>nu-DOOM sucks
Nu-DOOM sucks
Sorry, wrong picture
>nu-DOOM sucks
Mutts representing
Cast him.
Pic related, the average ZOOM fan.
>Pic related, the average ZOOM fan.
Why is the dust orbiting him
Anyone got the link to the episode, preferably with english subs?
Because the guy smokes indoors.
His mom is afraid to mess with the cables to sweep the area. She probably accidentally knocked something out once and he blew up at her for it so now she doesn't touch anything.
Why can't you faggots just enjoy things and stop bitching about things you don't enjoy. Why do you waste all this time to complain about shit on an image board where no one really cares about your opinion.
Unironically get a life or a hobby, stop being such miserable fucking losers.
>Living with his parents
>Smokes indoors
What a chad
I want to fuck Holly.
The guy lives by himself in the documentary. Works one (1) day a week at a government sponsored workshop where they just have all the alcoholics, drug abusers and other losers cook or clean.
Who the fuck would eat their food?
>Just enjoy things lmao
They cook for themselves.
So they don't work, they just go to a place once a week to eat? What the fuck is this.
Not him but it's a system to bully hikkimori
For what purpose? These things cost more than the gibs, so just give em that and leave them alone.
Glorious Finland. The social interaction once a week is enough to bully most to employment.
They probably just don't want them to become shut ins and so compel them to leave the house every now and again.
>Bully basement dwellers by forcing them to interact with people
We actually force them to have jobs as well. If you decline an offer then they cut gibs but there are ways around it
>haven't played an FPS in ages
>decide to LEGALLY DOWNLOAD doom eternal
>weapon mods
>glory kills
>chainsaw is a button not a weapon swap
>double jumping
what the fuck is this shit, are these really what FPS games are like now?
If they want to suckle on government teet then they can jump through some hoops. Once a week doesn't sound so bad. When I was on unemployment I had to do five days of community work a week.
Sounds like slavery
>Hey, get to work or go homeless you fucking degenerate
go LEGALLY DOWNLOAD Dusk and forget Doom: Eternal happened.
That's called gravity.
I need more Gigachad edits
>being fat makes you wrong
Its a system to make unemployment charts look better by making the hikkys do useless shit that costs more than their work is worth.
Literally how every western country works
>Its a system to make unemployment charts look better
How does it make it better?
The point of making welfare leeches do pointless shit to get their welfare is not to falsify unemployment figures. Because it doesn't. The point is to make working the "lesser of two evils" for lazy people.
no, but being Finnish does
Because him """"""""""""working"""""""""""" for 1 day counts as being """""""""""employed"""""""""""
Why are you posting pictures of yourself you disgusting fatfuck?
Glorious nordic welfare state
This is literally how I see Doomfags tho
I've met people on welfare before. A lot of the time they're down on their luck, made a lot of stupid mistakes, or are just trying to get off of welfare since they have dreams.
I have never met a welfare leech that isn't deserving of complete contempt.
I know four dudes who all live with their parents. They don't help in cooking, cleaning, or doing literally anything. They funnel their welfare into shitty kisch items, and eat like 5000 calories a day. The fuckers are literally a white elephant for their parents and have been for years. No ambition, no friends, and absolutely no humanity to them.
I know Yas Forums is about being ironic unironically, but I literally have no respect for these people that contribute nothing to anyone.
What a nice logic
>I have depression
This is unironically the best post in this thread, but the replies on this are complete SHIT.
whatever helps you cope better, squirt
well no shit bud. but this isn't a REAL doom eternal thread. its a designated shitting thread made by jannies
>don't ask question just consumes product then gets excited for next product.
did doom eternal crack already?
I enjoyed DOOM 2016, and DOOM Eternal definitely improves on it in some ways, but regresses in others. Overall I think it's solid, but not that great.
>still alive
lol 9mm
>I know four dudes who all live with their parents. They don't help in cooking, cleaning, or doing literally anything.
This is me. I don't know what to do honestly. Whenever I ask them if I can do something for them they just say no and when I offered to pool my income (not welfare, I have an actual job) with them they just said no as well. And then they complain I don't do anything, so I don't know what to do.
And no, I'm not moving out. I'd literally rather die than live on my own.
they have to shit on games or else they'll lose the ounce of personality they had in the first place
A former close friend of mine is like this. Sits on his ass playing Warframe 24/7, mom comes in every few weeks to clean and do the dishes etc. It's incredible how fucked up life can get
He could be a 100% convincing tranny if he shaved. That is the face of a woman