Tim trying to break Valve's monopoly and offer some competition is bad because...?

Tim trying to break Valve's monopoly and offer some competition is bad because...?

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Dont like Valve? Then just pirate
I use Steam exclusively for online games at this point

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Because most valve gamers are Russians and chinese and they both only allow one government funded company to rule each of its industries.

>imagine rooting for valve in 2k20
daily reminder tim killed sopurce with garage coding

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Buying up games for exclusive distribution is like trying to get a monopoly though. They aren't offering a better product to compete.

epic monopoly >>>>>>>>>>> harvard kike steam monopoly
I prefer that over some fatfuck who just eats

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I see china recovering from corona has seen the shills coming back

>Capitalism good
If there is one good service that has all the games then why change?
"The free market will fix it" is simply wrong. Sometimes it will. Sometimes it won't. Ascend to third position and you will see.

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competition is fine, competition at the expense of the customer is not. For all the $ savings being touted it comes at the cost of a fractured marketplace and broken promises.

Having Uplay, Rstar, steam, etc all installed is annoying enough but i wont support Epic and they way it's done business.

because they're incapable of coding a basket

>most popular among many is a monopoly
Y'all need to stop using that word. You literally do not know what it fucking means.

Oh is that what he's doing? Because it seems like he's trying to create a real monopoly for himself while fucking over consumers and developers alike while victimizing valve and only valve for reasons known only to him. That and solidify that 40% of all sales he monopolizes goes directly to the chinese government.

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What monopoly?

Because there's no monopoly, and he's bringing console war style bullshit to PC gaming with store exclusivity deals.

because that on its own is not enough of a reason for people to change.
>we arent steam!!! we are the underdog and you should support us out of principle!!

is a shit tier marketing angle.


Because it's lead to endless threads here about it.

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I don't speak yuropoor dollars

Because you're not really doing that. What you actually doing is trying to force people to use you with forced exclusivity bs and by bribing devs to take games off other stores, that also ruin what could have been potentially good games because once they get the bribe money they don't care about customers anymore. This also jack up their price so not only you're removing the choice, you also force prople to pay more. If that's not enough, you also sell our data to the chinks, and not just epic-related data but you actually illegally scan our file system to steal more data. There's plenty of competition to steam, non of them act like a little whiny faggot and ruin the market like you do.



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Literally just the Tencent thing. Supporting the CCP in any way is utterly retarded.

Reevaluate your employment, OP. What you are doing is harmful.

Lmao ling ling who opened this thread got btfo to outter space. I think this shilling went so badly winnie the pooh actually removed some of his social credit score. Enjoy getting your organs harvested, faggot op.

Same, bug EGS. steam is so fucking shit m8.

This guy exists still? I thought the store was already buried, haven't heard about a single exclusive in months.

Its bad because hes doing a bad job at it
Instead of improving the platform hes trying to get people to use it with exclusivity deals

pic is outdated because Humble sells EGS keys now

So it's bad when Tim does it but it's somehow lol awesome xd gaben pcmasterrace! when that fat neckbeard does it?

Does Epic even have any exclusives anymore?

Diabotical I guess? Meanwhile in the next months or so all the big new games are releasing outside of the EGS. But hey, at least the kiddies are home playing Fortnite.

Because his launcher is spyware for tencent and the Chinese Government.

I don't have a problem with multiple game stores. I don't have a problem with exclusives. I don't have a problem with competition.
I do have a problem with online privacy, and concerns about it being dismissed as racism.

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Is this cheeky wanker still paying for everyone's games?

Learn to read chink

It needs way more improvements to the store/client to be able to be considered in this day and age.

Well his chinese overlords told him to do so and he just obeyed.

It’s not.
PC gamers like to act like they are above console warriors, but at the same time fight over fucking launchers. You not wanting to use anything but steam and defending steam isn’t any different then someone liking Xbox and not using anything else.

>You not wanting to use anything but steam
But I also use gog, humble store and itch.
People oppose epic store because it wants to monopolize specific games, not because it's not steam.

What happens when the fortnite money runs out?

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Then what about the thousands of steam exclusives?
Or Origin exclusives?

Your picture is so ironic.

its like saying what will apple do when the iphone money runs out, they are already controlling the video game industry with unreal, you can replace every store but not every engine

Because neckbeards spent all their money on Steam sales for shovelware they’ll never play and their identity revolves around their account and their “master race” faggoty RGB PC. They’ve invested too much into it, they have to shill for it. Steam was always shit but only recently has seen their monopoly slip away.

>thousands of steam exclusives
choice of the dev/publisher, not through a deal
>Origin exclusives
self published games, nothing wrong with that

This, imagine if every fucking company had its own launcher.

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>Steam was always shit

I thought Unity had a monopoly on that? Or is it just for shovelware? Maybe real games do use Unreal.

Thats the reason why they have to buy exclusivity. Otherwise it's on steam because of their monopolistic position.

unity is a meme, the last real money maker with 9-10 million sold copies is a unreal game and also every fucking jap game is using it nowadays

Epic doesn't compete with Valve because of their exclusivity strategy. They can't compete.
That's like saying the greengrocers competes with the butchers shop.

>steam exclusives
That's up to the publishers themselves, but there's no contract binding them to steam only. They could bring their games elsewhere whenever they wanted.
>Origin exclusives
First party titles, again, it's up to the publishers themselves.

Both are completely different from nabbing games that already had a significant follower base, forcing people to install your launcher even when they were promised otherwise when they pre-purchased.

You know how Steam got off the ground, right?

>Otherwise it's on steam because of their monopolistic position.
yes, since they aren't offering a better product to compete.
an inferior product doesn't deserve to succeed solely because the superior product doesn't have proper competition

>its like saying what will apple do when the iphone money runs out
Completely different subject, Apple isn't buying their user loyalty with free games they've bought by the thousands and expensive exclusivity deals.

When the Fortnite money runs out, how are they going to pay for all these games they give away, how are they going to pay for all these expensive exclusivity deals?
Are they just going to stop?

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With first party exclusives that clearly indicated the requirement to install the application, yes. Nowhere near as bad as what epic has been doing, and steam was still widely hated on launch because of this.

I thought all the epic shills would've died from the Corona.

Tim doesn't know what monopoly means because...?

>Apple isn't buying their user loyalty with free games they've bought by the thousands and expensive exclusivity deals.
oh yes they are buying their user loyality with brainwashing them with expensive products, free games bad because it hurts kikes like gaben and valve drones just kys
>what will they do without fortnite
they are controlling the video game industrie, steam is replaceable, unreal is not replaceable, im sure you are like 12

This twat doesn't even work for valve, he was the writer on firewatch.

I already use gog too.

>they are controlling the video game industrie, unreal is not replaceable
so they have a monopoly? damn, i thought this was a bad thing

what monopoly?
dudes only burned through a tonne of fortnite cash that could have gone into game or launcher development or just paying his workers for their overtime on games that undersold

campo santo was bought by valve, 7 of them and erveryone of them got a shitton of valve stocks

Yep. Prepare for this tightly-controlled video game market, since Sweeney's got infinite money to buy exclusives.

Soon every game dev will be bowing to him, because he gets them sales. No pandering to toxic gamers, who are never happy.

If your way of providing competition is to incontinence the customer then its not really a very good plan my dude. You're supposed to offer a better service, not artificially lock games to your service and force people to go there.

Gaben isn't even scared of Epic. In fact, I don't think he even cares.

He literally cares more about Apple.

all the major ones have

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because fuck china

>oh yes they are buying their user loyality with brainwashing them with expensive products
That makes absolutely no sense, epicdrone.
>free games bad because
They're not "free", you even quoted that part of my post that say's they not, they've been paid for by Epic to bribe people into using their platform.
>it hurts kikes like gaben and valve drones just kys
There are plenty of developers who have given away steam keys for their game(s) for free.
>they are controlling the video game industrie
The lack of being able to spell "industry" makes you a clear tencent employee.

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>Tim trying to break Valve's monopoly and offer some competition is bad because...?
Knowing that the egs doesn't offer anything to me and not using it is not that same as "competition bad!"
You have to offer something of value and since i'm not 12 i have no interest in fortnite and thus their platform, paying off a dev to not let me buy their product somewhere else also doesn't benefit me at all.
Competition is good, that doesn't mean epic is good competition. Put some money into Ut4 and i might download the client but they won't because they don't give a shit about such things and instead just want that sweet middleman loot.