Why do angry gamers hit their keyboards?
Cause they don't have wives!
Why do angry gamers hit their keyboards?
Cause they don't have wives!
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I can't hit my wife, I'll be charged with a transphobic hate crime. Pic related.
Thank you Arthur, very cool!
Do married gamers throw their keyboard at their wife? Or do they smack them with a keyboard?
Why do angry husbands hit their wives?
Because they're impotent from wageies and oy jobless Tyrone can please her
people suck off the the stairs dance, but this is the best scene to me, Arthur pushing through his condition to finish his set was great
>married gamers
Am I the only person that didn't like this movie?
Oh no no no! You cannot joke about that!
>Trying his best to hold back his laughs
>Still fail
Jesus that shit was painful to watch
Bad movie. Took old movies and dumbed them down so the superhero crowd would watch. Pure cultural decay. Old products made worse for bugmen.
Was supposed to be getting married in April but we had to postpone due to Corona
Anyone who has watched movies beyond the yearly capeshit didnt like this movie.
The moment you put on that ring you're no longer one of us
Your awful user
It's competently made and Phoenix carries it, but media outlets really tried hard to throw it under the bus which only resulted in making it more popular.
>Old products made worse for bugmen.
Joker never got released in China though.
it's every capetard's first 'mature' movie so they treat it like it's Taxi Driver
If you think china has the most subservient population boy do I have news for you
I was never one of you to begin with. Been coming to this site for over a decade but never fit in here it with anyone irl.
Go back to jerking off The Seventh Seal on Yas Forums or whatever it is you do to substitute a personality
Этими пaльцaми мoжнo пoтoм гвoзди зaбивaть. Кoгдa мeня пpocят чтo-тo зaбить, тo я зaбивaю oбычнo пaльцeм. Mнe дaжe дpeль нe нyжнa, я cвepлю тaк жe cвoими пaльцaми.
Why haven't we seen a new Banjo Kazooie game in a long time?
Because they are Rare games.
I'm just stating a fact
Not an argument
joker fans have to be the most sensitive fans I've seen.
Wrong board dumbass
cheeki breeki where's the vodka ivan?
Yas Forums only talks about art-films only once in a century when the planets and stars align just right
Taxi Driver is also every Yas Forumsirgin's first "mature" movie
A gamer walks into a bar.
Gamestop is down the street.
too bad you will split soon
why? i was skeptical about it, i thought it was going to be another superhero movie but it was neat
>Why da, I am a 2ch poster. What gave it away?
The seventh seal is great
>joker fans argument is that of a child
>literally just repeats things back to annoy people
usually a24 films are Yas Forums's first mature movie
I've been avoiding it for a long time, people kept recommending it to me, so I said fuck it I'll watch. It just didn't do anything for me
Taxi Driver isn’t a great movie.
They are.
Just because you're contrarian doesn't mean you have good taste fag
Same here, I didn't like the fact how most of it was about mental illness and shit, I get it its a origin story but I felt like I was watching some kind of tear jerk drama or something.
I know, good thing Rocky won the Oscar and not TD
I prefer Network when it comes to social commentary.
What are some similar kinos with an incel feel like Joker Yas Forums?
gifs that saved Yas Forums
I watch all movies alone on my PC so anything
call me when china fools a whole country in to a never ending war on false pretenses. Any authoritarian regime is jealous of america's media and culture as its so easy to disseminate and destroy people sense of truth or even cultural context.
Its hard to rule people with a gun to their head, but put a tv in next to their head and you can make them do anything. Hell even right now the US wants to suspend constitutional rights and no one cares.
Taxi Driver
Baby Driver
you mean incelcore?
Fuck You!
King of comedy
You make it sound like watching TV is such insurmountable complacency. The chinese population literally endured tens of millions of deaths under the maoist regime without so much as an open revolt.
People like you are so goddamn moronic and edgy that I’m embarrassed to even speak the same language as you.
>no one cares.
nobody really knows yet. only like, two sources have reported on it. if you don't think the average american wouldn't be up in arms about suspending the 14th amendment indefinitely, you're insane. but yes I agree with everything else Americans are extremely complacent and very easily blinded by the false pretense of patriotism. still not sure we're worse than China what with its social credit system that punishes you for speaking ill of the government or stepping out of line. at least here I'm allowed to shit on the government, for now.
also it's being presented to a dem-majority house. it'll never pass so anyone who knows anything probably doesn't give that much of a fuck beyond being bewildered at the absolute gall of these turkey-necked niggers to even dream of suspending habeas corpus
All true
Drive is a terrible fucking movie
okay not terrible but hardly even above average
>millions of deaths under the maoist regime
Mao was the revolt retard. And Mao lost, the people didn't like him. Capitalist reformers won china now,
You really need to read about the american media
Mao at least got to kill millions of parasitical landlords before he died.
fascinating, yet nobody fucking asked
>mao was the revolt
Not really. Most of the land that the communists controlled after the Japenese were defeated was handed to them by the Soviets. Also how is Mao simultaneously exemplary of Chinese non-complacency and also, according to you, broadly unpopular with the Chinese population?
You’re braindead. You literally learned everything you know about politics from Michael Moore movies.
The other day I joined a game and some dudes were bullying a woman, I shot one of them and was kicked for a team kill.
Now I am banned but at least it's worth it because the woman won't be bullied anymore since she's dead.
Hold on bro I am going to laugh
dangerously based
Who'd want be one of the fat diaper furry cucklovers anyway?