Games Yas Forums said were good, but were actually shitty.
Games Yas Forums said were good, but were actually shitty
I thought it was common knowledge that Deus Ex was the only one anyone actually liked.
>someone on Yas Forums said it was good so I bought it
Most people think pretty positively of HR outside of Yas Forums.
This but exclusively ironically (not unironically)
First one and Mankind Divided are the only good ones.
Huh, really? I thought it was the opposite where HR was nu-ex to the public.
No, it was critically acclaimed. People are even warming up to Mankind Divided now that the mtx bullshit is being forgotten. good thing too because it's pretty fun and definite improvement on HR gameplay wise
The only Deus Ex game that not many people like is Invisible War.
Did this unironically with Far Cry 2
Far cry 2 is literal garbage, the worst out of an already trash series
It was neither good nor shitty. It was enjoyable to stun gun bosses to death in the original version, though.
no, but your opinion is
There is literally not a single good thing about shit cry 2
Stop. Just stop. This is entry level contrarianism, the most emberassing and cringe kind.
Original and Human Revolution was nice. Mankind Divided and Invisible war can fuck off
What's wrong with Mankind Divided?
Actually it has one good thing and its weapon degradation. But mostly yeah its garbage
It's good
MD is actually better than HR
don't @me ever again you disgusting pleb shit
Both HR and MD are great.
Rdr, rdr2, max payne 3, gta 4, lust of ass, uncharted 1-4, witcher 3, bloodbourne, sekiro, soulshit.
Spec ops: the line, I remember anons making use of all kinds of COPE to justify its cop-out writing and very mediocre gameplay.
When the fuck has v ever claimed uncharted or Witcher is good
>respawn niggers as soon as you leave the specific spawn box
>quests on the otherside of the map
>janky fast travel
Kys crowbshit. The only good thing is the immersive aspect, everything else is literal shit that brainlet like you finds good.
Gameplay wise sure. Everything was an expansion of HR's mechanics and personally filled my stealth game itch. But still felt like a cut down experience especially towards the end. It felt more of a holding pattern then a complete story.
Man I'm so ready for the opinion to swing back to saying the game is great to be contrarian again. THE LINE BAD is getting really fucking stale and lame to hear twenty million times every day.
Unfunished plot,boring Adam and other characters,poor weapon variations unlike HR and Original.
Nope its worse
You mean that people like it to be edgy because of current contrarianism? Because I just think its writing is very cheap and gameplay wise it is an Army of Two: 40 days clone but worse.
Better in every way, cope storyfag
only dx1 has a kino plot, nu-deus ex are just fun urban exploration simulators with crisp graphics and art
Get gut you absolute low-t faggot. Your ilk belongs in the recent Doom cry-threads.
>janky fast travel
What the fuck does this even mean you poser fukcing twat. You just push a button on a map near a busstation.
>COOM cry threads
>What the fuck does this even
Tyпopылый гoвнoжyй, в игpy cыгpaй пpeждe чeм зaдaвaть тaкиe вoпpocы. Cpaл и ccaл тeбe в eблeт.
cocи мoй члeн, ты, мaлeнький члeн, бyлькaньe
At least the zoomers on here do. Thankfully those who were old enough realize what this and the other two entries remember the damage they did to this industry that is still being felt to this day.
This has to be some ironic morons doing it. I refuse to believe somebody unironically nostalgiafagging for halo
Unlike MD HR had interesting plot about how augmetations can control you and that blade runner thing. Do you still a human if you did install these fancy prostetics and augmentations? Also about how Iliminati exposed yourself
>boot up game
>bullet sponge enemies with terrible ai instantly swarm you
>kill them
>Drive 5 meters, more enemies spawn and shoot your car
>It breaks
>Get out of car, repair it after five minutes
>Drive 5 meters
>Repeat above
Did you even play the jank trash, fucking retard? If you're gonna be a contrarian at least pick a series with substance where you actually have any leg to stand on when defending your shit taste. Reddit tier contrarianism at best, just emberassing as fuck
Kids mostly
No, it's just stale as fuck and corny as fuck to hate on the game and has been for the past two years now. When the fuck is the pendulum gonna swing back again? Shits lame as hell hearing the same opinion twenty five times a day.
I think it's mostly that you retards don't know you're the majority opinion now and think you're doing something unique by saying the game isn't perfect
People have been hating on it since it was released, gee I fucking wonder if maybe there's a reason for it.
Flawless masterpiece, cope zoomies
Maybe user, just maybe, people have their own opinions and it is not always contrarian bs...
Anyway, my point about it still stands.
this entire post is embarassing
My first one was Duke Nukem 3D actually
>Not having Wolfenstein 3D as your first FPS
Go back
Yes, because it exposes how shitty and utter trash the gameplay loop of that jank is and makes you feel emberassment for yourself in realizing just exactly what you're trying to pretend is good.
Only 1 fucking boss.
>Actually it has one good thing and its weapon degradation
>shoot a few mags from AK and it explodes
>golden AK is more resistant
>shoot 20 darts from pneumatic dart rifle and it EXPLODES
This game is shit.
>Get gud
There is nothing to get gut about retard, it is braindead easy even on infamous, the AI is absolutely fucking retarded. There is nothing remotely good about this game, even the AI works normally only for 10% of the time, running on your grenades all the other times
There is that word again. Maybe you should stick to netflix.
My first was duke 3d
you will be super emberassed in two years when you grow out of Reddit tier contrarian phase and rememeber you actually tried to convince other people far cry 2 was good
Screenshot this if you like
Yas Forums wasn't wrong about Forsaken, DMC, or Thief
nah, I replayed that game enough times to know that you're a full retard
Unirocally loved it and MD as well (shame for the butchered story though).
But hey, to each his own.
I liked HR a lot although it was not as good as original by a long shot. It's still a good game
I just wish they sped the game up a bit. Also hacking was tedious. In fact many things were tedious.
you didn't even defend your own argument, sorry pal but he won that debate
>In fact many things were tedious.
Why do I have to watch a 5 second long cutscene whenever I do a stealth takedown. Shit sucks.
>every interaction is le debate stage where one person wins
Mankind Divided is pretty good, i just finished it a couple of day's ago i'm going to give it another play through.
lol sorry buddy but far cry 2 is shit and you'll never be able to prove otherwise
I bet you think Far Cry 3 was revolutionary right? 'did i tel u definitin on insanity' ooooooh vaas so deep man best gaem eva
Ubisoft formula sucks dick
Sorry but you have to actually play the game.
I used to cry when BJ's face got all bloody