nothing while pc has performance and switch has portability. What is the argument in favor of ps4? I am genuinely curious.

Nothing. Ps4 is just for normies who want "better" graphics, but can't into PC bulding/gaming.

Depends on how much you hate denuvo

all versions are good. only downside on switch would be the resolution and frame rate.

the switch version actually has shorter load times.

If you can play it on PC, do it
That's the universal rule

>That's the universal rule
Not so universal. I'm playing refrain on PC and I wish I had gone with switch instead. Or even my vita. Sometimes it's just better to have more freedom and not every game is pushing for graphics. If I could go back in time I would not have chosen PC.

I'm trying to say that Switch vs PC is an easy decision because they both offer something different so I don't understand why you can't decide between the two.

The choice gets muddy between PS4 vs PC because they're mostly the same (unless you have a 120hz monitor and ssd).

I hate playing games on portable consoles, when I had my 3DS I played it in front of my PC anyway, luckly I can play those 3DS games on my PC now

I'm getting this and Disaster Report 4 for PS4. Tried the demos for both on Switch and PS4. Both are perfectly fine on Switch undocked but I don't see myself playing them handheld too much, so I'd rather get the one that looks/runs nicer on my TV. I have an okay PC but rarely play games on it. Must be a psychological thing but I rarely finish games on there. I think the last one I beat was the Tomb Raider reboot.

graphics + mods: PC
portability (gaming laptops are usually heavy): switch
absolutely nothing: PS4

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>portability (gaming laptops are usually heavy): switch
Any chink trash handheld that can run Windows has the portability covered, and it definitely can run better than the Switch.

>(gaming laptops are usually heavy)
The game has toaster reiquirements, any paper weight laptop can run it to max settings.

I'm probably going for PC, but, honestly... I kind of just want to replay the original not the new 3D one. I hate the western and japanese voice acting especially and the addition of dialogue and other shit that wasn't there before just slowing the whole thing down.

Since it has denuvo, ill be getting it on switch

PC version barely looks different.

This angle is the most unsexy thing ever.

>PC version

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I asked someone who was defending the ps4 version in this very thread what was the argument in favor of ps4 and he didn't answer. I suppose that in itself is an answer.

It's the the version to get if you don't have a PC capable of going max settings, it has been said in the thread already, what part of that you don't understand?

I already explained why I'm not getting PC. Why are mustards do insufferable?

Imagine thinking portability is a plus in a chinese virus world lmao

>if you don't have
I'm looking for the merits of the ps4 version. If you're limited then fuck merits, you get what you can because you simple don't have an option. This is not what I'm asking about though.

Is PC releasing physical?

>switch has portability!
Where the fuck would I ever bring a Switch to play in portable mode? Sitting on a bench in public?
The graphics, FPS, etc. is also balls portable or not.

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Nobody plays pc games on a handheld device.

Like this

Attached: 756F9968-0F8A-4347-8259-6E62E67213E6.jpg (1000x1333, 276.72K)

daaaammmn does videoaudiogames look like THAAATT??

in the usual spots:
in your bed at home
on the toilet at home
on your couch at home

>Nobody plays pc games on a handheld device.
People who buy chink gadgets do, /vr/ is full of them.

>in bed like a fat slob
>implying he doesn't have access to a nice sofa and big screen
>also plays with shitty joycons
Do you still live at how with your parents?

Big screens are overrated


I thought it was a meme until i tried it myself. Just find the most comfy place in the house and game away. Also, you can play on the toilet

>if you don't have a PC capable of going max settings
Which means having a Voodoo GPU.

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>bed & couch
see >toilet
Can't stop playing for the few minutes it takes to dump your ass?

Depends on the sort of game. Some games I'd prefer to play on a switch even if I'm still sitting right in front of my pc. See . Other games I just can't see myself ever going switch for. In general, I tend to prefer switch if it's turn based and/or it has some level of grind integrated into it.

Even as someone who enjoys playing the switch portably around the house, doing it on the toilet is cringe.

>graphics + mods: PC
It has denuvo.
No thanks.
Switch it is.

fat nintendies spend hours on the toilet

Yeah, im sure you never brought a phone with you while on the toilet. It the same shit

I truly have never done that.

>max settings
This shit doesn't even have graphics settings besides resolution.

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>fat nintendies
I don't get the toilet thing either but still I must ask, why do you console war shitpost? How did you end up this way?

Wth do you do then? Read the labels?

What do think of Refrain? I had a decent time with it even though it was kind of bland.

Ok then, I meant overweight people who play Nintendo Switch games.

I take a shit bro what the fuck. I never understood people bringing newspapers or books in before smart phones either. Just shit.

PC version is 4K 120FPS.

If you don't care about portability, PC.
Switch is pretty ugly in comparison and isn't as fluid. Even the PS4 struggles to maintain the frame-rate.


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Switch version sounds right for me then.

>If you don't care about portability, PC.
Steamlink exists.

I have some issues with it but in general I like it a lot. I feel like it does so much more than what I'm used to with dungeon crawlers. There's formations, carrying exp, build customization with rebirths, gore, party slot customization, coven bonuses for active characters, coven bonuses for inactive characters, field skills like destroying walls and stealth, it goes on. I'm not implying it was a pioneer in the concept of either of those, mind you, I'm just saying it does a LOT more than most other crawlers, and I can really appreciate that.

As for things that bother me, I feel like some classes are not really worth it though that might just have more to do with my own personal playstyle. Also, I tend to want to rebirth characters a lot because I want them to have this skill or that skill or that skill over there. That results in a lot of exp grind which is massively boring braindead labor.

To me playing in bed before going to sleep is a big plus.

>I don't get the toilet thing either but still I must ask, why do you console war shitpost? How did you end up this way?

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>put game in laptop and play in bed while game runs on my PC
It's such a good feature desu, you can even do it on your phone but it's obviously not ideal.


>he calls himself pc gamer but doesn't customize ini files
It's unreal 4, you can literally change any little setting you want via the ini

wouldn't the switch have worse loading

can I make it look better?